library(dplyr) library( test_that("with fake data outputs known value", { out <- target_sda( fake_matched( sector_abcd = "cement" ), abcd = fake_abcd( sector = "cement", technology = "cement", year = c(2020, 2021, 2022), emission_factor = c(1, 2, 3) ), co2_intensity_scenario = fake_co2_scenario( year = c(2020, 2050), emission_factor = c(0.6, 0.2) ), region_isos = region_isos_stable ) expect_snapshot(out) out_company <- target_sda( fake_matched( sector_abcd = "cement" ), abcd = fake_abcd( sector = "cement", technology = "cement", year = c(2020, 2021, 2022), emission_factor = c(1, 2, 3) ), co2_intensity_scenario = fake_co2_scenario( year = c(2020, 2050), emission_factor = c(0.6, 0.2) ), by_company = TRUE, region_isos = region_isos_stable ) expect_snapshot(out_company) }) test_that("outputs is ungrouped", { out <- target_sda( fake_matched( sector_abcd = "cement" ), fake_abcd( sector = "cement", year = c(2020, 2050) ), co2_intensity_scenario = fake_co2_scenario( emission_factor = c(1, 2), year = c(2020, 2050) ), region_isos = region_isos_stable ) expect_false(dplyr::is_grouped_df(out)) }) test_that("warns when input data is grouped", { grouped_data <- group_by(fake_matched(sector_abcd = "cement"), id_loan) out <- function() { target_sda( grouped_data, abcd = fake_abcd( sector = "cement", year = c(2020, 2050) ), co2_intensity_scenario = fake_co2_scenario( emission_factor = c(1, 2), year = c(2020, 2050) ), region_isos = region_isos_stable ) } expect_warning(out(), "Ungrouping") }) test_that("with bad `data` errors with informative message", { expect_error( target_sda("bad", fake_abcd(), fake_co2_scenario()), "data.frame.*not.*TRUE" ) expect_error( target_sda(fake_matched(), "bad", fake_co2_scenario()), "data.frame.*not.*TRUE" ) expect_error( target_sda(fake_matched(), fake_abcd(), "bad"), "data.frame.*not.*TRUE" ) expect_error( target_sda( fake_matched(), abcd = fake_abcd(), co2_intensity_scenario = fake_co2_scenario(), use_credit_limit = "bad" ), "logical.*not.*TRUE", ) }) test_that("w/ missing crucial names errors gracefully", { bad <- function(data, x) rename(data, bad = dplyr::one_of(x)) expect_error_missing_names <- function(match_result = fake_matched(), abcd = fake_abcd(), scenario = fake_co2_scenario()) { expect_error( class = "missing_names", target_sda(match_result, abcd, scenario) ) } mch <- fake_matched() expect_error_missing_names(match_result = bad(mch, "loan_size_outstanding")) expect_error_missing_names(match_result = bad(mch, "loan_size_credit_limit")) expect_error_missing_names(match_result = bad(mch, "name_abcd")) expect_error_missing_names(match_result = bad(mch, "sector_abcd")) expect_error_missing_names(abcd = bad(fake_abcd(), "name_company")) expect_error_missing_names(abcd = bad(fake_abcd(), "sector")) expect_error_missing_names(abcd = bad(fake_abcd(), "year")) expect_error_missing_names(abcd = bad(fake_abcd(), "emission_factor")) expect_error_missing_names(abcd = bad(fake_abcd(), "production")) scen <- fake_co2_scenario() expect_error_missing_names(scenario = bad(scen, "sector")) expect_error_missing_names(scenario = bad(scen, "year")) expect_error_missing_names(scenario = bad(scen, "emission_factor")) }) test_that("without `sector` throws no error", { # RMI-PACTA/r2dii.analysis/pull/62#issuecomment-634651157 without_sector <- select(fake_matched(sector_abcd = "cement"), -sector) expect_error_free( target_sda( without_sector, abcd = fake_abcd(sector = "cement"), co2_intensity_scenario = fake_co2_scenario(), region_isos = region_isos_stable ) ) }) test_that("properly weights emissions factors", { companies <- c("a", "b") out <- target_sda( fake_matched( id_loan = c(1, 2), name_abcd = companies, sector_abcd = "cement" ), abcd = fake_abcd( name_company = companies, sector = "cement", technology = "cement", year = 2020, emission_factor = c(1, 2) ), co2_intensity_scenario = fake_co2_scenario( year = c(2020, 2050), emission_factor = c(0.6, 0.2) ), region_isos = region_isos_stable ) initial_data <- out %>% filter( year == 2020, emission_factor_metric == "projected" ) expect_equal(initial_data$emission_factor_value, 1.5) }) test_that("outputs expected names", { out <- target_sda( fake_matched(sector_abcd = "cement"), abcd = fake_abcd( sector = "cement", technology = "cement", year = c(2020, 2021, 2022), emission_factor = c(1, 2, 3) ), co2_intensity_scenario = fake_co2_scenario( year = c(2020, 2050), emission_factor = c(0.6, 0.2) ), region_isos = region_isos_stable ) expected_names <- c( "sector", "year", "region", "scenario_source", "emission_factor_metric", "emission_factor_value" ) expect_named(out, expected_names) }) test_that("with known input outputs as expected", { # TODO: Re-factor this test into smaller isolated expected output tests matched <- fake_matched(sector_abcd = "cement") abcd <- fake_abcd( sector = "cement", technology = "cement", name_company = c(rep("shaanxi auto", 4), "company 2"), year = c(2020, 2021, 2022, 2025, 2020), emission_factor = c(0.9, 0.9, 0.8, 0.5, 12) ) co2_intensity_scenario <- fake_co2_scenario( scenario = c(rep("b2ds", 2), rep("sds", 2)), year = rep(c(2020, 2025), 2), emission_factor = c(0.5, 0.1, 0.5, 0.4) ) out <- target_sda( matched, abcd, co2_intensity_scenario, region_isos = region_isos_stable ) %>% arrange(.data$year) %>% split(.$emission_factor_metric) expect_equal(out$projected$emission_factor_value, c(0.9, 0.9, 0.8, 0.5)) expect_equal( out$corporate_economy$emission_factor_value, c(6.45, 0.9, 0.8, 0.5) ) expect_equal( round(out$adjusted_scenario_b2ds$emission_factor_value, 2), c(6.45, 5.42, 4.39, 3.35, 2.32, 1.29) ) expect_equal( round(out$adjusted_scenario_sds$emission_factor_value, 2), c(6.45, 6.19, 5.93, 5.68, 5.42, 5.16) ) expect_equal( round(out$target_b2ds$emission_factor_value, 2), c(0.9, 0.98, 1.06, 1.13, 1.21, 1.29) ) expect_equal( round(out$target_sds$emission_factor_value, 2), c(0.9, 1.75, 2.60, 3.46, 4.31, 5.16) ) }) test_that("with no matching data warns", { no_matches <- fake_matched(sector_abcd = "bad") if (packageVersion("testthat") >= "") { expect_warning( class = "no_match", target_sda(no_matches, fake_abcd(), fake_co2_scenario()) ) } else { expect_warning( target_sda(no_matches, fake_abcd(), fake_co2_scenario()), "no match" ) } bad_scenario <- fake_co2_scenario(sector = "bad") expect_warning( target_sda( fake_matched(), fake_abcd(), bad_scenario, region_isos = region_isos_stable ), class = "no_match" ) }) test_that("with duplicated id_loan weights emission_factor as expected (#160)", { match_result <- fake_matched( id_loan = c(1, 1), name_abcd = rep("large company", 2), sector_abcd = "cement" ) abcd <- fake_abcd( sector = "cement", name_company = "large company", emission_factor = 2, year = c(2020, 2025) ) scen <- fake_co2_scenario( year = c(2020, 2025), emission_factor = c(1, 0.5) ) expect_error( target_sda( match_result, abcd, scen, region_isos = region_isos_stable ) %>% filter(year == min(year)), class = "unique_ids" ) }) test_that("with NAs in crucial columns errors with informative message (#146)", { expect_error_crucial_NAs_portfolio <- function(name) { data <- fake_matched(sector_abcd = "cement") abcd <- fake_abcd( sector = "cement", year = c(2020, 2050) ) scen <- fake_co2_scenario( emission_factor = c(1, 2), year = c(2020, 2050) ) data[1, name] <- NA expect_error( class = "some_value_is_missing", target_sda( data, abcd, scen, region_isos = region_isos_stable ) ) } expect_error_crucial_NAs_abcd <- function(name) { match_result <- fake_matched(sector_abcd = "cement") data <- fake_abcd( sector = "cement", year = c(2020, 2050) ) scen <- fake_co2_scenario( emission_factor = c(1, 2), year = c(2020, 2050) ) data[1, name] <- NA expect_error( class = "some_value_is_missing", target_sda( match_result, data, scen, region_isos = region_isos_stable ) ) } expect_error_crucial_NAs_scenario <- function(name) { match_result <- fake_matched(sector_abcd = "cement") abcd <- fake_abcd( sector = "cement", year = c(2020, 2050) ) data <- fake_co2_scenario( emission_factor = c(1, 2), year = c(2020, 2050) ) data[1, name] <- NA expect_error( class = "some_value_is_missing", target_sda( match_result, abcd, data, region_isos = region_isos_stable ) ) } expect_error_crucial_NAs_portfolio("name_abcd") expect_error_crucial_NAs_portfolio("sector_abcd") expect_error_crucial_NAs_abcd("name_company") expect_error_crucial_NAs_abcd("sector") expect_error_crucial_NAs_abcd("year") expect_error_crucial_NAs_scenario("sector") expect_error_crucial_NAs_scenario("year") expect_error_crucial_NAs_scenario("emission_factor") }) test_that("with multiple technologies weights emission_factor as expected (#160)", { match_result <- fake_matched( id_loan = c(1, 2), name_abcd = rep("large company", 2), sector_abcd = "cement" ) abcd <- fake_abcd( sector = "cement", name_company = "large company", technology = rep(c("a", "b"), 2), emission_factor = 2, year = c(rep(2020, 2), rep(2025, 2)) ) scen <- fake_co2_scenario( year = c(2020, 2025), emission_factor = c(1, 0.5) ) out <- target_sda( match_result, abcd, scen, region_isos = region_isos_stable ) %>% filter(year == min(year)) %>% split(.$emission_factor_metric) expect_equal(out$projected$emission_factor_value, 2) expect_equal(out$target_b2ds$emission_factor_value, 2) }) test_that("with multiple technologies, aggregates production-weighted emission_factor (#160)", { out <- target_sda( fake_matched(sector_abcd = "cement"), abcd = fake_abcd( sector = "cement", technology = c("cement 1", "cement 2"), year = 2020, production = c(1, 3), emission_factor = c(4, 132) ), co2_intensity_scenario = fake_co2_scenario( year = c(2020, 2050), emission_factor = c(0.6, 0.2) ), region_isos = region_isos_stable ) %>% split(.$emission_factor_metric) expect_equal(out$corporate_economy$emission_factor_value, 100) }) test_that("with multiple plant_location, aggregates production-weighted emission_factor (#160)", { out <- target_sda( fake_matched(sector_abcd = "cement"), abcd = fake_abcd( sector = "cement", plant_location = c("de", "fr"), year = 2020, production = c(1, 3), emission_factor = c(4, 132) ), co2_intensity_scenario = fake_co2_scenario( year = c(2020, 2050), emission_factor = c(0.6, 0.2) ), region_isos = region_isos_stable ) %>% filter(region == "global") %>% split(.$emission_factor_metric) expect_equal(out$corporate_economy$emission_factor_value, 100) }) test_that("filters and warns when input-data has NAs", { # Work around: in testthat v2, the `class` argument seems to now work # .object <- rlang::expr( out <- target_sda( fake_matched(sector_abcd = "cement"), abcd = fake_abcd( sector = "cement", technology = rep(c("cement", "bad"), 2), year = rep(c(2020, 2050), 2), emission_factor = c(1, 2, rep(NA, 2)) ), co2_intensity_scenario = fake_co2_scenario( year = c(2020, 2050), emission_factor = c(0.6, 0.2) ), region_isos = region_isos_stable ) ) if (packageVersion("testthat") >= "") { args <- list(object = .object, class = "na_crucial_economic_input") } else { args <- list(object = .object, regexp = "emission_factor.*NA") }, args) out <- split(out, out$emission_factor_metric) expect_equal(out$corporate_economy$emission_factor_value, c(1, 2)) }) test_that("filters and warns when input-data (production in abcd) has NAs #304", { matched <- fake_matched( id_loan = c("L1", "L2"), sector_abcd = c("cement", "power") ) abcd <- fake_abcd( sector = c("cement", "power"), production = c(1,NA) ) co2_scenario <- fake_co2_scenario( sector = "cement", emission_factor = c(1, 0.6), year = c(2025, 2026) ) expect_warning( target_sda( matched, abcd, co2_scenario, region_isos = region_isos_stable), class = "na_crucial_economic_input" ) }) test_that( "`sector` column is not used from data (should only use `sector_abcd`) (#178)", { expect_error_free( target_sda( fake_matched( sector_abcd = "cement" ) %>% select(-sector), fake_abcd( sector = "cement", year = c(2020, 2050) ), co2_intensity_scenario = fake_co2_scenario( emission_factor = c(1, 2), year = c(2020, 2050) ), region_isos = region_isos_stable ) ) } ) test_that("with multiple values of `country_of_domicile` outputs the expected `emission_factor_value` (#171)", { this_company <- "company" this_sector <- "steel" abcd <- fake_abcd( country_of_domicile = c("a", "b"), emission_factor = 0.5, year = 2020, name_company = this_company, sector = this_sector ) matched <- fake_matched( name_abcd = this_company, sector = this_sector, sector_abcd = this_sector ) out <- matched %>% target_sda( abcd, co2_intensity_scenario_demo, region_isos = region_isos_stable ) %>% split(.$emission_factor_metric) expect_equal(out$projected$emission_factor_value, 0.5) }) test_that("outputs same target regardless of years present in abcd", { matched <- fake_matched( name_abcd = "company a", sector_abcd = "steel" ) abcd_ten_year <- fake_abcd( sector = "steel", technology = "steel", name_company = c(rep("company a", 3), rep("company b", 3)), emission_factor = c(rep(1.5, 3), rep(2.5, 3)), year = rep(c(2020, 2025, 2030), 2), plant_location = "DE" ) abcd_thirty_year <- fake_abcd( sector = "steel", technology = "steel", name_company = c(rep("company a", 4), rep("company b", 4)), emission_factor = c(rep(1.5, 4), rep(2.5, 4)), year = rep(c(2020, 2025, 2030, 2050), 2), plant_location = "DE" ) co2_scenario <- fake_co2_scenario( sector = "steel", year = c(2020, 2025, 2030, 2050), emission_factor = c(2, 1.9, 1.8, 0.25) ) out_ten_year <- target_sda( matched, abcd_ten_year, co2_scenario, region_isos = region_isos_stable ) %>% filter( year == 2030, emission_factor_metric == "target_b2ds" ) out_thirty_year <- target_sda( matched, abcd_thirty_year, co2_scenario, region_isos = region_isos_stable ) %>% filter( year == 2030, emission_factor_metric == "target_b2ds" ) expect_equal( out_ten_year$emission_factor_value, out_thirty_year$emission_factor_value ) }) test_that("outputs only sectors present in `co2_intensity_scenario` (#308)", { matched <- fake_matched( id_loan = c("L1", "L2"), sector_abcd = c("cement", "power") ) abcd <- fake_abcd( sector = c("cement", "power"), ) co2_scenario <- fake_co2_scenario( sector = "cement", emission_factor = c(1, 0.6), year = c(2025, 2026) ) out <- target_sda( matched, abcd, co2_scenario, region_isos = region_isos_stable ) out_sectors <- unique(out$sector) scenario_sectors <- unique(co2_scenario$sector) expect_equal( setdiff(out_sectors, scenario_sectors), character(0) ) }) test_that("doesn't output NAs if abcd and scenario years are misaligned (#307, #346)", { matched <- fake_matched( sector_abcd = "cement" ) abcd <- fake_abcd( sector = "cement", year = c(2024, 2025) ) co2_scenario <- fake_co2_scenario( emission_factor = c(1, 0.6, 0.4), year = c(2023, 2025, 2026) ) out <- target_sda( matched, abcd, co2_scenario, region_isos = region_isos_stable ) expect_false( any($emission_factor_value)) ) }) test_that("output useful error message when emission_factor is not of type double (#224)", { matched <- fake_matched() abcd <- fake_abcd() co2_intensity_scenario <- fake_co2_scenario() bad_abcd <- abcd %>% mutate( emission_factor = as.character(emission_factor) ) expect_error( class = "crucial_column_wrong_type", target_sda( matched, bad_abcd, co2_intensity_scenario, region_isos = region_isos_stable ) ) }) test_that("argument `weight_emission_factor` outputs correctly with known input (#376)", { matched <- fake_matched( id_loan = c("L1", "L2"), name_abcd = c("american cement", "boral cement"), sector = "cement", sector_abcd = "cement" ) abcd <- fake_abcd( name_company = rep(c("american cement", "boral cement"), 2), sector = "cement", technology = "cement integrated facility", year = rep(c(2020, 2021), each = 2), emission_factor = rep(c(0.7, 0.5), 2) ) out <- matched %>% target_sda( abcd, fake_co2_scenario(year = c(2020, 2021), emission_factor = c(1, 0.7)), by_company = TRUE, region_isos = region_isos_stable ) %>% filter(year == 2020, emission_factor_metric == "target_b2ds") %>% split(.