library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE) library( test_that("w/ non-NA only at intermediate level yields matches at intermediate level only", { skip_if_r2dii_data_outdated() lbk <- tibble::tibble( id_intermediate_parent_999 = "IP8", name_intermediate_parent_999 = "Nanco Hosiery Mills", id_ultimate_parent = NA_character_, name_ultimate_parent = NA_character_, id_direct_loantaker = NA_character_, name_direct_loantaker = NA_character_, sector_classification_system = "NACE", sector_classification_direct_loantaker = "D35.11", ) abcd <- tibble( name_company = c("nanco hosiery mills", "standard solar inc"), sector = c("power", "power") ) out <- match_name(lbk, abcd) expect_equal(out$level, "intermediate_parent_999") }) test_that("w/ missing values at all levels outputs 0-row", { skip_if_r2dii_data_outdated() lbk <- tibble( id_direct_loantaker = NA_character_, name_direct_loantaker = NA_character_, id_ultimate_parent = NA_character_, name_ultimate_parent = NA_character_, sector_classification_system = "NACE", sector_classification_direct_loantaker = "C29.10", ) abcd <- tibble( name_company = "any", sector = "power" ) expect_warning(out <- match_name(lbk, abcd), "no match") expect_equal(nrow(out), 0L) }) test_that("w/ 1 lbk row matching 1 abcd company in 2 sectors outputs 2 rows", { skip_if_r2dii_data_outdated() sector_abcd <- c("automotive", "shipping") lbk <- tibble( id_direct_loantaker = "C196", name_direct_loantaker = "Suzuki Motor Corp", sector_classification_system = "NACE", sector_classification_direct_loantaker = "C29.10", id_ultimate_parent = NA_character_, name_ultimate_parent = NA_character_, ) abcd <- tibble( name_company = "suzuki motor corp", sector = sector_abcd ) out <- match_name(lbk, abcd, by_sector = FALSE) expect_equal(nrow(out), 2L) out$sector expect_equal(out$sector_abcd, sector_abcd) }) test_that("`by_sector = TRUE` yields only matching sectors", { skip_if_r2dii_data_outdated() out <- match_name( fake_lbk(), fake_abcd(), by_sector = TRUE ) %>% filter(sector != sector_abcd) expect_equal(nrow(out), 0L) }) test_that("w/ mismatching sector_classification and `by_sector = TRUE` yields no match", { skip_if_r2dii_data_outdated() # Lookup code to sectors via$code code_for_sector_power <- "D35.1" sector_not_power <- "coal" expect_warning( out <- match_name( fake_lbk(sector_classification_direct_loantaker = code_for_sector_power), fake_abcd(sector = sector_not_power), by_sector = TRUE ), "no match" ) expect_equal(nrow(out), 0L) }) test_that("w/ row 1 of loanbook and crucial cols yields expected", { skip_if_r2dii_data_outdated() expected <- tibble( sector_classification_system = "NACE", id_ultimate_parent = "UP15", name_ultimate_parent = "Alpine Knits India Pvt. Limited", id_direct_loantaker = "C294", name_direct_loantaker = "Yuamen Xinneng Thermal Power Co Ltd", sector_classification_direct_loantaker = "D35.11", id_2dii = "UP1", level = "ultimate_parent", sector = "power", sector_abcd = "power", name = "Alpine Knits India Pvt. Limited", name_abcd = "alpine knits india pvt. limited", score = 1, source = "loanbook", borderline = TRUE ) if (packageVersion("") > "0.1.4") expected$borderline <- FALSE expect_equal( match_name(fake_lbk(), fake_abcd()), expected ) }) test_that("w/ 1 row of full loanbook_demo yields expected names", { skip_if_r2dii_data_outdated() out <- suppressWarnings(match_name(slice(loanbook_demo, 1L), fake_abcd())) expect_equal(names(out), expect_names_match_name) }) test_that("takes unprepared loanbook and abcd datasets", { expect_no_error(match_name(slice(loanbook_demo, 1), abcd_demo)) }) test_that("w/ loanbook that matches nothing, yields