test_that("test that tokens_select is working", { txt <- c(doc1 = "This IS UPPER And Lower case", doc2 = "THIS is ALL CAPS aNd sand") toks <- tokens(txt) feats_fixed <- c("and", "is") expect_equivalent( as.list(tokens_select(toks, feats_fixed, selection = "remove", valuetype = "fixed", case_insensitive = TRUE)), list(c("This", "UPPER", "Lower", "case"), c("THIS", "ALL", "CAPS", "sand")) ) expect_equivalent( as.list(tokens_select(toks, feats_fixed, selection = "keep", valuetype = "fixed", case_insensitive = TRUE)), list(c("IS", "And"), c("is", "aNd")) ) expect_equivalent( as.list(tokens_select(toks, feats_fixed, selection = "remove", valuetype = "fixed", case_insensitive = FALSE)), list(c("This", "IS", "UPPER", "And", "Lower", "case"), c("THIS", "ALL", "CAPS", "aNd", "sand")) ) expect_equivalent( as.list(tokens_select(toks, feats_fixed, selection = "keep", valuetype = "fixed", case_insensitive = FALSE)), list(character(), c("is")) ) feats_regex <- c("is$", "and") expect_equivalent( as.list(tokens_select(toks, feats_regex, selection = "remove", valuetype = "regex", case_insensitive = FALSE)), list(c("IS", "UPPER", "And", "Lower", "case"), c("THIS", "ALL", "CAPS", "aNd")) ) expect_equivalent( as.list(tokens_select(toks, feats_regex, selection = "keep", valuetype = "regex", case_insensitive = FALSE)), list(c("This"), c("is", "sand")) ) feats_glob <- c("*is*", "?and") expect_equivalent( as.list(tokens_select(toks, feats_glob, selection = "remove", valuetype = "glob", case_insensitive = TRUE)), list(c("UPPER", "And", "Lower", "case"), c("ALL", "CAPS", "aNd")) ) expect_equivalent( as.list(tokens_select(toks, feats_glob, selection = "keep", valuetype = "glob", case_insensitive = TRUE)), list(c("This", "IS"), c("THIS", "is", "sand")) ) feats_multi <- list(c("this", "is")) expect_equivalent( as.list(tokens_select(toks, feats_multi, selection = "remove", valuetype = "fixed", case_insensitive = TRUE)), list(c("UPPER", "And", "Lower", "case"), c("ALL", "CAPS", "aNd", "sand")) ) expect_equivalent( as.list(tokens_select(toks, feats_multi, selection = "keep", valuetype = "fixed", case_insensitive = TRUE)), list(c("This", "IS"), c("THIS", "is")) ) }) test_that("tokens_select with padding = TRUE is working", { toks <- tokens(c(txt1 = "This is a sentence.", txt2 = "This is a second sentence."), remove_punct = TRUE) toks_list <- as.list(tokens_select(toks, c("is", "a", "this"), selection = "keep", padding = TRUE)) expect_equal(toks_list$txt1[4], "") expect_equal(toks_list$txt2[4:5], c("", "")) toks_list <- as.list(tokens_select(toks, c("is", "a", "this"), selection = "remove", padding = TRUE)) expect_equal(toks_list$txt1[1:3], c("", "", "")) expect_equal(toks_list$txt2[1:3], c("", "", "")) }) test_that("tokens_select reduces the types appropriately", { ## see issue/PR #416 toks <- tokens(c(doc1 = "This is a SAMPLE text", doc2 = "this sample text is better")) feats <- c("this", "sample", "is") expect_setequal(types(tokens_select(toks, feats, selection = "keep")), c("This", "is", "SAMPLE", "this", "sample")) expect_setequal(types(tokens_select(toks, feats, selection = "keep", case_insensitive = FALSE)), c("is", "this", "sample")) }) test_that("tokens_remove works on \"\" with tokens containing padding", { toks <- tokens(c(doc1 = "a b c d e f g")) toks <- tokens_remove(toks, c("b", "e"), padding = TRUE) expect_equal(as.character(tokens_remove(toks, c("a", "g"))), c("", "c", "d", "", "f")) expect_equal(as.character(tokens_remove(toks, "")), c("a", "c", "d", "f", "g")) }) test_that("tokens_select works on \"\" with tokens containing padding", { toks <- tokens(c(doc1 = "a b c d e f g")) toks <- tokens_remove(toks, c("b", "e"), padding = TRUE) expect_equal(as.character(tokens_select(toks, c("a", "b", ""))), c("a", "", "")) }) test_that("fcm works on tokens containing padding", { toks <- tokens(c(doc1 = "a b c d e f g", doc2 = "f a c c f g b")) toks <- tokens_remove(toks, c("b", "e"), padding = TRUE) expect_equal(featnames(fcm(toks)), c("", "a", "c", "d", "f", "g")) }) test_that("tokens_remove works regardless when features are overlapped, issue #711", { toks <- tokens("one two three four") expect_equal(as.list(tokens_remove(toks, pattern = c("one", "two", "three"))), list(text1 = "four")) expect_equal(as.list(tokens_remove(toks, pattern = c("one", "two three"))), list(text1 = c("two", "three", "four"))) expect_equal(as.list(tokens_remove(toks, pattern = c("one two", "two three"))), as.list(toks)) expect_equal(as.list(tokens_remove(toks, pattern = c("one two", "two three four"))), as.list(toks)) # for phrases expect_equal(as.list(tokens_remove(toks, pattern = phrase(c("one two", "two three")))), list(text1 = "four")) expect_equal(as.list(tokens_remove(toks, pattern = phrase(c("one two", "two three four")))), list(text1 = character())) }) txt <- c(d1 = "a b c d e g h", d2 = "a b e g h i j") toks_uni <- tokens(txt) dfm_uni <- dfm(toks_uni) toks_bi <- tokens(txt) |> tokens_ngrams(n = 2, concatenator = " ") dfm_bi <- dfm(toks_bi) char_uni <- c("a", "b", "g", "j") char_bi <- c("a b", "g j") list_uni <- list("a", "b", "g", "j") list_bi <- list("a b", "g j") dict_uni <- dictionary(list(one = c("a", "b"), two = c("g", "j"))) dict_bi <- dictionary(list(one = "a b", two = "g j")) # coll_bi <- textstat_collocations(toks_uni, size = 2, min_count = 2) # coll_tri <- textstat_collocations(toks_uni, size = 3, min_count = 2)[1, ] test_that("tokens_select works as expected for unigrams selected on char, list of unigrams", { expect_equal( as.list(tokens_select(toks_uni, char_uni)), list(d1 = c("a", "b", "g"), d2 = c("a", "b", "g", "j")) ) expect_equal( tokens_select(toks_uni, list_uni), tokens_select(toks_uni, char_uni) ) expect_equal( as.list(tokens_select(toks_uni, c("a b", "c", "g j"))), list(d1 = "c", d2 = character()) ) }) test_that("tokens_select works as expected for unigrams selected on char, list of bigrams", { expect_equal( as.list(tokens_select(toks_uni, char_bi)), list(d1 = character(), d2 = character()) ) expect_equal( as.list(tokens_select(toks_uni, list_bi)), list(d1 = character(), d2 = character()) ) expect_equal( tokens_select(toks_uni, list_bi), tokens_select(toks_uni, char_bi) ) expect_equal( as.list(tokens_select(toks_uni, phrase(char_bi))), list(d1 = c("a", "b"), d2 = c("a", "b")) ) }) test_that("tokens_select works as expected for bigrams selected on char, list of unigrams", { expect_equal( as.list(tokens_select(toks_bi, char_uni)), list(d1 = character(), d2 = character()) ) expect_equal( tokens_select(toks_bi, list_uni), tokens_select(toks_bi, char_uni) ) expect_silent( tokens_select(toks_uni, list(c("a b", "c"), "g j")) ) expect_equal( as.list(tokens_select(toks_uni, list(c("a b", "c"), "g j"))), list(d1 = character(), d2 = character()) ) expect_equal( as.list(tokens_select(toks_uni, list(c("a b", "c"), "g j"), padding = TRUE)), list(d1 = rep("", 7), d2 = rep("", 7)) ) }) test_that("tokens_select works as expected for bigrams selected on char, list of bigrams", { expect_equal( as.list(tokens_select(toks_bi, char_bi)), list(d1 = "a b", d2 = "a b") ) expect_equal( as.list(tokens_select(toks_bi, list_bi)), list(d1 = "a b", d2 = "a b") ) expect_equal( tokens_select(toks_bi, list_bi), tokens_select(toks_bi, char_bi) ) expect_equal( as.list(tokens_select(toks_bi, list(c("a b", "b e"), "g j"))), list(d1 = character(0), d2 = c("a b", "b e")) ) }) # test_that("tokens_select works correctly with collocations objects", { # expect_equal( # as.list(tokens_select(toks_uni, coll_bi$collocation)), # list(d1 = character(), d2 = character()) # ) # expect_equal( # as.list(tokens_remove(toks_uni, phrase(coll_bi$collocation))), # list(d1 = c("c", "d"), d2 = c("i", "j")) # ) # expect_equal( # as.list(tokens_remove(toks_uni, coll_bi)), # as.list(tokens_remove(toks_uni, phrase(coll_bi$collocation))) # ) # expect_equal( # as.list(tokens_select(toks_uni, coll_tri$collocation)), # list(d1 = character(), d2 = character()) # ) # expect_equal( # as.list(tokens_select(toks_bi, coll_bi$collocation)), # list(d1 = c("a b", "e g", "g h"), d2 = c("a b", "e g", "g h")) # ) # expect_equal( # as.list(tokens_select(toks_bi, phrase(coll_bi$collocation))), # list(d1 = character(), d2 = character()) # ) # expect_equal( # as.list(tokens_select(toks_bi, phrase(coll_bi$collocation))), # as.list(tokens_select(toks_bi, coll_bi)) # ) # expect_equal( # as.list(tokens_select(toks_bi, coll_tri)), # list(d1 = character(), d2 = character()) # ) # expect_silent( # tokens_select(toks_bi, coll_tri) # ) # }) test_that("tokens_select fails as expected with dfm objects", { expect_error(tokens_select(toks_uni, dfm_uni)) expect_error(tokens_select(toks_uni, dfm_bi)) expect_error(tokens_select(toks_bi, dfm_uni)) expect_error(tokens_select(toks_bi, dfm_bi)) }) test_that("tokens_select on unigrams works as expected when padding = TRUE", { expect_equal( as.list(tokens_select(toks_uni, "c d e", padding = TRUE)), list(d1 = rep("", 7), d2 = rep("", 7)) ) expect_equal( as.list(tokens_select(toks_uni, list("c d e"), padding = TRUE)), list(d1 = rep("", 7), d2 = rep("", 7)) ) expect_equal( as.list(tokens_select(toks_uni, list(c("c", "d", "e")), padding = TRUE)), list(d1 = c("", "", "c", "d", "e", "", ""), d2 = rep("", 7)) ) # expect_equal( # as.list(tokens_select(toks_uni, coll_bi$collocation, padding = TRUE)), # list(d1 = rep("", 7), d2 = rep("", 7)) # ) # # expect_equal( # as.list(tokens_select(toks_uni, phrase(coll_bi$collocation), padding = TRUE)), # list(d1 = c("a", "b", "", "", "e", "g", "h"), # d2 = c("a", "b", "e", "g", "h", "", "")) # ) # # expect_equal( # as.list(tokens_select(toks_uni, phrase(coll_bi$collocation), padding = TRUE)), # as.list(tokens_select(toks_uni, coll_bi, padding = TRUE)) # ) # expect_equal( as.list(tokens_select(toks_uni, list_bi, padding = TRUE)), list(d1 = rep("", 7), d2 = rep("", 7)) ) }) test_that("tokens_select on bigrams works as expected when padding = TRUE", { expect_equal( as.list(tokens_select(toks_bi, "c d e", padding = TRUE)), list(d1 = rep("", 6), d2 = rep("", 6)) ) expect_equal( as.list(tokens_select(toks_bi, list("c d e"), padding = TRUE)), list(d1 = rep("", 6), d2 = rep("", 6)) ) expect_equal( as.list(tokens_select(toks_bi, list(c("c", "d", "e")), padding = TRUE)), list(d1 = rep("", 6), d2 = rep("", 