library("quanteda") test_mt <- tokens(corpus_subset(data_corpus_inaugural, Year > 1980)) %>% tokens_remove(stopwords("en")) %>% tokens_wordstem("en") %>% dfm() %>% dfm_trim(min_termfreq = 5) test_simil <- function(x, method, margin, ignore_upper = FALSE, ...) { if (margin == "documents") { by_rows <- TRUE selection <- "1985-Reagan" y <- x[selection, ] } else { by_rows <- FALSE selection <- "soviet" y <- x[, selection] } s1 <- as.matrix(textstat_proxy(x, method = method, margin = margin, ...)) s2 <- as.matrix(proxy::simil(as.matrix(x), method = method, by_rows = by_rows, diag = TRUE, ...)) diag(s1) <- NA diag(s2) <- NA if (ignore_upper) s1[upper.tri(s1, TRUE)] <- s2[upper.tri(s2, TRUE)] <- 0 expect_equal(s1, s2, tolerance = 0.001) s3 <- as.matrix(textstat_proxy(x, y, method = method, margin = margin, ...)) s4 <- as.matrix(proxy::simil(as.matrix(x), as.matrix(y), method = method, by_rows = by_rows, diag = TRUE, ...)) if (ignore_upper) s3[upper.tri(s3, TRUE)] <- s4[upper.tri(s4, TRUE)] <- 0 expect_equal(as.numeric(s3), as.numeric(s4), tolerance = 0.001) } test_dist <- function(x, method, margin, ignore_upper = FALSE, ...) { if (margin == "documents") { by_rows <- TRUE selection <- "1985-Reagan" y <- x[selection, ] } else { by_rows <- FALSE selection <- "soviet" y <- x[, selection] } s1 <- as.matrix(textstat_proxy(x, method = method, margin = margin, ...)) s2 <- as.matrix(proxy::dist(as.matrix(x), method = method, by_rows = by_rows, diag = TRUE, ...)) if (ignore_upper) s1[upper.tri(s1, TRUE)] <- s2[upper.tri(s2, TRUE)] <- 0 expect_equal(s1, s2, tolerance = 0.001) s3 <- as.matrix(textstat_proxy(x, y, method = method, margin = margin, ...)) s4 <- as.matrix(proxy::dist(as.matrix(x), as.matrix(y), method = method, by_rows = by_rows, diag = TRUE, ...)) if (ignore_upper) s3[upper.tri(s3, TRUE)] <- s4[upper.tri(s4, TRUE)] <- 0 expect_equal(as.numeric(s3), as.numeric(s4), tolerance = 0.001) } # Similarity measures ------------------------------------------- test_that("test textstat_proxy cosine similarity", { skip_if_not_installed("proxy") test_simil(test_mt, "cosine", "documents") test_simil(test_mt, "cosine", "features") }) test_that("test textstat_proxy correlation similarity", { skip_if_not_installed("proxy") test_simil(test_mt, "correlation", "documents") test_simil(test_mt, "correlation", "features") }) test_that("test textstat_proxy jaccard similarity", { skip_if_not_installed("proxy") test_simil(test_mt, "jaccard", "documents") test_simil(test_mt, "jaccard", "features") }) test_that("test textstat_proxy ejaccard similarity", { skip_if_not_installed("proxy") test_simil(test_mt, "ejaccard", "documents") test_simil(test_mt, "ejaccard", "features") }) test_that("test textstat_proxy dice similarity", { skip_if_not_installed("proxy") test_simil(test_mt, "dice", "documents") test_simil(test_mt, "dice", "features") }) test_that("test textstat_proxy edice similarity", { skip_if_not_installed("proxy") test_simil(test_mt, "edice", "documents") test_simil(test_mt, "edice", "features") }) test_that("test textstat_proxy simple matching similarity", { skip_if_not_installed("proxy") test_simil(test_mt, "simple matching", "documents") test_simil(test_mt, "simple matching", "features") }) test_that("test textstat_proxy hamann similarity", { skip_if_not_installed("proxy") test_simil(test_mt, "hamman", "documents") test_simil(test_mt, "hamman", "features") expect_identical( textstat_simil(test_mt, method = "hamman"), textstat_simil(test_mt, method = "hamann") ) }) # Distance measures ------------------------------------------- test_that("test textstat_proxy euclidean distance", { skip_if_not_installed("proxy") test_dist(test_mt, "euclidean", "documents") test_dist(test_mt, "euclidean", "features") }) # test_that("test textstat_proxy