test_data <- subset( market_share, scenario_source == "demo_2020" & sector == "power" & region == "global" & metric %in% c("projected", "corporate_economy", "target_sds") ) # Test that it returns a data frame test_that("prep_techmix returns a data frame", { result <- prep_techmix(test_data) expect_true(is.data.frame(result)) }) test_that("with zero-row data errors gracefully", { zero_row <- market_share[0L, ] expect_snapshot_error( prep_techmix(zero_row) ) }) test_that("without `market_share` data errors gracefully", { bad_kind <- filter(sda, sector == first(sector)) expect_snapshot_error(prep_techmix(bad_kind)) }) test_that("with more than one scenario errors gracefully", { prep <- example_market_share() expect_snapshot_error(prep_techmix(prep)) }) test_that("with too many sectors errors gracefully", { bad_sector <- head(market_share, 2L) bad_sector$sector <- c("a", "b") expect_snapshot_error(prep_techmix(bad_sector)) }) test_that("with too many regions errors gracefully", { bad_region <- head(market_share, 2L) bad_region$region <- c("a", "b") expect_snapshot_error(prep_techmix(bad_region)) }) test_that("with too many scenario_source errors gracefully", { bad_scenario_source <- head(market_share, 2L) bad_scenario_source$scenario_source <- c("a", "b") expect_snapshot_error(prep_techmix(bad_scenario_source)) }) test_that("with too few scenarios errors gracefully", { too_few <- head(market_share, 2L) too_few$metric <- c(main_line(), "corporate_economy") expect_snapshot_error(prep_techmix(too_few)) }) # Test for correct processing of span_5yr test_that("prep_techmix handles span_5yr correctly", { result <- prep_techmix(test_data, span_5yr = TRUE) expect_true(all(result$year <= min(test_data$year) + 5)) }) # Test handling of convert_label and convert_tech_label test_that("prep_techmix handles convert_label and convert_tech_label correctly", { mock_convert_label <- function(x) paste0("Converted_", x) mock_convert_tech_label <- function(x) tolower(x) test_data <- mutate(test_data, label = metric) test_data <- mutate(test_data, label_tech = technology) result <- prep_techmix(test_data, convert_label = mock_convert_label, convert_tech_label = mock_convert_tech_label) expect_true(all(grepl("Converted_", result$label))) expect_equal(setdiff(unique(result$label_tech), unique(test_data$label_tech)), character(0)) }) # Test for correct filtering of years test_that("prep_techmix filters years correctly", { # Assuming function filters for start and future years start_year <- min(test_data$year) future_year <- max(test_data$year) result <- prep_techmix(test_data) expect_true(all(result$year %in% c(start_year, future_year))) }) test_that("is sensitive to `span_5yr`", { data <- market_share %>% filter( scenario_source == "demo_2020", sector == "power", region == "global", metric %in% c("projected", "corporate_economy", "target_sds") ) abort_if_year_range_is_5yr_already(data) p_f <- prep_techmix(data, span_5yr = FALSE) expect_false(abs(max(p_f$year) - min(p_f$year)) == 5) p_t <- prep_techmix(data, span_5yr = TRUE) expect_true(abs(max(p_t$year) - min(p_t$year)) == 5) }) test_that("is sensitive to `convert_tech_label`", { data <- market_share %>% filter( year %in% c(2020, 2025), scenario_source == "demo_2020", sector == "power", region == "global", metric %in% c("projected", "corporate_economy", "target_sds") ) labels_def <- data %>% prep_techmix() %>% pull("label_tech") labels_mod <- data %>% prep_techmix(convert_tech_label = toupper) %>% pull("label_tech") expect_false(identical(labels_def, labels_mod)) }) test_that("is sensitive to `convert_label`", { data <- market_share %>% filter( year %in% c(2020, 2025), scenario_source == "demo_2020", sector == "power", region == "global", metric %in% c("projected", "corporate_economy", "target_sds") ) labels_def <- prep_techmix(data) %>% pull("label") labels_mod <- prep_techmix(data, convert_label = toupper) %>% pull("label") expect_false(identical(labels_def, labels_mod)) }) test_that("with input data before start year of 'projected' prep_techmix outputs data with start year of 'projected'", { data <- filter( market_share, sector == "power", region == "global", year <= 2025, metric %in% c("projected", "corporate_economy", "target_sds") ) start_year <- min(filter(data, metric == "projected")$year, na.rm = TRUE) early_row <- tibble( sector = "power", technology = "renewablescap", year = start_year - 1, region = "global", scenario_source = "demo_2020", metric = "corporate_economy", production = 1, technology_share = 0.1 ) data <- data %>% bind_rows(early_row) expect_equal(min(prep_techmix(data)$year, na.rm = TRUE), start_year) }) test_that("input with no `projected` value errors gracefully", { bad_data <- filter( test_data, metric != "projected" ) expect_error(prep_techmix(bad_data), class = "no_projected") }) test_that("columns in output match what is documented in `data_dictionary`", { out <- prep_techmix(test_data) data_dict <- dplyr::filter(data_dictionary, dataset == "prep_techmix_output") expect_setequal(names(out), data_dict[["column"]]) expect_mapequal(sapply(out, typeof), setNames(data_dict[["typeof"]], data_dict[["column"]])) })