test_that("tokens_ngrams works", { toks <- tokens(c('insurgents killed in ongoing fighting')) expect_message( tokens_ngrams(toks, n = 1:2, verbose = TRUE), "tokens_ngrams() changed", fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that("test that ngrams produces the results from Guthrie 2006", { toks <- tokens(c('insurgents killed in ongoing fighting')) bi_grams <- c('insurgents_killed', 'killed_in', 'in_ongoing', 'ongoing_fighting') two_skip_bi_grams <- c('insurgents_killed', 'insurgents_in', 'insurgents_ongoing', 'killed_in', 'killed_ongoing', 'killed_fighting', 'in_ongoing', 'in_fighting', 'ongoing_fighting') tri_grams <- c('insurgents_killed_in', 'killed_in_ongoing', 'in_ongoing_fighting') two_skip_tri_grams <- c('insurgents_killed_in', 'insurgents_killed_ongoing', 'insurgents_killed_fighting', 'insurgents_in_ongoing', 'insurgents_in_fighting', 'insurgents_ongoing_fighting', 'killed_in_ongoing', 'killed_in_fighting', 'killed_ongoing_fighting', 'in_ongoing_fighting') expect_setequal( as.list(tokens_ngrams(toks, n=2, skip=0))[[1]], bi_grams ) expect_setequal( as.list(tokens_ngrams(toks, n=2, skip=0:2))[[1]], two_skip_bi_grams ) expect_setequal( as.list(tokens_ngrams(toks, n=3, skip=0))[[1]], tri_grams ) expect_setequal( as.list(tokens_ngrams(toks, n=3, skip=0:2))[[1]], two_skip_tri_grams ) expect_setequal( as.list(tokens_ngrams(toks, n = 2:3))[[1]], c(bi_grams, tri_grams) ) expect_setequal( as.list(suppressWarnings(tokens_ngrams(toks, n = 2:3)))[[1]], c(bi_grams, tri_grams) ) }) test_that("char_ngrams works", { expect_equivalent( char_ngrams(c('insurgents','killed', 'in', 'ongoing', 'fighting')), c('insurgents_killed', 'killed_in', 'in_ongoing', 'ongoing_fighting') ) expect_warning(char_ngrams(c('insurgents killed', 'in', 'ongoing', 'fighting')), "whitespace detected: you may need to run tokens\\(\\) first") }) test_that("token_skipgrams works", { toks <- tokens("insurgents killed in ongoing fighting") # ASCII concatenator ngms1 <- tokens_skipgrams(toks, n = 2, skip = 0:1, concatenator = " ") expect_equivalent( as.list(ngms1)[[1]], c('insurgents killed', "insurgents in", "killed in" , "killed ongoing" , "in ongoing", "in fighting", "ongoing fighting") ) expect_equal(Encoding(types(ngms1)), rep("unknown", 7)) # Unicode concatenator ngms2 <- tokens_skipgrams(toks, n = 2, skip = 0:1, concatenator = "\u00a0") expect_equivalent( as.list(ngms2)[[1]], c('insurgents\u00a0killed', "insurgents\u00a0in", "killed\u00a0in" , "killed\u00a0ongoing" , "in\u00a0ongoing", "in\u00a0fighting", "ongoing\u00a0fighting") ) expect_equal(Encoding(types(ngms2)), rep("UTF-8", 7)) }) test_that("raises error for invalid inputs", { toks <- tokens("insurgents killed in ongoing fighting") expect_error( tokens_ngrams(toks, n = 0), "The value of n must be between 1 and Inf" ) expect_error( tokens_ngrams(toks, skip = -1), "The value of skip must be between 0 and Inf" ) expect_error( tokens_ngrams(toks, concatenator = character()), "The length of concatenator must be 1" ) }) test_that("tokens_ngrams does nothing when n = 1 and skip = 0 (#1395)", { toks <- tokens("insurgents killed in ongoing fighting") expect_identical(tokens_ngrams(toks, n = 1, skip = 0, concatenator = " "), toks) }) test_that("test there is no competition between threads", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_travis() skip_on_appveyor() # increase the chance to generate the same ngram by duplicating texts txt <- char_tolower(rep("Insurgents killed in ongoing fighting.", 10)) toks <- tokens(txt, remove_punct = TRUE) ngrs <- rep(list(c("insurgents_killed", "killed_in", "in_ongoing", "ongoing_fighting", "insurgents_killed_in", "killed_in_ongoing", "in_ongoing_fighting")), 10) names(ngrs) <- names(toks) # needs to be repeated because thread competition happen at low chance expect_true( all(replicate(1000, identical(as.list(tokens_ngrams(toks, n = 2:3)), ngrs))) ) }) test_that("tokens_ngrams(x, n = ...) works when ntokens(x) < n", { ## issue #392 expect_equivalent(unclass(as.list(tokens_ngrams(tokens("a"), n = 2)))[[1]], char_ngrams("a", n = 2)) })