context("genome scan by scan1") isx_from_map <- function(map) { isx <- rep(FALSE, length(map)) names(isx) <- names(map) isx["X"] <- TRUE isx } # calc lod scores via lm(), just one chromosome lod_via_lm <- function(probs, pheno, addcovar=NULL, intcovar=NULL, weights=NULL, map) { if(!is.matrix(pheno)) pheno <- as.matrix(pheno) if(is.null(colnames(pheno))) colnames(pheno) <- paste0("pheno", 1:ncol(pheno)) d3 <- dim(probs)[3] n <- nrow(pheno) p <- ncol(pheno) result <- matrix(nrow=d3, ncol=p) addcovar <- cbind(rep(1, n), addcovar) if(is.null(weights)) wts <- rep(1, n) else wts <- weights sample_size <- rep(NA, ncol(pheno)) names(sample_size) <- colnames(pheno) for(i in 1:p) { not_na <- ![,i]) if(!is.null(addcovar)) not_na <- not_na & complete.cases(addcovar) if(!is.null(intcovar)) not_na <- not_na & complete.cases(intcovar) rss0 <- sum(lm(pheno[,i] ~ -1 + addcovar, weights=wts)$resid^2*wts[not_na]) for(j in 1:d3) { if(is.null(intcovar)) rss1 <- sum(lm(pheno[,i] ~ -1 + addcovar + probs[,-1,j], weights=wts)$resid^2*wts[not_na]) else rss1 <- sum(lm(pheno[,i] ~ -1 + addcovar + probs[,-1,j]*intcovar, weights=wts)$resid^2*wts[not_na]) result[j,i] <- sum(not_na)/2 * (log10(rss0) - log10(rss1)) } sample_size[i] <- sum(not_na) } dimnames(result) <- list(dimnames(probs)[[3]], colnames(pheno)) attr(result, "sample_size") <- sample_size class(result) <- c("scan1", "matrix") result } # revise scanone results to be as expected from scan1 scanone2scan1 <- function(x, n=NULL, posnames=NULL, phenames=NULL, addcovar=NULL, intcovar=NULL, Xcovar=NULL, weights=FALSE) { map <- split(x[,2], factor(x[,1], levels=unique(x[,1]))) names(map) <- unique(x[,1]) if(!is.null(posnames)) { mapn <- split(posnames, factor(x[,1], levels=unique(x[,1]))) for(i in seq(along=map)) names(map[[i]]) <- mapn[[i]] } x <- as.matrix(x[,-(1:2), drop=FALSE]) if(is.null(phenames)) phenames <- paste0("pheno", 1:ncol(x)) dimnames(x) <- list(posnames, phenames) if(is.null(names(n))) names(n) <- phenames result <- x attr(result, "sample_size") <- n class(result) <- c("scan1", "matrix") result } convert_probs2qtl2 <- function(cross) { result <- lapply(cross$geno, function(a) { pr <- aperm(a$prob, c(1,3,2)) rownames(pr) <- paste(1:nrow(pr)) pr }) attr(result, "is_x_chr") <- isx_from_map(convert2cross2(cross)$gmap) attr(result, "crosstype") <- class(cross)[1] class(result) <- c("calc_genoprob", "list") result } # now finally to some tests test_that("scan1 for backcross with one phenotype", { library(qtl) data(hyper) # scan by R/qtl hyper <- calc.genoprob(hyper, step=5) out <- scanone(hyper, method="hk") # inputs for R/qtl2 pr <- convert_probs2qtl2(hyper) y <- hyper$pheno[,1] names(y) <- paste(1:nind(hyper)) for(i in seq(along=pr)) rownames(pr[[i]]) <- names(y) n <- length(y) posnames <- unlist(lapply(pr, function(a) dimnames(a)[[3]])) names(posnames) <- NULL # scan out2 <- scan1(pr, y) # as expected? expect_equal(out2, scanone2scan1(out, 250, posnames, weights=FALSE)) map <- lapply(hyper$geno, function(a) attr(a$prob, "map")) # cf lm() for chr 18 out.lm <- lod_via_lm(pr[[18]], y, map=map) expect_equal(subset(out2, map, "18"), out.lm) ############################## # weighted