6)) ) expect_equal( as.list(tokens_select(toks_uni, phrase("c d e"), padding = TRUE)), list(d1 = c("", "", "c", "d", "e", "", ""), d2 = rep("", 7)) ) expect_silent( as.list(tokens_select(toks_bi, list(c("c", "d", "e")), padding = TRUE)) ) # expect_equal( # as.list(tokens_select(toks_bi, coll_bi$collocation, padding = TRUE)), # list(d1 = c("a b", "", "", "", "e g", "g h"), # d2 = c("a b", "", "e g", "g h", "", "")) # ) # # expect_equal( # as.list(tokens_select(toks_bi, phrase(coll_bi$collocation), padding = TRUE)), # list(d1 = rep("", 6), d2 = rep("", 6)) # ) # # expect_equal( # as.list(tokens_select(toks_bi, phrase(coll_bi$collocation), padding = TRUE)), # as.list(tokens_select(toks_bi, coll_bi, padding = TRUE)) # ) # # expect_silent( # as.list(tokens_select(toks_bi, coll_bi, padding = TRUE)) # ) }) test_that("tokens_select output works as planned", { txt <- c(wash1 <- "Fellow citizens, I am again called upon by the voice of my country to execute the functions of its Chief Magistrate.", wash2 <- "When the occasion proper for it shall arrive, I shall endeavor to express the high sense I entertain of this distinguished honor.") toks <- tokens(txt) dfm <- dfm(toks) expect_message( tokens_remove(toks, stopwords("english"), verbose = TRUE), "tokens_remove() changed", fixed = TRUE ) expect_message( tokens_select(toks, stopwords("english"), verbose = TRUE), "tokens_keep() changed", fixed = TRUE ) expect_message( tokens_select(toks, stopwords("english"), padding = TRUE, verbose = TRUE), "tokens_keep() changed", fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that("tokens_select works when window sizes are given ", { toks <- tokens("a b c d e f g h i") expect_equal(as.list(tokens_select(toks, "c", window = 1)), list(text1 = c("b", "c", "d"))) expect_equal(as.list(tokens_select(toks, "c", window = 2)), list(text1 = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e"))) expect_equal(as.list(tokens_select(toks, "c", window = 10)), list(text1 = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i"))) expect_equal(as.list(tokens_select(toks, "c", window = c(1, 2))), list(text1 = c("b", "c", "d", "e"))) expect_equal(as.list(tokens_select(toks, "c", window = c(0, 1))), list(text1 = c("c", "d"))) expect_equal(as.list(tokens_select(toks, "c", window = c(1, 0))), list(text1 = c("b", "c"))) expect_equal(as.list(tokens_select(toks, "c", padding = TRUE, window = c(1, 2))), list(text1 = c("", "b", "c", "d", "e", "", "", "", ""))) expect_equal(as.list(tokens_remove(toks, "c", window = 1)), list(text1 = c("a", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i"))) expect_equal(as.list(tokens_remove(toks, "c", window = 2)), list(text1 = c("f", "g", "h", "i"))) expect_equal(as.list(tokens_remove(toks, "c", window = 10)), list(text1 = character())) expect_equal(as.list(tokens_remove(toks, "c", window = c(1, 2))), list(text1 = c("a", "f", "g", "h", "i"))) expect_equal(as.list(tokens_remove(toks, "c", window = c(0, 1))), list(text1 = c("a", "b", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i"))) expect_equal(as.list(tokens_remove(toks, "c", window = c(1, 0))), list(text1 = c("a", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i"))) expect_equal(as.list(tokens_remove(toks, "c", padding = TRUE, window = c(1, 2))), list(text1 = c("a", "", "", "", "", "f", "g", "h", "i"))) expect_error(tokens_remove(toks, "c", window = -1), "The value of window must be