library("quanteda") ## Example from 13.1 of _An Introduction to Information Retrieval_ txt <- c(d1 = "Chinese Beijing Chinese", d2 = "Chinese Chinese Shanghai", d3 = "Chinese Macao", d4 = "Tokyo Japan Chinese", d5 = "Chinese Chinese Chinese Tokyo Japan") nb_dfm <- dfm(tokens(txt), tolower = FALSE) nb_class <- factor(c("Y", "Y", "Y", "N", NA), ordered = TRUE) nb_multi_smooth <- textmodel_nb(nb_dfm, nb_class, prior = "docfreq", distribution = "multinomial", smooth = 1) nb_multi_nosmooth <- textmodel_nb(nb_dfm, nb_class, prior = "docfreq", distribution = "multinomial", smooth = 0) nb_bern_smooth <- textmodel_nb(nb_dfm, nb_class, prior = "docfreq", distribution = "Bernoulli", smooth = 1) # test_that("class priors are preserved in correct order", { # expect_equal(textmodel_nb(nb_dfm, nb_class, prior = "uniform")$Pc, # c(N = 0.5, Y = 0.5)) # expect_equal(textmodel_nb(nb_dfm, nb_class, prior = "docfreq")$Pc, # c(N = 0.25, Y = 0.75)) # expect_equal(round(textmodel_nb(nb_dfm, nb_class, prior = "termfreq")$Pc, 2), # c(N = 0.27, Y = 0.73)) # }) test_that("bernoulli diff from multinomial model (#776)", { expect_true( !identical(nb_multi_smooth$param[1, ], nb_bern_smooth$param[1, ]) ) }) test_that("multinomial likelihoods and class posteriors are correct", { # test for results from p261, # with smoothing expect_identical(nb_multi_smooth$param["Y", "Chinese"], 3/7) expect_identical(nb_multi_smooth$param["Y", "Tokyo"], 1/14) expect_identical(nb_multi_smooth$param["Y", "Japan"], 1/14) expect_identical(nb_multi_smooth$param["N", "Chinese"], 2/9) expect_identical(nb_multi_smooth$param["N", "Tokyo"], 2/9) expect_identical(nb_multi_smooth$param["N", "Japan"], 2/9) # without smoothing expect_identical(nb_multi_nosmooth$param["Y", "Chinese"], 5/8) expect_identical(nb_multi_nosmooth$param["Y", "Tokyo"], 0/8) expect_identical(nb_multi_nosmooth$param["Y", "Japan"], 0/8) expect_identical(nb_multi_nosmooth$param["N", "Chinese"], 1/3) expect_identical(nb_multi_nosmooth$param["N", "Tokyo"], 1/3) expect_identical(nb_multi_nosmooth$param["N", "Japan"], 1/3) }) test_that("Bernoulli likelihoods and class posteriors are correct", { # test for results from p261, # with smoothing expect_identical(nb_bern_smooth$param["Y", "Chinese"], 4/5) expect_identical(nb_bern_smooth$param["Y", "Japan"], 1/5) expect_identical(nb_bern_smooth$param["Y", "Tokyo"], 1/5) expect_identical(nb_bern_smooth$param["Y", "Beijing"], 2/5) expect_identical(nb_bern_smooth$param["Y", "Macao"], 2/5) expect_identical(nb_bern_smooth$param["Y", "Shanghai"], 2/5) expect_identical(nb_bern_smooth$param["N", "Chinese"], 2/3) expect_identical(nb_bern_smooth$param["N", "Japan"], 2/3) expect_identical(nb_bern_smooth$param["N", "Tokyo"], 2/3) expect_identical(nb_bern_smooth$param["N", "Beijing"], 1/3) expect_identical(nb_bern_smooth$param["N", "Macao"], 1/3) expect_identical(nb_bern_smooth$param["N", "Shanghai"], 