$name_abcd) abcd <- abcd %>% filter(!, year == 2020) %>% select(name_company, year, emission_factor) %>% split(.$name_company) expect_equal( out$`american cement`$emission_factor_value, abcd$`american cement`$emission_factor ) expect_equal( out$`boral cement`$emission_factor_value, abcd$`boral cement`$emission_factor ) }) test_that("outputs empty tibble for sectors in `scenario` and `abcd` but not `data` (#390)", { abcd <- fake_abcd( sector = c("cement", "steel") ) scenario <- fake_co2_scenario( sector = rep(c("cement", "steel"), each = 2), year = rep(c(2025, 2026), 2), emission_factor = rep(c(1, 2), 2) ) out <- target_sda( fake_matched(sector_abcd = "cement"), abcd, scenario, region_isos = region_isos_stable ) out_steel <- filter(out, sector == "steel") expect_equal(nrow(out_steel), 0L) }) test_that("region_isos only has lowercase isos #398", { bad_region_isos <- mutate(region_isos_demo, isos = toupper(isos)) expect_warning( class = "column_not_in_lowercase", target_sda( fake_matched(sector_abcd = "cement", "steel"), fake_abcd(sector = c("cement", "steel")), fake_co2_scenario(), region_isos = bad_region_isos ) ) }) test_that("produces output with expected start years #439", { out <- target_sda( fake_matched(sector_abcd = "cement"), fake_abcd(sector = "cement", year = c(2024, 2025)), fake_co2_scenario(year = c(2025, 2050), emission_factor = c(0.5, 0.2)), region_isos = region_isos_stable ) out_relevant <- filter(out, grepl("target", emission_factor_metric)) expect_equal(min(out_relevant$year), 2025L) }) test_that("final year of emission intensity scenario matches final year of adjusted_scenario_* and target_* (#445)", { matched <- fake_matched(sector_abcd = "cement") abcd <- fake_abcd( sector = "cement", technology = "cement", name_company = c(rep("shaanxi auto", 6), rep("company 2", 6)), year = rep(2020:2025, 2), emission_factor = c(0.9, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5, rep(2, 6)) ) co2_intensity_scenario <- fake_co2_scenario( scenario = c(rep("nze_2050", 2), rep("steps", 2)), year = rep(c(2020, 2050), 2), emission_factor = c(0.5, 0.1, 0.5, 0.4) ) out_lbk <- target_sda( matched, abcd, co2_intensity_scenario, region_isos = region_isos_stable ) out_company <- target_sda( matched, abcd, co2_intensity_scenario, region_isos = region_isos_stable, by_company = TRUE ) final_co2_intensity_scenario <- co2_intensity_scenario %>% dplyr::slice_max( .data$year, n = 1, by = c("scenario", "sector", "region", "emission_factor_unit", "scenario_source") ) final_out_lbk <- out_lbk %>% dplyr::filter( grepl("target_|adjusted_scenario_", .data$emission_factor_metric) ) %>% dplyr::slice_max( .data$year, n = 1, by = c("sector", "region", "scenario_source", "emission_factor_metric") ) final_out_company <- out_company %>% dplyr::filter( grepl("target_|adjusted_scenario_", .data$emission_factor_metric) ) %>% dplyr::slice_max( .data$year, n = 1, by = c("sector", "region", "scenario_source", "name_abcd", "emission_factor_metric") ) # final year of co2 intensity scenario is final year for all matching targets final_year_lbk <- final_out_lbk %>% tidyr::separate_wider_regex( emission_factor_metric, c(metric = "target|adjusted_scenario", "_", scenario = ".*") ) %>% dplyr::inner_join( final_co2_intensity_scenario, by = c("sector", "scenario", "scenario_source", "region"), suffix = c("_final_output", "_final_scenario") ) %>% dplyr::mutate( final_year_correct = dplyr::if_else( .data$year_final_output == .data$year_final_scenario, TRUE, FALSE ) ) expect_equal(unique(final_year_lbk$final_year_correct), TRUE) final_year_company <- final_out_company %>% tidyr::separate_wider_regex( emission_factor_metric, c(metric = "target|adjusted_scenario", "_", scenario = ".