expected", { skip_if_r2dii_data_outdated() # Matches zero row ... lbk2 <- slice(loanbook_demo, 2) lbk2 <- mutate( lbk2, name_direct_loantaker = "Foo", name_ultimate_parent = "Bar" ) expect_warning( out <- match_name(lbk2, slice(abcd_demo, 1:10)), "no match" ) expect_equal(nrow(out), 0L) # ... but preserves minimum expected names expect_equal( names(out), expect_names_match_name ) expect_false(any(c("alias", "alias_abcd") %in% names(out))) }) test_that("w/ 2 lbk rows matching 2 abcd rows, yields expected names", { skip_if_r2dii_data_outdated() # Slice 5 once was problematic (#85) lbk45 <- slice(loanbook_demo, 4:5) expect_named( match_name(lbk45, abcd_demo), expect_names_match_name ) }) test_that("w/ 1 lbk row matching ultimate, yields expected names", { skip_if_r2dii_data_outdated() lbk1 <- slice(loanbook_demo, 1) expect_named( match_name(lbk1, abcd_demo), expect_names_match_name ) }) test_that("takes `min_score`", { expect_no_error( match_name(slice(loanbook_demo, 1), abcd_demo, min_score = 0.5) ) }) test_that("takes `method`", { skip_if_r2dii_data_outdated() lbk_method <- fake_lbk(name_direct_loantaker = "Fontana SP") expect_false( identical( match_name(lbk_method, abcd_demo, method = "jw"), match_name(lbk_method, abcd_demo, method = "osa") ) ) }) test_that("takes `p`", { skip_if_r2dii_data_outdated() lbk_p <- fake_lbk(name_direct_loantaker = "Fontana SP") expect_false( identical( match_name(lbk_p, abcd_demo, p = 0.1), match_name(lbk_p, abcd_demo, p = 0.2) ) ) }) test_that("takes `overwrite`", { lbk <- slice(loanbook_demo, 4:25) overwrite_demo <- tibble( level = "ultimate_parent", id_2dii = "UP1", name = "Overwritten name", sector = "coal", source = "manual" ) expect_false( identical( match_name(lbk, abcd_demo, overwrite = NULL), suppressWarnings(match_name(lbk, abcd_demo, overwrite = overwrite_demo)) ) ) }) test_that("warns overwrite", { lbk <- slice(loanbook_demo, 4:25) overwrite_demo <- tibble( level = "ultimate_parent", id_2dii = "UP1", name = "Ovewritten name", sector = "coal", source = "manual" ) expect_warning( match_name(lbk, abcd_demo, overwrite = overwrite_demo), class = "overwrite_warning" ) }) test_that("recovers `sector_lbk`", { expect_true( rlang::has_name( match_name(slice(loanbook_demo, 1), abcd_demo), "sector" ) ) }) test_that("recovers `sector_abcd`", { expect_true( rlang::has_name(match_name(loanbook_demo, abcd_demo), "sector_abcd") ) }) test_that("outputs name from loanbook, not name.y (bug fix)", { out <- match_name(slice(loanbook_demo, 1), abcd_demo) expect_false(has_name(out, "name.y")) }) test_that("works with `min_score = 0` (bug fix)", { expect_no_error(match_name(slice(loanbook_demo, 1), abcd_demo, min_score = 0)) }) test_that("outputs only perfect matches if any (#40 @2diiKlaus)", { this_name <- "Ladeck" this_alias <- to_alias(this_name) this_lbk <- loanbook_demo %>% filter(name_direct_loantaker == this_name) scores <- this_lbk %>% match_name(abcd_demo) %>% mutate(alias = to_alias(name)) %>% filter(alias == this_alias) %>% pull(score) expect_true( any(scores == 1) ) expect_true( all(scores == 1) ) }) test_that("match_name()$level lacks prefix 'name_' suffix '_lbk'", { out <- match_name(slice(loanbook_demo, 1), abcd_demo) expect_false( any(startsWith(unique(out$level), "name_")) ) expect_false( any(endsWith(unique(out$level), "_lbk")) ) }) test_that("preserves groups", { grouped_loanbook <- slice(loanbook_demo, 1) %>% group_by(id_loan) expect_true(is_grouped_df(match_name(grouped_loanbook, abcd_demo))) }) test_that("outputs id consistent with level", { out <- slice(loanbook_demo, 6) %>% match_name(abcd_demo) expect_equal(out$level, c("direct_loantaker", "ultimate_parent")) expect_equal(out$id_2dii, c("DL1", "UP1")) }) test_that("no