test_that("tolower works", { txt <- c("According to NATO", "There is G7 meeting") expect_equal(char_tolower(txt), c("according to nato", "there is g7 meeting")) expect_error(char_tolower(txt, logical()), "The length of keep_acronyms must be 1") expect_error(char_tolower(txt, c(TRUE, FALSE)), "The length of keep_acronyms must be 1") }) test_that("char_tolower/char_toUpper works", { txt <- c("According to NATO", "There is G7 meeting") expect_equal(char_tolower(txt[1]), "according to nato") expect_equal(char_toupper(txt[1]), "ACCORDING TO NATO") }) test_that("char_tolower keeps acronyms", { txt <- c("According to NATO", "There is G7 meeting") expect_equal(char_tolower(txt, keep_acronyms = TRUE), c("according to NATO", "there is G7 meeting")) }) test_that("tokens_tolower/tokens_toupper works", { txt <- c("According to NATO", "There is G7 meeting") toks <- tokens(txt) expect_equal(as.list(tokens_tolower(toks)), list(text1 = c("according", "to", "nato"), text2 = c("there", "is", "g7", "meeting"))) expect_equal(as.list(tokens_tolower(toks, keep_acronyms = TRUE)), list(text1 = c("according", "to", "NATO"), text2 = c("there", "is", "G7", "meeting"))) expect_equal(as.list(tokens_toupper(toks)), list(text1 = c("ACCORDING", "TO", "NATO"), text2 = c("THERE", "IS", "G7", "MEETING"))) expect_error(tokens_tolower(toks, logical()), "The length of keep_acronyms must be 1") expect_error(tokens_tolower(toks, c(TRUE, FALSE)), "The length of keep_acronyms must be 1") }) test_that("tokens_tolower/tokens_toupper works", { txt <- c("According to NATO", "There is G7 meeting") dfmat <- dfm(tokens(txt), tolower = FALSE) expect_equal(featnames(dfm_tolower(dfmat)), c("according", "to", "nato", "there", "is", "g7", "meeting")) expect_equal(featnames(dfm_tolower(dfmat, keep_acronyms = TRUE)), c("according", "to", "NATO", "there", "is", "G7", "meeting")) expect_equal(featnames(dfm_toupper(dfmat)), c("ACCORDING", "TO", "NATO", "THERE", "IS", "G7", "MEETING")) expect_error(dfm_tolower(dfmat, logical()), "The length of keep_acronyms must be 1") expect_error(dfm_tolower(dfmat, c(TRUE, FALSE)), "The length of keep_acronyms must be 1") }) test_that("set encoding when no gap or duplication is found, #1387", { toks <- tokens("привет tschüß bye") toks <- tokens_tolower(toks) expect_equal(Encoding(types(toks)), c("UTF-8", "UTF-8", "unknown")) }) test_that("works with empty objects (#2142)", { dfmat <- as.dfm(matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0)) toks <- as.tokens(list()) expect_identical(types(tokens_tolower(toks)), character()) expect_identical(types(tokens_toupper(toks)), character()) expect_identical(featnames(dfm_tolower(dfmat)), character()) expect_identical(featnames(dfm_toupper(dfmat)), character()) }) test_that("dfm_toupper() and dfm_tolower() work with verbose", { dfmat <- dfm(tokens(c("b A A", "C C a b B")), tolower = FALSE) expect_message( dfm_tolower(dfmat, verbose = TRUE), "dfm_tolower() changed from 5 features (2 documents) to 3 features (2 documents)", fixed = TRUE ) expect_message( dfm_toupper(dfmat, verbose = TRUE), "dfm_toupper() changed from 5 features (2 documents) to 3 features (2 documents)", fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that("fcm_toupper() and fcm_tolower() work with verbose", { fcmat <- fcm(dfm(tokens(c("b A A", "C C a b B")), tolower = FALSE)) expect_message( fcm_tolower(fcmat, verbose = TRUE), "fcm_tolower() changed from 5 features (5 documents) to 3 features (3 documents)", fixed = TRUE ) expect_message( fcm_toupper(fcmat, verbose = TRUE), "fcm_toupper() changed from 5 features (5 documents) to 3 features (3 documents)", fixed = TRUE ) })