1/3) }) test_that("Bernoulli nb predicted values are correct", { book_lik_Y <- 3/4 * 4/5 * 1/5 * 1/5 * (1-2/5) * (1-2/5) * (1-2/5) # 0.005184 book_lik_N <- 1/4 * 2/3 * 2/3 * 2/3 * (1-1/3) * (1-1/3) * (1-1/3) # 0.02194787 nb_bern_smooth_pred <- predict(nb_bern_smooth, nb_dfm, type = "prob") expect_equal( book_lik_Y / (book_lik_Y + book_lik_N), nb_bern_smooth_pred["d5", "Y"] ) expect_equal( book_lik_N / (book_lik_Y + book_lik_N), nb_bern_smooth_pred["d5", "N"] ) }) test_that("Works with newdata with different features from the model (#1329 and #1322)", { mt1 <- dfm(tokens(c(text1 = "a b c", text2 = "d e f"))) mt2 <- dfm(tokens(c(text3 = "a b c", text4 = "e f g"))) nb <- textmodel_nb(mt1, factor(1:2)) expect_silent(predict(nb, newdata = mt1, force = TRUE)) expect_warning(predict(nb, newdata = mt2, force = TRUE), "1 feature in newdata not used in prediction\\.") expect_error(predict(nb, newdata = mt2), "newdata's feature set is not conformant to model terms\\.") }) test_that("Works with features with zero probability", { mt <- as.dfm(matrix(c(0, 0, 3, 1, 4, 2), nrow = 2)) nb <- textmodel_nb(mt, factor(1:2), smooth = 0) expect_silent(predict(nb)) }) test_that("types works (#1322)", { pr <- predict(nb_multi_smooth) expect_identical(names(pr), docnames(nb_multi_smooth)) expect_is(pr, "factor") pr_prob <- predict(nb_multi_smooth, type = "probability") expect_identical(colnames(pr_prob), c("N", "Y")) expect_identical(rownames(pr_prob), c("d1", "d2", "d3", "d4", "d5")) expect_equal(pr_prob[1, ], c(N = .065, Y = .935), tol = .001) expect_is(pr_prob, "matrix") pr_lp <- predict(nb_multi_smooth, type = "logposterior") expect_identical(colnames(pr_lp), c("N", "Y")) expect_identical(rownames(pr_lp), c("d1", "d2", "d3", "d4", "d5")) expect_equal(pr_lp[1, ], c(N = -6.59, Y = -3.93), tol = .01) expect_is(pr_lp, "matrix") }) test_that("textmodel_nb print methods work", { nb <- textmodel_nb(data_dfm_lbgexample, c(seq(-1.5, 1.5, .75), NA)) expect_output( print(nb), "^\\nCall:\\ntextmodel_nb.dfm\\(x = data_dfm_lbgexample, y = c\\(seq\\(-1\\.5," ) nbs <- summary(nb) expect_output( print(nbs), "^\\nCall:\\ntextmodel_nb.dfm\\(x = data_dfm_lbgexample, y = c\\(seq\\(-1\\.5," ) }) test_that("coef methods work", { cef <- coef(nb_multi_smooth) expect_is(cef, "matrix") expect_equal(dim(cef), c(6, 2)) expect_equal( dimnames(cef), list(c("Chinese", "Beijing", "Shanghai", "Macao", "Tokyo", "Japan"), c("N", "Y")) ) cef <- coef(nb_bern_smooth) expect_is(cef, "matrix") expect_equal(dim(cef), c(6, 2)) expect_equal( dimnames(cef), list(c("Chinese", "Beijing", "Shanghai", "Macao", "Tokyo", "Japan"), c("N", "Y")) ) }) test_that("raise warning of unused dots", { expect_warning(predict(nb_multi_smooth, something = TRUE), "something argument is not used") expect_warning(predict(nb_multi_smooth, something = TRUE, whatever = TRUE), "something, whatever arguments are not