between 0 and Inf") expect_error( tokens_remove(toks, "c", window = c(1, 1, 3)), "The length of window must be between 1 and 2" ) }) test_that("tokens_select error when dfm is given, #1006", { toks <- tokens("a b c") expect_error(tokens_select(toks, dfm(tokens("b c d")))) }) test_that("shortcut functions works", { toks <- tokens(data_corpus_inaugural[1:5]) expect_equal(tokens_select(toks, stopwords("english"), selection = "keep"), tokens_keep(toks, stopwords("english"))) expect_equal(tokens_select(toks, stopwords("english"), selection = "remove"), tokens_remove(toks, stopwords("english"))) }) test_that("tokens_select works with min_nchar and max_nchar", { txt <- c(doc1 = "a B c D e", doc2 = "a BBB c D e", doc3 = "Aaaa BBB cc") toks <- tokens(txt) expect_equal(as.list(tokens_keep(toks, min_nchar = 3)), list(doc1 = character(0), doc2 = c("BBB"), doc3 = c("Aaaa", "BBB")) ) expect_equal(as.list(tokens_keep(toks, phrase("a b"), min_nchar = 1)), list(doc1 = c("a", "B"), doc2 = character(0), doc3 = character(0)) ) expect_equal(as.list(tokens_keep(toks, phrase("a b"), min_nchar = 3)), list(doc1 = character(0), doc2 = character(0), doc3 = character(0)) ) expect_equal(as.list(tokens_remove(toks, min_nchar = 3)), list(doc1 = character(0), doc2 = c("BBB"), doc3 = c("Aaaa", "BBB")) ) expect_equal(as.list(tokens_remove(toks, phrase("a b"), min_nchar = 1)), list(doc1 = c("c", "D", "e"), doc2 = c("a", "BBB", "c", "D", "e"), doc3 = c("Aaaa", "BBB", "cc")) ) expect_equal(as.list(tokens_remove(toks, phrase("a b"), min_nchar = 3)), list(doc1 = character(0), doc2 = c("BBB"), doc3 = c("Aaaa", "BBB")) ) expect_equal(as.list(tokens_keep(toks, max_nchar = 3)), list(doc1 = c("a", "B", "c", "D", "e"), doc2 = c("a", "BBB", "c", "D", "e"), doc3 = c("BBB", "cc")) ) expect_equal(as.list(tokens_keep(toks, phrase("a b"), max_nchar = 3)), list(doc1 = c("a", "B"), doc2 = character(0), doc3 = character(0)) ) expect_equal(as.list(tokens_remove(toks, max_nchar = 3)), list(doc1 = c("a", "B", "c", "D", "e"), doc2 = c("a", "BBB", "c", "D", "e"), doc3 = c("BBB", "cc")) ) expect_equal(as.list(tokens_remove(toks, phrase("a b"), max_nchar = 3)), list(doc1 = c("c", "D", "e"), doc2 = c("a", "BBB", "c", "D", "e"), doc3 = c("BBB", "cc")) ) }) test_that("tokens_select works with min_nchar and max_nchar in the same way as dfm_select", { txt <- c(doc1 = "a B c D e", doc2 = "a BBB c D e", doc3 = "Aaaa BBB cc") toks <- tokens(txt) mt <- dfm(toks, tolower = FALSE) expect_true(setequal(featnames(dfm_keep(mt, c("a"), min_nchar = 3)), types(tokens_keep(toks, c("a"), min_nchar = 3)))) expect_true(setequal(featnames(dfm_keep(mt, c("a"), min_nchar = 1)), types(tokens_keep(toks, c("a"), min_nchar = 1)))) expect_true(setequal(featnames(dfm_keep(mt, c("a"), max_nchar = 3)), types(tokens_keep(toks, c("a"), max_nchar = 3)))) expect_true(setequal(featnames(dfm_keep(mt, c("aaaa"), max_nchar = 3)), types(tokens_keep(toks, c("aaaa"), max_nchar = 3)))) expect_true(setequal(featnames(dfm_keep(mt, c("a"), min_nchar = 2, max_nchar = 3)), types(tokens_keep(toks, c("a"), min_nchar = 2, max_nchar = 3)))) expect_true(setequal(featnames(dfm_keep(mt, min_nchar = 2, max_nchar = 3)), types(tokens_keep(toks, min_nchar = 2, max_nchar = 3)))) expect_true(setequal(featnames(dfm_remove(mt, c("a"), min_nchar = 3)), types(tokens_remove(toks, c("a"), min_nchar = 3)))) expect_true(setequal(featnames(dfm_remove(mt, c("a"), min_nchar = 