*") ) %>% dplyr::inner_join( final_co2_intensity_scenario, by = c("sector", "scenario", "scenario_source", "region"), suffix = c("_final_output", "_final_scenario") ) %>% dplyr::mutate( final_year_correct = dplyr::if_else( .data$year_final_output == .data$year_final_scenario, TRUE, FALSE ) ) expect_equal(unique(final_year_company$final_year_correct), TRUE) }) test_that("target of final year always converges at final value of adjusted_scenario (#445)", { matched <- fake_matched(sector_abcd = "cement") abcd <- fake_abcd( sector = "cement", technology = "cement", name_company = c(rep("shaanxi auto", 6), rep("company 2", 6)), year = rep(2020:2025, 2), emission_factor = c(0.9, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5, rep(2, 6)) ) co2_intensity_scenario <- fake_co2_scenario( scenario = c(rep("nze_2050", 2), rep("steps", 2)), year = rep(c(2020, 2050), 2), emission_factor = c(0.5, 0.1, 0.5, 0.4) ) out_lbk <- target_sda( matched, abcd, co2_intensity_scenario, region_isos = region_isos_stable ) out_company <- target_sda( matched, abcd, co2_intensity_scenario, region_isos = region_isos_stable, by_company = TRUE ) final_out_lbk <- out_lbk %>% dplyr::filter( grepl("target_|adjusted_scenario_", .data$emission_factor_metric) ) %>% dplyr::slice_max( .data$year, n = 1, by = c("sector", "region", "scenario_source", "emission_factor_metric") ) final_out_company <- out_company %>% dplyr::filter( grepl("target_|adjusted_scenario_", .data$emission_factor_metric) ) %>% dplyr::slice_max( .data$year, n = 1, by = c("sector", "region", "scenario_source", "name_abcd", "emission_factor_metric") ) # final value of target_* is equal to final value of adjusted_scenario_* for loan book final_targets_converge_lbk <- final_out_lbk %>% tidyr::separate_wider_regex( emission_factor_metric, c(metric = "target|adjusted_scenario", "_", scenario = ".*") ) %>% tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = "metric", values_from = "emission_factor_value") %>% dplyr::mutate( targets_converge = dplyr::if_else( .data$target == .data$adjusted_scenario, TRUE, FALSE ) ) expect_equal(unique(final_targets_converge_lbk$targets_converge), TRUE) # final value of target_* is equal to final value of adjusted_scenario_* for companies final_targets_converge_company <- final_out_company %>% tidyr::separate_wider_regex( emission_factor_metric, c(metric = "target|adjusted_scenario", "_", scenario = ".*") ) final_targets_converge_company_adjusted <- final_targets_converge_company %>% dplyr::filter(grepl("adjusted_scenario", .data$metric)) %>% tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = "metric", values_from = "emission_factor_value") final_targets_converge_company_target <- final_targets_converge_company %>% dplyr::filter(grepl("target", .data$metric)) %>% tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = "metric", values_from = "emission_factor_value") final_targets_converge_company <- final_targets_converge_company_target %>% dplyr::inner_join( final_targets_converge_company_adjusted, by = c("sector", "scenario_source", "scenario", "region", "year"), suffix = c("_target", "_adjusted") ) %>% dplyr::mutate( targets_converge = dplyr::if_else( .data$target == .data$adjusted_scenario, TRUE, FALSE ) ) expect_equal(unique(final_targets_converge_company$targets_converge), TRUE) }) test_that("columns in output match what is documented in `data_dictionary`", { out <- target_sda( data = fake_matched( sector_abcd = "cement" ), abcd = fake_abcd( sector = "cement", technology = "cement", year = c(2020, 2021, 2022), emission_factor = c(1, 2, 3) ), co2_intensity_scenario = fake_co2_scenario( year = c(2020, 2050), emission_factor = c(0.6, 0.2) ), region_isos = region_isos_stable ) data_dict <- dplyr::filter(r2dii.analysis::data_dictionary, dataset == "target_sda_output") expect_setequal(names(out), data_dict[["column"]]) expect_mapequal(sapply(out, typeof), setNames(data_dict[["typeof"]], data_dict[["column"]])) })