context("Clean genotype probabilities") test_that("clean_genoprob works", { # read data iron <- read_cross2(system.file("extdata", "", package="qtl2")) iron <- iron[,c("19", "X")] map <- insert_pseudomarkers(iron$gmap, step=1) pr <- calc_genoprob(iron, map, error_prob=0.002, map_function="c-f") # there are no *really* small values here pr_clean <- clean_genoprob(pr) expect_equal(pr_clean, pr) # use a bigger tolerance for the individual values pr_clean <- clean_genoprob(pr, 0.001, 0.01) for(i in seq_along(pr_clean)) { # ensure that things still sum to 1 expect_true( max(abs(apply(pr_clean[[i]], c(1,3), sum) - 1)) < 1e-12 ) } # create a column that is largely missing pr[[1]][,3,20] <- runif(nrow(pr[[1]]), 0, 1e-4) # re-scale so values sum to 1 pr[[1]][,,20] <- pr[[1]][,,20] / rowSums(pr[[1]][,,20]) pr_clean <- clean_genoprob(pr, column_threshold=0.01) expect_true( all(pr_clean[[1]][,3,20] == 0) ) expect_equal( pr_clean[[1]][,,-20], pr[[1]][,,-20] ) expect_equal( pr_clean[[2]], pr[[2]] ) expect_true( max(abs(apply(pr_clean[[1]], c(1,3), sum) - 1)) < 1e-12 ) # try this with a subset of individuals # create another column that is largely missing, for a subset of individuals set.seed(20180223) ind <- sample(ind_ids(iron), 50) pr[[1]][ind,1,15] <- runif(length(ind), 0, 1e-4) # re-scale so values sum to 1 pr[[1]][,,15] <- pr[[1]][,,15] / rowSums(pr[[1]][,,15]) pr_clean <- clean_genoprob(pr, column_threshold=0.01, ind=ind) other_ind <- ind_ids(iron)[!(ind_ids(iron) %in% ind)] expect_equal(pr_clean[other_ind,], pr[other_ind,]) expect_true( max(abs(apply(pr_clean[[1]], c(1,3), sum) - 1)) < 1e-12 ) expect_true( all(pr_clean[[1]][ind,1,15] == 0) ) expect_equal( pr_clean[[1]][,,-c(15,20)], pr[[1]][,,-c(15,20)] ) expect_equal( pr_clean[[2]], pr[[2]] ) })