test_that("tokens_recompile: tokens_tolower", { toks1 <- tokens(c(one = "a b c d A B C D", two = "A B C d")) attr(toks1, "types") <- char_tolower(attr(toks1, "types")) expect_equal( attr(quanteda:::tokens_recompile(toks1), "types"), letters[1:4] ) expect_equal( unique(unlist(unclass(quanteda:::tokens_recompile(toks1)))), 1:4 ) expect_equal( quanteda:::tokens_recompile(toks1, method = "C++"), quanteda:::tokens_recompile(toks1, method = "R") ) }) test_that("tokens_recompile: tokens_wordstem", { toks <- tokens(c(one = "stems stemming stemmed")) attr(toks, "types") <- char_wordstem(attr(toks, "types")) expect_equal( attr(quanteda:::tokens_recompile(toks), "types"), "stem" ) expect_equal( unique(unlist(unclass(quanteda:::tokens_recompile(toks)))), 1 ) expect_equal( quanteda:::tokens_recompile(toks, method = "C++"), quanteda:::tokens_recompile(toks, method = "R") ) expect_equal( as.character(tokens_wordstem(toks)), rep("stem", 3) ) }) test_that("tokens_recompile: tokens_select w/gaps", { toks1 <- tokens(c(one = "a b c d A B C D", two = "A B C d")) expect_equal( unique(unlist(unclass(tokens_select(toks1, c("b", "d"))))), 1:4 ) expect_equal( unique(unlist(unclass(tokens_select(toks1, c("b", "d"), padding = TRUE)))), 0:4 ) expect_equal( attr(tokens_select(toks1, c("b", "d")), "types"), c("b", "d", "B", "D") ) }) test_that("tokens_recompile: preserves encoding", { txt <- c(French = "Pêcheur pêcheur Français") Encoding(txt) <- "UTF-8" toks <- tokens(txt) attr(toks, "types") <- char_tolower(attr(toks, "types")) expect_equal( Encoding(as.character(quanteda:::tokens_recompile(toks, method = "R"), "types")), rep("UTF-8", 3) ) expect_equal( Encoding(as.character(quanteda:::tokens_recompile(toks, method = "C++"), "types")), rep("UTF-8", 3) ) }) test_that("tokens_recompile: [ works for tokens", { toks <- tokens(c(one = "a b c d", two = "x y z", three = "e f g h i j k")) expect_equal( unclass(toks[2])[[1]], 1:3 ) expect_equal( attr(toks[1], "types"), letters[1:4] ) }) test_that("tokens_recompile: selecting all tokens to produce and empty document", { toks <- tokens(c(one = "a b c d", two = "x y z")) toks <- tokens_select(toks, letters[1:4]) expect_equal( attr(toks, "types"), letters[1:4] ) expect_equal( unclass(toks)[2], list(two = integer(0)) ) expect_equal( as.list(toks[2]), list(two = character(0)) ) }) test_that("corrupt tokens object does not crash R", { skip_on_os("solaris") toks <- list(1:10) attr(toks, 'types') <- c('a', 'b', 'c') # Shorter than 10 attr(toks, 'class') <- 'tokens' expect_error(quanteda:::tokens_recompile(toks, 'C++')) }) test_that("tokens_recompile: flag use of padding even when it does not reindex tokens", { toks <- list(0:26) # has padding, but no gap attr(toks, 'types') <- letters # no duplication attr(toks, 'class') <- 'tokens' expect_true(attr(quanteda:::tokens_recompile(toks, 'C++'), 'padding')) }) test_that("non-ascii types are UTF8 encoded", { toks <- list(c(1:3)) toks <- quanteda:::cpp_tokens_recompile(toks, c('あ', 'い', 'う', 'え', 'お')) expect_equal(Encoding(attr(toks, 'types')), rep('UTF-8', 3)) }) test_that("keep gap and dupli argument works, #1278", { toks <- quanteda:::build_tokens( list(c(2, 