chisquared distance on documents", { # skip_if_not_installed("ExPosition") # s1 <- as.matrix(textstat_proxy(test_mt, method = "chisquared", margin = "documents")) # s2 <- as.matrix(ExPosition::chi2Dist(as.matrix(test_mt))$D) # names(dimnames(s2)) <- NULL # expect_equal(s1, s2, tolerance = 0.001) # # s3 <- as.matrix(textstat_proxy(test_mt, "1985-Reagan", method = "chisquared", margin = "documents")) # s4 <- as.matrix(ExPosition::chi2Dist(as.matrix(test_mt))$D[,"1985-Reagan"]) # names(dimnames(s4)) <- NULL # expect_equal(as.numeric(s3), as.numeric(s4), tolerance = 0.001) # }) # # test_that("test textstat_proxy chisquared distance on features", { # skip_if_not_installed("ExPosition") # s1 <- as.matrix(textstat_proxy(test_mt, method = "chisquared", margin = "features")) # s2 <- as.matrix(ExPosition::chi2Dist(t(as.matrix(test_mt)))$D) # names(dimnames(s2)) <- NULL # expect_equal(s1, s2, tolerance = 0.001) # # s3 <- as.matrix(textstat_proxy(test_mt, "soviet", method = "chisquared", margin = "features")) # s4 <- as.matrix(ExPosition::chi2Dist(t(as.matrix(test_mt)))$D[,"soviet"]) # names(dimnames(s4)) <- NULL # expect_equal(as.numeric(s3), as.numeric(s4), tolerance = 0.001) # }) test_that("test kullback kullback similarity", { skip_if_not_installed("proxy") # make dense matrix to avoide Inf in proxy::dist test_mt_dense <- test_mt + 1 # proxy::dist() also incorrectly produces symmetric matrix test_dist(test_mt_dense, "kullback", "documents", ignore_upper = TRUE) test_dist(test_mt_dense, "kullback", "features", ignore_upper = TRUE) }) test_that("test textstat_proxy manhattan distance", { skip_if_not_installed("proxy") test_dist(test_mt, "manhattan", "documents") test_dist(test_mt, "manhattan", "features") }) test_that("test textstat_proxy maximum distance", { skip_if_not_installed("proxy") test_dist(test_mt, "maximum", "documents") test_dist(test_mt, "maximum", "features") }) test_that("test textstat_proxy canberra distance", { skip_if_not_installed("proxy") # proxyC and proxy disagree when sparsity is high test_dist(as.dfm(test_mt + 1), "canberra", "documents") test_dist(as.dfm(test_mt + 1), "canberra", "features") }) test_that("test textstat_proxy minkowski distance", { skip_if_not_installed("proxy") test_dist(test_mt, "minkowski", "documents", p = 0.1) test_dist(test_mt, "minkowski", "features", p = 0.1) test_dist(test_mt, "minkowski", "documents", p = 2) test_dist(test_mt, "minkowski", "features", p = 2) test_dist(test_mt, "minkowski", "documents", p = 10) test_dist(test_mt, "minkowski", "features", p = 10) }) test_that("as.matrix works as expected", { txt <- c("Bacon ipsum dolor amet tenderloin hamburger bacon t-bone,", "Tenderloin turducken corned beef bacon.", "Burgdoggen venison tail, hamburger filet mignon capicola meatloaf pig pork belly.") mt <- dfm(tokens(txt)) expect_equivalent(diag(as.matrix(textstat_proxy(mt))), rep(1, 3)) }) test_that("textstat_proxy stops as expected for methods not supported", { expect_error(textstat_proxy(test_mt, method = "Yule")) }) test_that("textstat_proxy works on zero-frequency features", { d1 <- dfm(tokens(c("a b c", "a b c d"))) d2 <- dfm(tokens(letters[1:6])) dtest <- dfm_match(d1, featnames(d2)) expect_equal( textstat_proxy(dtest, method = "cosine")[2, 1], 0.866, tolerance = 0.001 ) expect_equal( textstat_proxy(dtest, method = "correlation")[2, 1], 0.707, tolerance = 0.001 ) }) test_that("textstat_proxy works on zero-feature documents (#952)", { corp <- corpus(c("a b c c", "b c d", "a"), docvars = data.frame(grp = factor(c("A", "A", "B"), levels = LETTERS[1:3]))) mt <- dfm(tokens(corp)) mt <- dfm_group(mt, groups = corp$grp, fill = TRUE) expect_equal( as.numeric(textstat_proxy(mt, method = "cosine")[1, ]), c(1, 0.2581, 0), tolerance = 0.001 ) expect_equal( as.numeric(textstat_proxy(mt, method = "correlation")[1, ]), c(1, -0.5222, 0), tolerance = 0.001 ) }) test_that("textstat_proxy works with non-intersecting documents or features", { toks <- tokens(c(doc1 = "a b c d e", doc2 = "b c f e", doc3 = "c d f", doc4 = "f g h"), remove_punct = TRUE) mt <- dfm(toks) sim1 <- textstat_proxy(mt, margin = "features") expect_equal(as.matrix(textstat_proxy(mt[, c("a", "b")], mt[, c("c", "d", "e")], margin = "features")), as.matrix(sim1[c("a", "b"), c("c", "d", "e"), drop = FALSE])) sim2 <- textstat_proxy(mt, margin = "documents") expect_equal(as.matrix(textstat_proxy(mt[c("doc1", "doc2"), ], mt[c("doc4"), ], margin = "documents")), as.matrix(sim2[c("doc1", "doc2"), c("doc4"), drop = FALSE])) }) test_that("raises error when dfm is empty (#1419)", { mt <- dfm_trim(data_dfm_lbgexample, 1000) expect_silent(textstat_proxy(mt)) expect_silent(textstat_proxy(mt, mt)) }) test_that("raises error when p is smaller than 1", { expect_error(textstat_proxy(test_mt, method = "minkowski", p = 0)) expect_error(textstat_proxy(test_mt, method = "minkowski", p = -1)) }) test_that("sparse objects are of expected class and occur when expected", { expect_is(textstat_proxy(test_mt), "dsTMatrix") expect_is(textstat_proxy(test_mt, min_proxy = 10), "dsTMatrix") expect_is(textstat_proxy(test_mt, rank = 2), "dgTMatrix") expect_is(textstat_proxy(test_mt, method = "kullback"), "dgTMatrix") }) test_that("rank argument is working", { expect_error(textstat_proxy(test_mt, rank = 0), "rank must be great than or equal to 1") expect_equal(as.matrix(textstat_proxy(test_mt)), as.matrix(textstat_proxy(test_mt, rank = 100))) expect_equal(as.matrix(textstat_proxy(test_mt, rank = 3)), apply(as.matrix(textstat_proxy(test_mt)), 2, function(x) ifelse(x >= sort(x, decreasing = TRUE)[3], x, 0))) }) test_that("record zeros even in the sparse matrix", { toks <- tokens(c(doc1 = "a b c", doc2 = "d e f"), remove_punct = TRUE) mt <- dfm(toks) expect_true(any(textstat_proxy(mt)@x == 0)) expect_true(any(textstat_proxy(mt, method = "cosine")@x == 0)) expect_true(any(textstat_proxy(mt, method = "cosine", min_proxy = -0.5)@x == 0)) expect_true(any(textstat_proxy(mt, method = "cosine", rank = 2)@x == 0)) expect_true(any(textstat_proxy(mt, method = "dice")@x == 0)) }) test_that("textstat_proxy raises error when documents are different for feature similarity", { expect_silent( textstat_proxy(test_mt[1:5, ], test_mt[1:5, ], margin = "features") ) expect_error(textstat_proxy(test_mt[1:5, ], test_mt[6:10, ], margin = "features"), "x and y must contain the same documents") }) test_that("textstat_proxy raises error when y is not a dfm", { expect_error(textstat_proxy(test_mt[1:5, ], 6:10, margin = "features"), "y must be a dfm") }) test_that("use_na is working", { mt <- as.dfm(matrix(c(rep(0, 4), rep(1, 4), c(1, 3, 2, 0)), ncol = 3)) cos1 <- textstat_proxy(mt, margin = "features", method = "cosine", use_na = TRUE) cor1 <- textstat_proxy(mt, margin = "features", method = "correlation", use_na = TRUE) euc1 <- textstat_proxy(mt, margin = "features", method = "euclidean", use_na = TRUE) expect_equal(sum(, 5) expect_equal(sum(, 8) expect_equal(sum(, 0) cos2 <- textstat_proxy(mt, mt[, 3], margin = "features", method = "cosine", use_na = TRUE) cor2 <- textstat_proxy(mt, mt[, 3], margin = "features", method = "correlation", use_na = TRUE) euc2 <- textstat_proxy(mt, mt[, 3], margin = "features", method = "euclidean", use_na = TRUE) expect_equal(sum(, 1) expect_equal(sum(, 2) expect_equal(sum(, 0) }) test_that("no value is greater than 1.0 (#1543)", { cos1 <- textstat_proxy(test_mt[1:5, ], test_mt[1:5, ], method = "cosine") expect_equal(sum(cos1 > 1), 0) cor1 <- textstat_proxy(test_mt[1:5, ], test_mt[1:5, ], method = "correlation") expect_true(all(cor1 <= 1.000000001)) })