longer yiels all NAs in lbk columns (#85 @jdhoffa)", { out <- match_name(loanbook_demo, abcd_demo) out_lbk_cols <- out %>% select( setdiff( names(.), names_added_by_match_name() ) ) all_lbk_col_have_na_only <- out_lbk_cols %>% purrr::map_lgl(~ all( %>% all() expect_false(all_lbk_col_have_na_only) }) test_that("handles any number of intermediate_parent columns (#84)", { skip_if_r2dii_data_outdated() # name_level is identical for all levels. I expect them all in the output name_level <- "Alpine Knits India Pvt. Limited" lbk_mini <- tibble::tibble( name_intermediate_parent_1 = name_level, name_intermediate_parent_2 = name_level, name_intermediate_parent_n = name_level, name_direct_loantaker = name_level, name_ultimate_parent = name_level, id_intermediate_parent_1 = "IP1", id_intermediate_parent_2 = "IP2", id_intermediate_parent_n = "IPn", id_direct_loantaker = "DL1", id_ultimate_parent = "UP1", sector_classification_system = "NACE", sector_classification_direct_loantaker = "D35.11" ) out <- match_name(lbk_mini, fake_abcd()) output_levels <- unique(out$level) expect_length(output_levels, 5L) has_intermediate_parent <- any(grepl("intermediate_parent_1", output_levels)) expect_true(has_intermediate_parent) }) test_that("warns/errors if some/all system classification is unknown", { skip_if_r2dii_data_outdated() some_bad_system <- fake_lbk(sector_classification_system = c("NACE", "bad")) expect_warning( class = "some_sec_classif_unknown", match_name(some_bad_system, fake_abcd()) ) all_bad_system <- fake_lbk(sector_classification_system = c("bad", "bad")) expect_error( class = "all_sec_classif_unknown", match_name(all_bad_system, fake_abcd()) ) bad <- -999 some_bad_code <- fake_lbk(sector_classification_direct_loantaker = c("D35.1", bad)) suppressWarnings( # In this expectation, we only care about this specific warning expect_warning( class = "some_sec_classif_unknown", match_name(some_bad_code, fake_abcd()) ) ) all_bad_code <- fake_lbk(sector_classification_direct_loantaker = c(bad, bad)) expect_error( class = "all_sec_classif_unknown", match_name(all_bad_code, fake_abcd()), ) }) # crucial names ----------------------------------------------------------- test_that("w/ loanbook or abcd with missing names errors gracefully", { skip_if_r2dii_data_outdated() invalid <- function(data, x) dplyr::rename(data, bad = all_of_(x)) expect_error_missing_names <- function(lbk = NULL, abcd = NULL) { expect_error( class = "missing_names", match_name(lbk %||% fake_lbk(), abcd %||% fake_abcd()) ) } expect_error_missing_names(abcd = invalid(fake_abcd(), "sector")) expect_error_missing_names(invalid(fake_lbk(), "name_ultimate_parent")) expect_error_missing_names(invalid(fake_lbk(), "id_ultimate_parent")) expect_error_missing_names(invalid(fake_lbk(), "id_direct_loantaker")) expect_error_missing_names(invalid(fake_lbk(), "name_direct_loantaker")) expect_error_missing_names( invalid(fake_lbk(), "sector_classification_system") ) expect_error_missing_names( invalid(fake_lbk(), "sector_classification_direct_loantaker") ) expect_error_missing_names( match_name( # missing name_intermediate_parent (doesn't come with fake_lbk()) fake_lbk(id_intermediate_parent = id_direct_loantaker), fake_abcd() ) ) }) test_that("w/ lbk with name_intermediate_* but missing id_intermediate_*", { expect_error( match_name( class = "has_name_but_not_id", # missing id_intermediate_parent (doesn't come with fake_lbk()) fake_lbk(name_intermediate_parent = name_direct_loantaker), fake_abcd() ) ) }) test_that("w/ overwrite with missing names errors gracefully", { expect_error( class = "missing_names", match_name( fake_lbk(), overwrite = tibble(bad = 1), fake_abcd() ) ) }) test_that("with bad input errors gracefully", { bad_loanbook <- loanbook_demo %>% mutate(name_direct_loantaker = as.numeric(12)) expect_no_error(match_name(bad_loanbook, abcd_demo)) }) test_that("with name_intermediate but not id_intermediate throws an error", { expect_error( class = "has_name_but_not_id", match_name(fake_lbk(name_intermediate_parent = "a"), fake_abcd()) ) }) test_that("0-row output has expected column type", { lbk2 <- slice(loanbook_demo, 2) lbk2 <- mutate( lbk2, name_direct_loantaker = "Foo", name_ultimate_parent = "Bar" ) out <- suppressWarnings(match_name(lbk2, abcd_demo)) lbk_types <- purrr::map_chr(lbk2, typeof) out_types <- purrr::map_chr(out, typeof) same <- intersect(names(out_types), names(lbk_types)) expect_identical(lbk_types[same], out_types[same]) }) test_that("w/ mismatching sector_classification and `by_sector = FALSE` yields a match", { # Lookup code to sectors via$code skip_if_r2dii_data_outdated() code_for_sector_power <- "D35.1" sector_not_power <- "coal" out <- match_name( fake_lbk(sector_classification_direct_loantaker = code_for_sector_power), fake_abcd(sector = sector_not_power), by_sector = FALSE ) expect_equal(nrow(out), 1L) }) test_that("takes `by_sector`", { skip_if_r2dii_data_outdated() expect_false( identical( match_name(slice(loanbook_demo, 4:15), abcd_demo, by_sector = TRUE), match_name(slice(loanbook_demo, 4:15), abcd_demo, by_sector = FALSE) ) ) }) test_that("w/ duplicates in abcd throws now error; instead remove duplicates", { skip_if_r2dii_data_outdated() dupl <- rbind(fake_abcd(), fake_abcd()) expect_error(out <- match_name(fake_lbk(), dupl), NA) expect_equal(nrow(out), 1L) }) test_that("throws an error if the `loanbook` has reserved columns", { alias <- mutate(fake_lbk(), alias = "bla") expect_error( class = "reserved_column", match_name(alias, fake_abcd()), regexp = "alias" ) sector <- mutate(fake_lbk(), sector = "auto") expect_error( class = "reserved_column", match_name(sector, fake_abcd()), regexp = "sector" ) rowid <- mutate(fake_lbk(), rowid = 1L) expect_error( class = "reserved_column", match_name(rowid, fake_abcd()), regexp = "rowid" ) rowid_sector <- mutate(fake_lbk(), rowid = 1L, sector = "auto") expect_error( class = "reserved_column", match_name(rowid_sector, fake_abcd()), regexp = "rowid.*sector" ) sector_rowid <- mutate(fake_lbk(), sector = "auto", rowid = 1L) expect_error( class = "reserved_column", match_name(sector_rowid, fake_abcd()), regexp = "rowid.*sector" ) }) test_that("outputs correct `borderline` (#269)", { skip_if_r2dii_data_outdated() # This sector-code matches the 2DII sector "coal" fully. border_false <- "B05" coal_2dii <- "coal" # This sector-code matches the 2DII sector "power" as "borderline". border_true <- "D35.1" power_2dii <- "power" # Confirm with: # filter(sector_classifications, code %in% c(border_false, border_true)) a_code_system <- "NACE" some_ids <- c(1, 2) some_companies <- c("a", "b") lbk <- fake_lbk( id_loan = some_ids, sector_classification_system = a_code_system, id_direct_loantaker = some_ids, name_direct_loantaker = some_companies, sector_classification_direct_loantaker = c(border_false, border_true) ) abcd <- fake_abcd( name_company = some_companies, sector = c(coal_2dii, power_2dii) ) out <- match_name(lbk, abcd) expect_equal(out$borderline, c(FALSE, TRUE)) }) test_that("matches any case of abcd$sector, but converts sector to lowercase", { skip_if_r2dii_data_outdated() low <- match_name(fake_lbk(), fake_abcd(sector = "power")) expect_equal(low$sector, "power") upp <- match_name(fake_lbk(), fake_abcd(sector = "POWER")) # The original uppercase is converted to