context("est_map") suppressMessages(library(qtl)) test_that("est_map for backcross autosome matches R/qtl", { data(hyper) chr <- c(3, 4, 17, 19) hyper <- hyper[chr,] newmap <-, err=0.002, tol=1e-8) newmap <- lapply(newmap, unclass) hyper2 <- convert2cross2(hyper) newmap2 <- est_map(hyper2, err=0.002, tol=1e-8) expect_equivalent(newmap, newmap2) expect_equal(lapply(newmap, attr, "loglik"), lapply(newmap2, attr, "loglik")) }) test_that("est_map for intercross autosome matches R/qtl", { skip_on_cran() data(listeria) chr <- c(4, 14, 18) listeria <- listeria[chr,] newmap <-, err=0.01, tol=1e-8) newmap <- lapply(newmap, unclass) listeria2 <- convert2cross2(listeria) newmap2 <- est_map(listeria2, err=0.01, tol=1e-8) expect_equivalent(newmap, newmap2) expect_equal(lapply(newmap, attr, "loglik"), lapply(newmap2, attr, "loglik")) }) test_that("f2 X chr est_map matches R/qtl", { skip_on_cran() data(fake.f2) fake.f2 <- fake.f2["X",] newmap <-, err=0.01, tol=1e-8) newmap <- lapply(newmap, unclass) fake.f2.2 <- convert2cross2(fake.f2) newmap2 <- est_map(fake.f2.2, err=0.01, tol=1e-8) expect_equivalent(newmap, newmap2) expect_equal(lapply(newmap, attr, "loglik"), lapply(newmap2, attr, "loglik")) }) test_that("bc X chr calc_genoprob matches R/qtl", { skip_on_cran() set.seed(19115167) xmap <-, n.mar=11,, include.x=TRUE, eq.spacing=TRUE) n.ind <- 100 cross <- sim.cross(xmap, n.ind=n.ind, type="bc", error.prob=0.01, missing.prob=0.05) cross$pheno$sex <- rep(c(0,1), n.ind/2) sexpgm <- getsex(cross) newmap <-, err=0.01, tol=1e-8) newmap <- lapply(newmap, unclass) cross2 <- convert2cross2(cross) newmap2 <- est_map(cross2, err=0.01, tol=1e-8) expect_equivalent(newmap, newmap2) expect_equal(lapply(newmap, attr, "loglik"), lapply(newmap2, attr, "loglik")) }) test_that("est_map for RIself matches R/qtl", { skip_on_cran() data(hyper) chr <- c(3, 4, 17, 19) hyper <- hyper[chr,] class(hyper)[1] <- "riself" newmap <-, err=0.002, tol=1e-8) newmap <- lapply(newmap, unclass) hyper2 <- convert2cross2(hyper) newmap2 <- est_map(hyper2, err=0.002, tol=1e-8) expect_equivalent(newmap, newmap2) expect_equal(lapply(newmap, attr, "loglik"), lapply(newmap2, attr, "loglik")) }) test_that("est_map for RIsib matches R/qtl", { skip_on_cran() data(hyper) chr <- c(3, 4, 17, 19) hyper <- hyper[chr,] class(hyper)[1] <- "risib" newmap <-, err=0.002, tol=1e-8) newmap <- lapply(newmap, unclass) hyper2 <- convert2cross2(hyper) newmap2 <- est_map(hyper2, err=0.002, tol=1e-8) expect_equivalent(newmap, newmap2) expect_equal(lapply(newmap, attr, "loglik"), lapply(newmap2, attr, "loglik")) }) test_that("est_map for doubled haploids matches R/qtl", { skip_on_cran() data(hyper) hyper <- hyper[3,] hyper$pheno <- hyper$pheno[,1,drop=FALSE] class(hyper)[1] <- "dh" newmap <-, err=0.002, tol=1e-8) newmap <- lapply(newmap, unclass) hyper2 <- convert2cross2(hyper) newmap2 <- est_map(hyper2, err=0.002, tol=1e-8) expect_equivalent(newmap, newmap2) expect_equal(lapply(newmap, attr, "loglik"), lapply(newmap2, attr, "loglik")) }) test_that("est_map for haploids matches R/qtl", { skip_on_cran() data(hyper) hyper <- hyper[4,] hyper$pheno <- hyper$pheno[,1,drop=FALSE] class(hyper)[1] <- "haploid" newmap <-, err=0.002, tol=1e-8) newmap <- lapply(newmap, unclass) hyper2 <- convert2cross2(hyper) newmap2 <- est_map(hyper2, err=0.002, tol=1e-8) expect_equivalent(newmap, newmap2) expect_equal(lapply(newmap, attr, "loglik"), lapply(newmap2, attr, "loglik")) }) test_that("est_map works in case of 2 markers", { skip_on_cran() data(hyper) hyper <- pull.markers(hyper, markers=markernames(hyper, chr=6)[2:3]) hyper <- shiftmap(hyper) newmap <-, err=0.002, tol=1e-8) newmap <- lapply(newmap, unclass) hyper2 <- convert2cross2(hyper) newmap2 <- est_map(hyper2, err=0.002, tol=1e-8) expect_equivalent(newmap, newmap2) expect_equal(lapply(newmap, attr, "loglik"), lapply(newmap2, attr, "loglik")) }) test_that("est_map works in case of 2 markers in intercross", { skip_on_cran() data(fake.f2) fake.f2 <- fake.f2[18,] newmap <-, err=0.01, tol=1e-8) newmap <- lapply(newmap, unclass) fake.f2.2 <- convert2cross2(fake.f2) newmap2 <- est_map(fake.f2.2, err=0.01, tol=1e-8) expect_equivalent(newmap, newmap2) expect_equal(lapply(newmap, attr, "loglik"), lapply(newmap2, attr, "loglik")) }) test_that("est_map works when multi-core", { skip_if(isnt_karl(), "this test only run locally") data(hyper) hyper2 <- convert2cross2(hyper) newmap2 <- est_map(hyper2, err=0.002, tol=1e-8) newmap2_mc <- est_map(hyper2, err=0.002, tol=1e-8, cores=2) expect_equal(newmap2_mc, newmap2) data(listeria) listeria2 <- convert2cross2(listeria) newmap2 <- est_map(listeria2, err=0.01, tol=1e-8) newmap2_mc <- est_map(listeria2, err=0.01, tol=1e-8, cores=2) expect_equal(newmap2_mc, newmap2) })