test_that("tokens_segment works for sentences", { txt <- c(d1 = "Sentence one. Second sentence is this one!\n Here is the third sentence.", d2 = "Only sentence of doc2? No there is another.") corp <- corpus(txt, docvars = data.frame(title = factor(c("doc1", "doc2")))) toks <- tokens(corp) toks_sent <- tokens_segment(toks, "\\p{Sterm}", valuetype = "regex", pattern_position = "after") expect_equal(ndoc(toks_sent), 5) expect_equal(as.list(toks_sent)[4], list(d2.1 = c("Only", "sentence", "of", "doc2", "?"))) expect_equal(docvars(toks_sent, "title"), as.factor(c("doc1", "doc1", "doc1", "doc2", "doc2"))) expect_message( tokens_segment(toks, "\\p{Sterm}", valuetype = "regex", pattern_position = "after", verbose = TRUE), "tokens_segment() changed", fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that("tokens_segment works for delimiter", { txt <- c(d1 = "Sentence one. Second sentence is this one!\n Here is the third sentence.", d2 = "Only sentence of doc2? No there is another.") corp <- corpus(txt, docvars = data.frame(title = factor(c("doc1", "doc2")))) toks <- tokens(corp) toks_sent <- tokens_segment(toks, "[.!?]", valuetype = "regex", pattern_position = "after") expect_equal(ndoc(toks_sent), 5) expect_equal(as.list(toks_sent)[1], list(d1.1 = c("Sentence", "one", "."))) expect_equal(as.list(toks_sent)[4], list(d2.1 = c("Only", "sentence", "of", "doc2", "?"))) expect_equal(docvars(toks_sent, "title"), as.factor(c("doc1", "doc1", "doc1", "doc2", "doc2"))) }) test_that("tokens_segment works for delimiter with extract_pattern = TRUE", { txt <- c(d1 = "Sentence one. Second sentence is this one!\n Here is the third sentence.", d2 = "Only sentence of doc2? No there is another.") corp <- corpus(txt, docvars = data.frame(title = factor(c("doc1", "doc2")))) toks <- tokens(corp) toks_sent <- tokens_segment(toks, "[.!?]", valuetype = "regex", extract_pattern = TRUE, pattern_position = "after") expect_equal(ndoc(toks_sent), 5) expect_equal(as.list(toks_sent)[1], list(d1.1 = c("Sentence", "one"))) expect_equal(as.list(toks_sent)[4], list(d2.1 = c("Only", "sentence", "of", "doc2"))) expect_equal(docvars(toks_sent, "title"), as.factor(c("doc1", "doc1", "doc1", "doc2", "doc2"))) }) test_that("tokens_segment includes left-over text", { txt <- c("This is the main. this is left-over") toks <- tokens(txt) toks_seg1 <- tokens_segment(toks, "[.!?]", valuetype = "regex", extract_pattern = FALSE, pattern_position = "after") expect_equal(as.list(toks_seg1)[2], list(text1.2 = c("this", "is", "left-over"))) toks_seg2 <- tokens_segment(toks, "[.!?]", valuetype = "regex", extract_pattern = FALSE, pattern_position = "after") expect_equal(as.list(toks_seg2)[2], list(text1.2 = c("this", "is", "left-over"))) }) test_that("tokens_segment works when removing punctuation match, remove_delimiter tests", { toks1 <- tokens(c("This: is a test", "Another test")) toks2 <- tokens(c("This is a test", "Another test.")) toks3 <- tokens(c("This is a test", "Another test")) # extract_pattern = TRUE expect_equal( as.list(tokens_segment(toks1, "^\\p{P}$", valuetype = "regex", extract_pattern = TRUE, pattern_position = "after")), list(text1.1 = "This", text1.2 = c("is", "a", "test"), text2.1 = c("Another", "test")) ) expect_equal( as.list(tokens_segment(toks2, "^\\p{P}$", valuetype = "regex", extract_pattern = TRUE, pattern_position = "after")), list(text1 = c("This", "is", "a", "test"), text2 = c("Another", "test")) ) expect_equal( as.list(tokens_segment(toks3, "^\\p{P}$", valuetype = "regex", extract_pattern = TRUE, pattern_position = "after")), list(text1 = c("This", "is", "a", "test"), text2 = c("Another", "test")) ) # extract_pattern = FALSE expect_equal( as.list(tokens_segment(toks1, "^\\p{P}$", valuetype = "regex", extract_pattern = FALSE, pattern_position = "after")), list(text1.1 = c("This", ":"), text1.2 = c("is", "a", "test"), text2.1 = c("Another", "test")) ) expect_equal( as.list(tokens_segment(toks2, "^\\p{P}$", valuetype = "regex", extract_pattern = FALSE, pattern_position = "after")), list(text1 = c("This", "is", "a", "test"), text2 = c("Another", "test", ".")) ) expect_silent(as.list(tokens_segment(toks2, "^\\p{P}$", valuetype = "regex", extract_pattern = FALSE, pattern_position = "after"))) expect_equal( as.list(tokens_segment(toks3, "^\\p{P}$", valuetype = "regex", extract_pattern = FALSE, pattern_position = "after")), list(text1 = c("This", "is", "a", "test"), text2 = c("Another", "test")) ) }) test_that("tokens_segment works with tags", { corp <- corpus(c(d1 = "__TEST__ One two __TEST2__ Three", d2 = "__TEST3__ Four"), docvars = data.frame(test = c("A", "B"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)) toks <- tokens(corp, what = "word") toks_seg1 <- tokens_segment(toks, "__[A-Z0-9]+__", valuetype = "regex", pattern_position = "before", extract_pattern = TRUE, use_docvars = TRUE) vars1 <- docvars(toks_seg1) expect_equal(vars1$test, c("A", "A", "B")) expect_equal(vars1$pattern, c("__TEST__", "__TEST2__", "__TEST3__")) expect_equal(as.list(toks_seg1), list(d1.1 = c("One", "two"), d1.2 = "Three", d2.1 = "Four")) toks_seg2 <- tokens_segment(toks, "__[A-Z0-9]+__", valuetype = "regex", pattern_position = "before", extract_pattern = FALSE, use_docvars = TRUE) vars2 <- docvars(toks_seg2) expect_equal(vars2$test, c("A", "A", "B")) expect_equal(vars2$pattern, NULL) expect_equal(as.list(toks_seg2), list(d1.1 = c("__TEST__", "One", "two"), d1.2 = c("__TEST2__", "Three"), d2.1 = c("__TEST3__", "Four"))) toks_seg3 <- tokens_segment(toks, "__[A-Z0-9]+__", valuetype = "regex", pattern_position = "before", extract_pattern = TRUE, use_docvars = FALSE) vars3 <- docvars(toks_seg3) expect_equal(vars3$test, NULL) expect_equal(vars3$pattern, c("__TEST__", "__TEST2__", "__TEST3__")) expect_equal(as.list(toks_seg3), list(d1.1 = c("One", "two"), d1.2 = "Three", d2.1 = "Four")) expect_equal(docid(toks_seg3), factor(c("d1", "d1", "d2"), levels = c("d1", "d2"))) expect_equal(segid(toks_seg3), c(1L, 2L, 1L)) toks_seg4 <- tokens_segment(toks, "__[A-Z0-9]+__", valuetype = "regex", pattern_position = "before", extract_pattern = FALSE, use_docvars = FALSE) vars4 <- docvars(toks_seg4) expect_equal(vars4$test, NULL) expect_equal(vars4$pattern, NULL) expect_equal(as.list(toks_seg4), list(d1.1 = c("__TEST__", "One", "two"), d1.2 = c("__TEST2__", "Three"), d2.1 = c("__TEST3__", "Four"))) expect_equal(docid(toks_seg4), factor(c("d1", "d1", "d2"), levels = c("d1", "d2"))) expect_equal(segid(toks_seg4), c(1L, 2L, 1L)) })