3, 4)), c('a', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'd'), docvars = quanteda:::make_docvars(1L) ) toks2 <- quanteda:::tokens_recompile(toks, 'C++', gap = TRUE, dup = TRUE) expect_equal(attr(toks2, 'padding'), TRUE) expect_equal(attr(toks2, 'types'), c("b", "c")) toks3 <- quanteda:::tokens_recompile(toks, 'C++', gap = TRUE, dup = FALSE) expect_equal(attr(toks3, 'padding'), TRUE) expect_equal(attr(toks3, 'types'), c("b", "c", "c")) toks4 <- quanteda:::tokens_recompile(toks, 'C++', gap = FALSE, dup = TRUE) expect_equal(attr(toks4, 'padding'), TRUE) expect_equal(attr(toks4, 'types'), c("a", "b", "c", "d")) toks5 <- quanteda:::tokens_recompile(toks, 'C++', gap = FALSE, dup = FALSE) expect_equal(attr(toks5, 'padding'), TRUE) expect_equal(attr(toks5, 'types'), c("a", "b", "c", "c", "d")) expect_equal(quanteda:::tokens_recompile(toks, 'C++', gap = TRUE, dup = TRUE), quanteda:::tokens_recompile(toks, 'R', gap = TRUE, dup = TRUE)) expect_equal(quanteda:::tokens_recompile(toks, 'C++', gap = FALSE, dup = TRUE), quanteda:::tokens_recompile(toks, 'R', gap = FALSE, dup = TRUE)) expect_equal(quanteda:::tokens_recompile(toks, 'C++', gap = TRUE, dup = FALSE), quanteda:::tokens_recompile(toks, 'R', gap = TRUE, dup = FALSE)) expect_equal(quanteda:::tokens_recompile(toks, 'C++', gap = FALSE, dup = FALSE), quanteda:::tokens_recompile(toks, 'R', gap = FALSE, dup = FALSE)) toks_pad <- quanteda:::build_tokens( list(c(0, 2, 3, 4)), c('a', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'd'), padding = TRUE, docvars = quanteda:::make_docvars(1L) ) toks_pad2 <- quanteda:::tokens_recompile(toks_pad, 'C++', gap = TRUE, dup = TRUE) expect_equal(attr(toks_pad2, 'padding'), TRUE) expect_equal(attr(toks_pad2, 'types'), c("b", "c")) toks_pad3 <- quanteda:::tokens_recompile(toks_pad, 'C++', gap = TRUE, dup = FALSE) expect_equal(attr(toks_pad3, 'padding'), TRUE) expect_equal(attr(toks_pad3, 'types'), c("b", "c", "c")) toks_pad4 <- quanteda:::tokens_recompile(toks_pad, 'C++', gap = FALSE, dup = TRUE) expect_equal(attr(toks_pad4, 'padding'), TRUE) expect_equal(attr(toks_pad4, 'types'), c("a", "b", "c", "d")) toks_pad5 <- quanteda:::tokens_recompile(toks_pad, 'C++', gap = FALSE, dup = FALSE) expect_equal(attr(toks_pad5, 'padding'), TRUE) expect_equal(attr(toks_pad5, 'types'), c("a", "b", "c", "c", "d")) expect_equal(quanteda:::tokens_recompile(toks_pad, 'C++', gap = TRUE, dup = TRUE), quanteda:::tokens_recompile(toks_pad, 'R', gap = TRUE, dup = TRUE)) expect_equal(quanteda:::tokens_recompile(toks_pad, 'C++', gap = FALSE, dup = TRUE), quanteda:::tokens_recompile(toks_pad, 'R', gap = FALSE, dup = TRUE)) expect_equal(quanteda:::tokens_recompile(toks_pad, 'C++', gap = TRUE, dup = FALSE), quanteda:::tokens_recompile(toks_pad, 'R', gap = TRUE, dup = FALSE)) expect_equal(quanteda:::tokens_recompile(toks_pad, 'C++', gap = FALSE, dup = FALSE), quanteda:::tokens_recompile(toks_pad, 'R', gap = FALSE, dup = FALSE)) }) test_that("set encoding when no gap or duplication is found, #1387", { toks <- tokens("привет tschüß bye") toks <- quanteda:::tokens_recompile(toks) expect_equal(Encoding(types(toks)), c("UTF-8", "UTF-8", "unknown")) })