lowercase expect_equal(upp$sector, "power") # The output is identical expect_identical(low, upp) }) test_that("matches any case of abcd$name_company, but preserves original case", { skip_if_r2dii_data_outdated() low <- match_name(fake_lbk(), fake_abcd(name_company = "alpine knits")) expect_equal(nrow(low), 1L) expect_equal(low$name_abcd, "alpine knits") upp <- match_name(fake_lbk(), fake_abcd(name_company = "ALPINE KNITS")) expect_equal(nrow(upp), 1L) # The original uppercase is preserved expect_equal(upp$name_abcd, "ALPINE KNITS") }) test_that("with arguments passed via ellipsis, throws no error (#310)", { skip_if_r2dii_data_outdated() # `q` isn't a formal argument of `match_name()` expect_false(any(grepl("^q$", names(formals(match_name))))) # `q` should pass `...` with no error expect_no_error(match_name(fake_lbk(), fake_abcd(), method = "qgram", q = 1)) }) test_that("with arguments passed via ellipsis, outputs the expected score", { skip_if_r2dii_data_outdated() lbk <- fake_lbk(name_direct_loantaker = "Yuamen Changyuan Hydropower Co., Ltd.") abcd <- fake_abcd(name_company = "yiyang baoyuan power generation co., ltd.") this_q <- 0.5 expected1 <- stringdist::stringsim( to_alias(lbk$name_direct_loantaker), to_alias(abcd$name_company), method = "qgram", q = this_q ) out1 <- match_name(lbk, abcd, method = "qgram", q = this_q) expect_equal(unique(out1$score), expected1) this_q <- 1 expected2 <- stringdist::stringsim( to_alias(lbk$name_direct_loantaker), to_alias(abcd$name_company), method = "qgram", q = this_q ) # Ensure this test does not just duplicate the previous one expect_false(identical(expected1, expected2)) out2 <- match_name(lbk, abcd, method = "qgram", q = this_q) expect_equal(unique(out2$score), expected2) }) test_that("with relevant options allows loanbook with reserved columns", { restore <- options(r2dii.match.allow_reserved_columns = TRUE) on.exit(options(restore), add = TRUE) lbk <- mutate(fake_lbk(), sector = "a", borderline = FALSE) expect_no_error( # Don't warn if found no match suppressWarnings(match_name(lbk, fake_abcd())) ) }) test_that("w/ loanbook w/ reserved cols, outputs sector not i.sector (#330)", { restore <- options(r2dii.match.allow_reserved_columns = TRUE) on.exit(options(restore), add = TRUE) reserved <- mutate(fake_lbk(), sector = "power", borderline = FALSE) out <- match_name(reserved, fake_abcd()) expect_true(utils::hasName(out, "sector")) expect_false(utils::hasName(out, "i.sector")) }) test_that("w/ loanbook lacking sector or borderline, errors gracefully (#330)", { restore <- options(r2dii.match.allow_reserved_columns = TRUE) on.exit(options(restore), add = TRUE) lacks_borderline <- mutate(fake_lbk(), sector = "power") expect_error( match_name(lacks_borderline, fake_abcd()), "Must have both `sector` and `borderline`" ) lacks_sector <- mutate(fake_lbk(), borderline = TRUE) expect_error( match_name(lacks_sector, fake_abcd()), "Must have both `sector` and `borderline`" ) }) test_that("errors if any id_loan is duplicated (#349)", { duplicated <-, times = 2) lbk <- fake_lbk(id_loan = duplicated) abcd <- fake_abcd() expect_error(class = "duplicated_id_loan", match_name(lbk, abcd)) }) test_that("allows custom `sector_classification`", { loanbook <- fake_lbk( sector_classification_system = "XYZ", sector_classification_direct_loantaker = "D35.11" ) abcd <- fake_abcd() custom_classification <- tibble::tribble( ~sector, ~borderline, ~code, ~code_system, "power", FALSE, "D35.11", "XYZ", ) out <- match_name(loanbook, abcd, sector_classification = custom_classification) expect_equal(nrow(out), 1L) }) test_that("with `join_id`, joins as expected (#135)", { skip_if_r2dii_data_outdated() loanbook <- fake_lbk( name_direct_loantaker = "DL won't fuzzy match", name_ultimate_parent = "UP won't fuzzy match", id_col = "LEI123" ) abcd <- fake_abcd( id_col = "LEI123" ) # expect no match here, the company names are completely different expect_warning(match_name(loanbook, abcd, join_id = NULL), "no match") # expect exactly one match here, based on input ID out_with_join_id <- match_name(loanbook, abcd, join_id = "id_col") expect_equal(nrow(out_with_join_id), 1L) expect_contains(names(out_with_join_id), "id_col") expect_equal(unique(out_with_join_id$id_col), "LEI123") }) test_that("with `join_id` accepts named character vector input indicating different cols (#135)", { skip_if_r2dii_data_outdated() loanbook <- fake_lbk( name_direct_loantaker = "DL won't fuzzy match", name_ultimate_parent = "UP won't fuzzy match", lei_direct_loantaker = "LEI123" ) abcd <- fake_abcd( lei = "LEI123" ) out_with_join_id <- match_name( loanbook, abcd, join_id = c(lei_direct_loantaker = "lei") ) expect_equal(nrow(out_with_join_id), 1L) expect_contains(names(out_with_join_id), "lei_direct_loantaker") expect_equal(unique(out_with_join_id$lei_direct_loantaker), "LEI123") }) test_that("with `join_id`, outputs data with loanbook join column (#135)", { skip_if_r2dii_data_outdated() # with `join_id` as character out <- match_name( fake_lbk(foo = "1"), fake_abcd(foo = "1"), join_id = "foo" ) expect_contains(names(out), "foo") # with `join_id` as a named vector out <- match_name( fake_lbk(foo_lbk = "1"), fake_abcd(foo_abcd = "1"), join_id = c(foo_lbk = "foo_abcd") ) expect_contains(names(out), "foo_lbk") }) test_that("with `join_id` and multiple matches, prefers ID (#135)", { skip_if_r2dii_data_outdated() # loanbook might match at UP loanbook <- fake_lbk( name_direct_loantaker = "DL won't fuzzy match", name_ultimate_parent = "UP will fuzzy match", lei_direct_loantaker = "LEI123" ) abcd <- fake_abcd( lei = "LEI123", name_company = "UP will fuzzy match" ) # with `join_id` as named vector out <- match_name( loanbook, abcd, join_id = c(lei_direct_loantaker = "lei") ) expect_equal(unique(out$lei_direct_loantaker), "LEI123") }) test_that("with `join_id` and one ID match, one fuzzy match, outputs as expected (#135)", { skip_if_r2dii_data_outdated() loanbook <- fake_lbk( id_loan = c("L1", "L2"), # L1 should ID match, L2 should fuzzy match name_direct_loantaker = "DL won't fuzzy match", name_ultimate_parent = c("UP won't fuzzy match", "UP will fuzzy match"), lei_direct_loantaker = c("LEI123", NA_character_) ) abcd <- fake_abcd( name_company = c("a power company", "UP will fuzzy match"), lei = c("LEI123", NA_character_) ) out <- match_name( loanbook, abcd, join_id = c(lei_direct_loantaker = "lei") ) out <- split(out, out$id_loan) expect_equal(out$L1$lei_direct_loantaker, "LEI123") expect_equal(out$L2$name_abcd, "UP will fuzzy match") }) test_that("columns in output match what is documented in `data_dictionary`", { skip_if_r2dii_data_outdated() loanbook <- fake_lbk( id_loan = c("L1", "L2"), # L1 should ID match, L2 should fuzzy match name_direct_loantaker = "DL won't fuzzy match", name_ultimate_parent = c("UP won't fuzzy match", "UP will fuzzy match"), lei_direct_loantaker = c("LEI123", NA_character_) ) abcd <- fake_abcd( name_company = c("a power company", "UP will fuzzy match"), lei = c("LEI123", NA_character_) ) out <- match_name( loanbook = loanbook, abcd = abcd, join_id = c(lei_direct_loantaker = "lei") ) data_dict <- dplyr::filter(r2dii.match::data_dictionary, dataset == "match_name_output") expect_setequal(names(out), data_dict[["column"]]) expect_mapequal(sapply(out, typeof), setNames(data_dict[["typeof"]], data_dict[["column"]])) })