used") }) test_that("raises error when dfm is empty (#1419)", { mx <- dfm_trim(data_dfm_lbgexample, 1000) expect_error(textmodel_nb(mx, factor(c("Y", "Y", "Y", "N", NA), ordered = TRUE)), quanteda.textmodels:::message_error("dfm_empty")) }) test_that("constant predictor raises exception", { txt <- c(d1 = "Chinese Beijing Chinese", d2 = "Chinese Chinese Shanghai", d3 = "Chinese Macao", d4 = "Tokyo Japan Chinese", d5 = "Chinese Chinese Chinese Tokyo Japan") x <- dfm(tokens(txt), tolower = FALSE) expect_error( textmodel_nb(x, y = c("Y", "Y", "Y", "Y", NA)), "y cannot be constant" ) expect_error( textmodel_nb(x, y = factor(c("Y", "Y", "Y", "Y", NA))), "y cannot be constant" ) expect_error( textmodel_nb(x, y = factor(c("Y", "Y", "Y", "Y", NA), levels = c("Y", "N"))), "y cannot be constant" ) }) test_that("textmodel_nb() works with weighted dfm", { dfmat <- dfm_tfidf(data_dfm_lbgexample) expect_silent( tmod <- textmodel_nb(dfmat, y = c("N", "N", NA, "Y", "Y", NA)) ) expect_silent( predict(tmod) ) }) test_that("multinomial output matches fastNaiveBayes and naivebayes packages", { skip_if_not_installed("fastNaiveBayes") skip_if_not_installed("naivebayes") library("fastNaiveBayes") library("naivebayes") x <- nb_dfm y <- nb_class tmod_fnb <- fnb.multinomial(x[1:4, ], y[1:4], priors = as.numeric(prop.table(table(y))), laplace = 1, sparse = TRUE) tmod_nb <- textmodel_nb(x, y, prior = "docfreq", distribution = "multinomial") tmod_bnb <- multinomial_naive_bayes(as(x[1:4, ], "dgCMatrix"), y[1:4], laplace = 1) expect_equivalent( as.numeric(predict(tmod_fnb, x[5, ], sparse = TRUE, type = "raw")), predict(tmod_nb, x[5, ], type = "prob") ) # expect_equivalent( # predict(tmod_fnb, x[5, ], sparse = TRUE, type = "class"), # predict(tmod_nb, x[5, ], type = "class") # ) expect_equivalent( as.numeric(predict(tmod_bnb, newdata = as.matrix(x)[5, , drop = FALSE], type = "prob")), predict(tmod_nb, x[5, ], type = "prob") ) expect_equivalent( predict(tmod_bnb, newdata = as.matrix(x)[5, , drop = FALSE], type = "prob"), predict(tmod_nb, x[5, ], type = "prob") ) tmod_fnb <- fnb.multinomial(x[1:4, ], y[1:4], priors = as.numeric(prop.table(table(y))), laplace = 0.5, sparse = TRUE) tmod_nb <- textmodel_nb(x, y, prior = "docfreq", smooth = 0.5, distribution = "multinomial") tmod_bnb <- multinomial_naive_bayes(as(x[1:4, ], "dgCMatrix"), y[1:4], laplace = 0.5) expect_equivalent( as.numeric(predict(tmod_fnb, x[5, ], sparse = TRUE, type = "raw")), predict(tmod_nb, x[5, ], type = "prob") ) # expect_equivalent( # predict(tmod_fnb, x[5, ], sparse = TRUE, type = "class"), # predict(tmod_nb, x[5, ], type = "class") # ) expect_equivalent( as.numeric(predict(tmod_bnb, newdata = as.matrix(x)[5, , drop = FALSE], type = "prob")), predict(tmod_nb, x[5, ], type = "prob") ) expect_equivalent( predict(tmod_bnb, newdata = as.matrix(x)[5, , drop = FALSE], type = "prob"), predict(tmod_nb, x[5, ], type = "prob") ) }) test_that("Bernoulli output matches fastNaiveBayes and naivebayes packages", { skip_if_not_installed("fastNaiveBayes") skip_if_not_installed("naivebayes") library("fastNaiveBayes") library("naivebayes") xb <- dfm_weight(nb_dfm, scheme = "boolean") y <- nb_class tmod_fnb <- fnb.bernoulli(xb[1:4, ], y[1:4], priors = as.numeric(prop.table(table(y))), laplace = 1, sparse = TRUE) tmod_nb <- textmodel_nb(xb[1:4, ], y[1:4], prior = "docfreq", distribution = "Bernoulli") tmod_bnb <- bernoulli_naive_bayes(as(xb[1:4, ], "dgCMatrix"), y[1:4], laplace = 1) expect_equivalent( as.numeric(predict(tmod_fnb, xb[5, ], sparse = TRUE, type = "raw")), predict(tmod_nb, xb[5, ], type = "prob") ) expect_equivalent( predict(tmod_fnb, xb[5, ], sparse = TRUE, type = "class"), predict(tmod_nb, xb[5, ], type = "class") ) expect_equivalent( as.numeric(predict(tmod_bnb, newdata = as.matrix(xb)[5, , drop = FALSE], type = "prob")), predict(tmod_nb, xb[5, ], type = "prob") ) expect_equivalent( predict(tmod_bnb, newdata = as.matrix(xb)[5, , drop = FALSE], type = "prob"), predict(tmod_nb, xb[5, ], type = "prob") ) tmod_fnb <- fnb.bernoulli(xb[1:4, ], y[1:4], priors = as.numeric(prop.table(table(y))), laplace = 0, sparse = TRUE) tmod_nb <- textmodel_nb(xb, y, prior = "docfreq", smooth = 0, distribution = "Bernoulli") tmod_bnb <- suppressWarnings(bernoulli_naive_bayes(as(xb[1:4, ], "dgCMatrix"), y[1:4], laplace = 0)) expect_equivalent( as.numeric(predict(tmod_fnb, xb[5, ], sparse = TRUE, type = "raw")), predict(tmod_nb, xb[5, ], type = "prob") ) expect_equivalent( predict(tmod_fnb, xb[5, ], sparse = TRUE, type = "class"), predict(tmod_nb, xb[5, ], type = "class") ) expect_equivalent( as.numeric(predict(tmod_bnb, newdata = as.matrix(xb)[5, , drop = FALSE], type = "prob")), predict(tmod_nb, xb[5, ], type = "prob"), tol = .000001 ) expect_equivalent( predict(tmod_bnb, newdata = as.matrix(xb)[5, , drop = FALSE], type = "prob"), predict(tmod_nb, xb[5, ], type = "prob"), tol = .000001 ) tmod_fnb <- fnb.bernoulli(xb[1:4, ], y[1:4], priors = as.numeric(prop.table(table(y))), laplace = 0.5, sparse = TRUE) tmod_nb <- textmodel_nb(xb, y, prior = "docfreq", smooth = 0.5, distribution = "Bernoulli") tmod_bnb <- bernoulli_naive_bayes(as(xb[1:4, ], "dgCMatrix"), y[1:4], laplace = 0.5) expect_equivalent( as.numeric(predict(tmod_fnb, xb[5, ], sparse = TRUE, type = "raw")), predict(tmod_nb, xb[5, ], type = "prob") ) expect_equivalent( predict(tmod_fnb, xb[5, ], sparse = TRUE, type = "class"), predict(tmod_nb, xb[5, ], type = "class") ) expect_equivalent( as.numeric(predict(tmod_bnb, newdata = as.matrix(xb)[5, , drop = FALSE], type = "prob")), predict(tmod_nb, xb[5, ], type = "prob"), tol = .000001 ) expect_equivalent( predict(tmod_bnb, newdata = as.matrix(xb)[5, , drop = FALSE], type = "prob"), predict(tmod_nb, xb[5, ], type = "prob"), tol = .000001 ) })