1)), types(tokens_remove(toks, c("a"), min_nchar = 1)))) expect_true(setequal(featnames(dfm_remove(mt, c("a"), max_nchar = 3)), types(tokens_remove(toks, c("a"), max_nchar = 3)))) expect_true(setequal(featnames(dfm_remove(mt, c("aaaa"), max_nchar = 3)), types(tokens_remove(toks, c("aaaa"), max_nchar = 3)))) expect_true(setequal(featnames(dfm_remove(mt, c("a"), min_nchar = 2, max_nchar = 3)), types(tokens_remove(toks, c("a"), min_nchar = 2, max_nchar = 3)))) expect_true(setequal(featnames(dfm_remove(mt, min_nchar = 2, max_nchar = 3)), types(tokens_remove(toks, min_nchar = 2, max_nchar = 3)))) }) test_that("tokens_removekeep fail if selection argument is used", { toks <- tokens("a b c d e") expect_error( tokens_remove(toks, c("b", "c"), selection = "remove"), "tokens_remove cannot include selection argument" ) expect_error( tokens_keep(toks, c("b", "c"), selection = "keep"), "tokens_keep cannot include selection argument" ) }) test_that("really long words are not removed in tokens() (#1713)", { toks <- tokens("one two DonaudampfschiffahrtselektrizittenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaftXXX") expect_equivalent(ntoken(toks), 3) }) test_that("position arguments are working", { txt <- c(doc1 = "a b c d e", doc2 = "a b c", doc3 = "a") toks <- tokens(txt) expect_identical( as.list(tokens_select(toks, "*", startpos = 1, endpos = 3)), list(doc1 = c("a", "b", "c"), doc2 = c("a", "b", "c"), doc3 = c("a")) ) expect_identical( as.list(tokens_select(toks, "*", startpos = rep(1, 3), endpos = rep(3, 3))), list(doc1 = c("a", "b", "c"), doc2 = c("a", "b", "c"), doc3 = c("a")) ) expect_identical( as.list(tokens_select(toks, "*", startpos = c(1, 2), endpos = c(3))), list(doc1 = c("a", "b", "c"), doc2 = c("b", "c"), doc3 = c("a")) ) expect_identical( as.list(tokens_select(toks, "*", startpos = c(2), endpos = c(3, 2, 1))), list(doc1 = c("b", "c"), doc2 = c("b"), doc3 = character()) ) expect_identical( as.list(tokens_select(toks, "*", startpos = c(1, 2, 2), endpos = c(3, 2, 1))), list(doc1 = c("a", "b", "c"), doc2 = c("b"), doc3 = character()) ) expect_identical( as.list(tokens_remove(toks, "*", startpos = 1, endpos = 3)), list(doc1 = c("d", "e"), doc2 = character(), doc3 = character()) ) expect_identical( as.list(tokens_remove(toks, "*", startpos = rep(1, 3), endpos = rep(3, 3))), list(doc1 = c("d", "e"), doc2 = character(), doc3 = character()) ) expect_identical( as.list(tokens_remove(toks, "*", startpos = c(1, 2), endpos = c(3))), list(doc1 = c("d", "e"), doc2 = c("a"), doc3 = character()) ) expect_identical( as.list(tokens_remove(toks, "*", startpos = c(2), endpos = c(3, 2, 1))), list(doc1 = c("a", "d", "e"), doc2 = c("a", "c"), doc3 = c("a")) ) expect_identical( as.list(tokens_remove(toks, "*", startpos = c(1, 2, 2), endpos = c(3, 2, 1))), list(doc1 = c("d", "e"), doc2 = c("a", "c"), doc3 = c("a")) ) expect_identical( as.list(tokens_select(toks, "*", startpos = 1, endpos = 3)), as.list(tokens_select(toks, "*", startpos = 0, endpos = 3)) ) expect_identical( as.list(tokens_remove(toks, "*", startpos = 1, endpos = 3)), as.list(tokens_remove(toks, "*", startpos = 0, endpos = 3)) ) expect_identical( as.list(tokens_select(toks, "*", startpos = 3)), list(doc1 = c("c", "d", "e"), doc2 = c("c"), doc3 = character()) ) expect_identical( as.list(tokens_remove(toks, "*", startpos = 3)), list(doc1 = c("a", "b"), doc2 = c("a", "b"), doc3 = c("a")) ) expect_identical( as.list(tokens_select(toks, "c", startpos = 1, endpos = -2)), list(doc1 = "c", doc2 = character(), doc3 = character()) ) expect_identical( as.list(tokens_remove(toks, "c", startpos = 1, endpos = -2)), list(doc1 = c("a", "b", "d", "e"), doc2 = c("a", "b", "c"), doc3 = c("a")) ) expect_identical( as.list(tokens_select(toks, "*", startpos = 1, endpos = -2)), list(doc1 = c("a", "b", "c", "d"), doc2 = c("a", "b"), doc3 = character()) ) expect_identical( as.list(tokens_remove(toks, "*", startpos = 1, endpos = -2)), list(doc1 = "e", doc2 = "c", doc3 = "a") ) expect_identical( as.list(tokens_select(toks, "*", startpos = -2, endpos = -1)), list(doc1 = c("d", "e"), doc2 = c("b", "c"), doc3 = c("a")) ) expect_identical( as.list(tokens_remove(toks, "*", startpos = -2, endpos = -1)), list(doc1 = c("a", "b", "c"), doc2 = c("a"), doc3 = character()) ) expect_identical( as.list(tokens_select(toks, "*", padding = TRUE, startpos = 1, endpos = 3)), list(doc1 = c("a", "b", "c", "", ""), doc2 = c("a", "b", "c"), doc3 = c("a")) ) expect_identical( as.list(tokens_remove(toks, "*", padding = TRUE, startpos = 1, endpos = 3)), list(doc1 = c("", "", "", "d", "e"), doc2 = c("", "", ""), doc3 = c("")) ) expect_identical( as.list(tokens_select(toks, "*", startpos = -100, endpos = 100)), list(doc1 = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e"), doc2 = c("a", "b", "c"), doc3 = c("a")) ) expect_identical( as.list(tokens_remove(toks, "*", startpos = -100, endpos = 100)), list(doc1 = character(), doc2 = character(), doc3 = character()) ) expect_error( tokens_select(toks, "*", startpos = rep(1, 4), endpos = -1), "The length of startpos must be between 1 and 3" ) expect_error( tokens_select(toks, "*", startpos = 1, endpos = rep(-1, 4)), "The length of endpos must be between 1 and 3" ) expect_error( tokens_remove(toks, "*", startpos = numeric()), "The length of startpos must be between 1 and 3" ) expect_error( tokens_remove(toks, "*", endpos = numeric()), "The length of endpos must be between 1 and 3" ) }) test_that("apply_if argument is working", { dat <- data.frame(text = c("R and C are languages", "Windows (R), Quanteda (C)", "Sizes are X=10, Y=20, Z=30"), topic = c("language", "software", "hardware"), month = c(NA, 4, 12)) corp <- corpus(dat) toks <- tokens(corp) toks1 <- tokens_select(toks, min_nchar = 2, apply_if = toks$topic != "language") expect_identical( as.list(toks1), list(text1 = c("R", "and", "C", "are", "languages"), text2 = c("Windows", "Quanteda"), text3 = c("Sizes", "are", "10", "20", "30")) ) docname <- docnames(toks) toks2 <- toks %>% tokens_select(c("R", "C"), apply_if = docname == "text1") %>% tokens_select(c("windows", "quanteda"), apply_if = docname == "text2") %>% tokens_select("\\d", valuetype = "regex", apply_if = docname == "text3") expect_identical( as.list(toks2), list(text1 = c("R", "C"), text2 = c("Windows", "Quanteda"), text3 = c("10", "20", "30")) ) toks3 <- toks |> tokens_keep(c("R", "C"), apply_if = toks$topic == "language") %>% tokens_remove(min_nchar = 6, apply_if = toks$topic != "language") expect_identical( as.list(toks3), list(text1 = c("R", "C"), text2 = c("Windows", "Quanteda"), text3 = character()) ) toks4 <- toks |> tokens_remove(min_nchar = 2, apply_if = toks$month) |> tokens_remove(stopwords()) expect_identical( as.list(toks4), list(text1 = c("R", "C", "languages"), text2 = c("Windows", "Quanteda"), text3 = c("Sizes", "10", "20", "30")) ) })