scan set.seed(20151202) w <- runif(n, 1, 3) out <- scanone(hyper, method="hk", weights=w) names(w) <- names(y) out2 <- scan1(pr, y, weights=w) expect_equal(out2, scanone2scan1(out, 250, posnames, weights=TRUE)) # cf lm() for chr 18 out.lm <- lod_via_lm(pr[[18]], y, weights=w, map=map) expect_equal(subset(out2, map,"18"), out.lm) ############################## # additive covariate x <- sample(0:1, n, replace=TRUE) names(x) <- names(y) out <- scanone(hyper, method="hk", addcovar=x) out2 <- scan1(pr, y, addcovar=x) expect_equal(out2, scanone2scan1(out, 250, posnames, addcovar=x)) # cf lm() for chr 18 out.lm <- lod_via_lm(pr[[18]], y, x, map=map) expect_equal(subset(out2, map, "18"), out.lm) ############################## # additive covariate + weights out <- scanone(hyper, method="hk", addcovar=x, weights=w) out2 <- scan1(pr, y, addcovar=x, weights=w) expect_equal(out2, scanone2scan1(out, 250, posnames, colnames(y), addcovar=x, weights=TRUE)) # cf lm() for chr 18 out.lm <- lod_via_lm(pr[[18]], y, x, weights=w, map=map) expect_equal(subset(out2, map, "18"), out.lm) ############################## # interactive covariate out <- scanone(hyper, method="hk", addcovar=x, intcovar=x) out2 <- scan1(pr, y, addcovar=x, intcovar=x) expect_equal(out2, scanone2scan1(out, 250, posnames, colnames(y), addcovar=x, intcovar=x)) # auto add intcovar? out2r <- scan1(pr, y, intcovar=x) expect_equal(out2r, scanone2scan1(out, 250, posnames, colnames(y), addcovar=x, intcovar=x)) # cf lm() for chr 18 out.lm <- lod_via_lm(pr[[18]], y, x, x, map=map) expect_equal(subset(out2, map, "18"), out.lm) ############################## # interactive covariate + weights out <- scanone(hyper, method="hk", addcovar=x, intcovar=x, weights=w) out2 <- scan1(pr, y, addcovar=x, intcovar=x, weights=w) expect_equal(out2, scanone2scan1(out, 250, posnames, colnames(y), addcovar=x, intcovar=x, weights=TRUE)) # auto add intcovar? out2r <- scan1(pr, y, intcovar=x, weights=w) expect_equal(out2r, scanone2scan1(out, 250, posnames, colnames(y), addcovar=x, intcovar=x, weights=TRUE)) # cf lm() for chr 18 out.lm <- lod_via_lm(pr[[18]], y, x, x, weights=w, map=map) expect_equal(subset(out2, map, "18"), out.lm) }) test_that("scan1 for backcross with multiple phenotypes with NAs", { skip_if(isnt_karl(), "this test only run locally") set.seed(20151202) library(qtl) data(hyper) # phenotypes n_phe <- 15 n_ind <- nind(hyper) y <- matrix(rnorm(n_ind*n_phe), ncol=n_phe) # 5 batches spl <- split(sample(n_phe), rep(1:5, 3)) nmis <- c(0, 5, 10, 15, 20) for(i in seq(along=spl)[-1]) y[sample(n_ind, nmis[i]), spl[[i]]] <- NA # scan by R/qtl hyper$pheno <- cbind(y, hyper$pheno[,2,drop=FALSE]) hyper <- calc.genoprob(hyper, step=2.5) out <- scanone(hyper, method="hk", pheno.col=1:n_phe) map <- lapply(hyper$geno, function(a) attr(a$prob, "map")) # inputs for R/qtl2 pr <- convert_probs2qtl2(hyper) rownames(y) <- paste(1:n_ind) posnames <- unlist(lapply(pr, function(a) dimnames(a)[[3]])) names(posnames) <- NULL # scan out2 <- scan1(pr, y) # as expected? expect_equal(out2, scanone2scan1(out, colSums(!, posnames, colnames(y))) # cf lm() for chr 1 out.lm <- lod_via_lm(pr[[18]], y, map=map) expect_equal(subset(out2, map, "18"), out.lm) ############################## # weighted scan w <- runif(n_ind, 1, 3) out <- scanone(hyper, method="hk", weights=w, pheno.col=1:n_phe) names(w) <- rownames(y) out2 <- scan1(pr, y, weights=w) expect_equal(out2, scanone2scan1(out, colSums(!, posnames, colnames(y), weights=TRUE)) # cf lm() for chr 1 out.lm <- lod_via_lm(pr[[18]], y, weights=w, map=map) expect_equal(subset(out2, map, "18"), out.lm) ############################## # additive covariate x <- sample(0:1, n_ind, replace=TRUE) names(x) <- rownames(y) out <- scanone(hyper, method="hk", addcovar=x, pheno.col=1:n_phe) out2 <- scan1(pr, y, addcovar=x) expect_equal(out2, scanone2scan1(out, colSums(!, posnames, colnames(y), addcovar=x)) # cf lm() for chr 1 out.lm <- lod_via_lm(pr[[18]], y, x, map=map) expect_equal(subset(out2, map, "18"), out.lm) ############################## # additive covariate + weights out <- scanone(hyper, method="hk", addcovar=x, weights=w, pheno.col=1:n_phe) out2 <- scan1(pr, y, addcovar=x, weights=w) expect_equal(out2, scanone2scan1(out, colSums(!, posnames, colnames(y), addcovar=x, weights=TRUE)) # cf lm() for chr 1 out.lm <- lod_via_lm(pr[[18]], y, x, weights=w, map=map) expect_equal(subset(out2, map, "18"), out.lm) ############################## # interactive covariate out <- scanone(hyper, method="hk", addcovar=x, intcovar=x, pheno.col=1:n_phe) out2 <- scan1(pr, y, addcovar=x, intcovar=x) expect_equal(out2, scanone2scan1(out, colSums(!, posnames, colnames(y), addcovar=x, intcovar=x)) # auto add intcovar? out2r <- scan1(pr, y, intcovar=x) expect_equal(out2r, scanone2scan1(out, colSums(!, posnames, colnames(y), addcovar=x, intcovar=x)) # cf lm() for chr 1 out.lm <- lod_via_lm(pr[[18]], y, x, intcovar=x, map=map) expect_equal(subset(out2, map, "18"), out.lm) ############################## # interactive covariate + weights out <- scanone(hyper, method="hk", addcovar=x, intcovar=x, weights=w, pheno.col=1:n_phe) out2 <- scan1(pr, y, addcovar=x, intcovar=x, weights=w) expect_equal(out2, scanone2scan1(out, colSums(!, posnames, colnames(y), addcovar=x, intcovar=x, weights=TRUE)) # auto add intcovar? out2r <- scan1(pr, y, intcovar=x, weights=w) expect_equal(out2r, scanone2scan1(out, colSums(!, posnames, colnames(y), addcovar=x, intcovar=x, weights=TRUE)) # cf lm() for chr 1 out.lm <- lod_via_lm(pr[[18]], y, x, intcovar=x, weights=w, map=map) expect_equal(subset(out2, map, "18"), out.lm) }) test_that("scan1 works with NAs in the covariates", { skip_if(isnt_karl(), "this test only run locally") set.seed(20151202) library(qtl) data(hyper) # phenotypes n_phe <- 15 n_ind <- nind(hyper) y <- matrix(rnorm(n_ind*n_phe), ncol=n_phe) # 5 batches spl <- split(sample(n_phe), rep(1:5, 3)) nmis <- c(0, 5, 10, 15, 20) for(i in seq(along=spl)[-1]) y[sample(n_ind, nmis[i]), spl[[i]]] <- NA hyper$pheno <- cbind(y, hyper$pheno[,2,drop=FALSE]) # genoprobs by R/qtl hyper <- calc.genoprob(hyper, step=2.5) # inputs for R/qtl2 pr <- convert_probs2qtl2(hyper) rownames(y) <- paste(1:n_ind) posnames <- unlist(lapply(pr, function(a) dimnames(a)[[3]])) names(posnames) <- NULL ############################## # additive covariate x <- sample(0:1, n_ind, replace=TRUE) names(x) <- rownames(y) x[5] <- NA suppressWarnings(out <- scanone(hyper, method="hk", addcovar=x, pheno.col=1:n_phe)) out2 <- scan1(pr, y, addcovar=x) expect_equal(out2, scanone2scan1(out, colSums(!( |, posnames, colnames(y), addcovar=x)) map <- lapply(hyper$geno, function(a) attr(a$prob, "map")) # cf lm() for chr 1 out.lm <- lod_via_lm(pr[[18]], y, x, map=map) expect_equal(subset(out2, map, "18"), out.lm) }) test_that("scan1 aligns the individuals", { skip_if(isnt_karl(), "this test only run locally") set.seed(20151202) library(qtl) data(hyper) # phenotypes n_phe <- 15 n_ind <- nind(hyper) y <- matrix(rnorm(n_ind*n_phe), ncol=n_phe) # 5 batches spl <- split(sample(n_phe), rep(1:5, 3)) nmis <- c(0, 5, 10, 15, 20) for(i in seq(along=spl)[-1]) y[sample(n_ind, nmis[i]), spl[[i]]] <- NA hyper$pheno <- cbind(y, hyper$pheno[,2,drop=FALSE]) # genoprobs from R/qtl hyper <- calc.genoprob(hyper, step=2.5) # inputs for R/qtl2 pr <- convert_probs2qtl2(hyper) rownames(y) <- paste(1:n_ind) posnames <- unlist(lapply(pr, function(a) dimnames(a)[[3]])) names(posnames) <- NULL # scan out <- scan1(pr, y) out_perm <- scan1(pr, y[sample(n_ind),]) expect_equal(out_perm, out) class(pr) <- c("calc_genoprob", "list") # allows simpler reordering of individuals out_perm <- scan1(pr[sample(n_ind),], y) expect_equal(out_perm, out) ############################## # weighted scan w <- runif(n_ind, 1, 3) names(w) <- rownames(y) out <- scan1(pr, y, weights=w) out_perm <- scan1(pr[sample(n_ind),], y[sample(n_ind),], weights=w[sample(n_ind)]) expect_equal(out_perm, out) ############################## # additive covariate x <- sample(0:1, n_ind, replace=TRUE) names(x) <- rownames(y) out <- scan1(pr, y, addcovar=x) out_perm <- scan1(pr[sample(n_ind),], y[sample(n_ind),], addcovar=x[sample(n_ind)]) expect_equal(out_perm, out) ############################## # additive covariate + weights out <- scan1(pr, y, addcovar=x, weights=w) out_perm <- scan1(pr[sample(n_ind),], y[sample(n_ind),], addcovar=x[sample(n_ind)], weights=w[sample(n_ind)]) expect_equal(out_perm, out) ############################## # interactive covariate out <- scan1(pr, y, addcovar=x, intcovar=x) out_perm <- scan1(pr[sample(n_ind),], y[sample(n_ind),], addcovar=x[sample(n_ind)], intcovar=x[sample(n_ind)]) expect_equal(out_perm, out) # auto add intcovar? out_perm <- scan1(pr[sample(n_ind),], y[sample(n_ind),], intcovar=x[sample(n_ind)]) expect_equal(out_perm, out) ############################## # interactive covariate + weights out <- scan1(pr, y, addcovar=x, intcovar=x, weights=w) out_perm <- scan1(pr[sample(n_ind),], y[sample(n_ind),], addcovar=x[sample(n_ind)], intcovar=x[sample(n_ind)], weights=w[sample(n_ind)]) expect_equal(out_perm, out) # auto add intcovar? out_perm <- scan1(pr[sample(n_ind),], y[sample(n_ind),], intcovar=x[sample(n_ind)], weights=w[sample(n_ind)]) expect_equal(out_perm, out) }) test_that("multi-core scan1 works", { skip_if(isnt_karl(), "this test only run locally") set.seed(20151202) library(qtl) data(hyper) # phenotypes n_phe <- 15 n_ind <- nind(hyper) y <- matrix(rnorm(n_ind*n_phe), ncol=n_phe) # 5 batches spl <- split(sample(n_phe), rep(1:5, 3)) nmis <- c(0, 5, 10, 15, 20) for(i in seq(along=spl)[-1]) y[sample(n_ind, nmis[i]), spl[[i]]] <- NA rownames(y) <- paste(1:n_ind) # inputs for R/qtl2 hyper2 <- convert2cross2(hyper) map <- insert_pseudomarkers(hyper2, step=2.5) pr <- calc_genoprob(hyper2, map) posnames <- unlist(lapply(pr, function(a) dimnames(a)[[3]])) names(posnames) <- NULL # scan out <- scan1(pr, y) out_multicore <- scan1(pr, y, cores=2) expect_equal(out_multicore, out) ############################## # weighted scan w <- runif(n_ind, 1, 3) names(w) <- rownames(y) out <- scan1(pr, y, weights=w) out_multicore <- scan1(pr, y, weights=w, cores=2) expect_equal(out_multicore, out) ############################## # additive covariate x <- sample(0:1, n_ind, replace=TRUE) names(x) <- rownames(y) out <- scan1(pr, y, addcovar=x) out_multicore <- scan1(pr, y, addcovar=x, cores=2) expect_equal(out_multicore, out) ############################## # additive covariate + weights out <- scan1(pr, y, addcovar=x, weights=w) out_multicore <- scan1(pr, y, addcovar=x, weights=w, cores=2) expect_equal(out_multicore, out) ############################## # interactive covariate out <- scan1(pr, y, addcovar=x, intcovar=x) out_multicore <- scan1(pr, y, addcovar=x, intcovar=x, cores=2) expect_equal(out_multicore, out) # auto add intcovar? out_multicore <- scan1(pr, y, intcovar=x, cores=2) expect_equal(out_multicore, out) ############################## # interactive covariate + weights out <- scan1(pr, y, addcovar=x, intcovar=x, weights=w) out_multicore <- scan1(pr, y, addcovar=x, intcovar=x, weights=w, cores=2) expect_equal(out_multicore, out) # auto add intcovar? out_multicore <- scan1(pr, y, intcovar=x, weights=w, cores=2) expect_equal(out_multicore, out) }) test_that("scan1 LOD results don't depend on scale of x and y", { skip_if(isnt_karl(), "this test only run locally") set.seed(20151202) library(qtl) data(hyper) # phenotypes n_phe <- 15 n_ind <- nind(hyper) y <- matrix(rnorm(n_ind*n_phe), ncol=n_phe) # 5 batches spl <- split(sample(n_phe), rep(1:5, 3)) nmis <- c(0, 5, 10, 15, 20) for(i in seq(along=spl)[-1]) y[sample(n_ind, nmis[i]), spl[[i]]] <- NA rownames(y) <- paste(1:n_ind) # inputs for R/qtl2 hyper2 <- convert2cross2(hyper) map <- insert_pseudomarkers(hyper2$gmap, step=2.5) pr <- calc_genoprob(hyper2, map) posnames <- unlist(lapply(pr, function(a) dimnames(a)[[3]])) names(posnames) <- NULL ybig <- y*100 # scan out <- scan1(pr, y) outbig <- scan1(pr, ybig) expect_equal(outbig, out) ############################## # weighted scan w <- runif(n_ind, 1, 3) names(w) <- rownames(y) wbig <- w*5 out <- scan1(pr, y, weights=w) outbig <- scan1(pr, ybig, weights=wbig) expect_equal(outbig, out) ############################## # additive covariate x <- sample(0:1, n_ind, replace=TRUE) names(x) <- rownames(y) xbig <- x*50 out <- scan1(pr, y, addcovar=x) outbig <- scan1(pr, ybig, addcovar=xbig) expect_equal(outbig, out) ############################## # additive covariate + weights out <- scan1(pr, y, addcovar=x, weights=w) outbig <- scan1(pr, ybig, addcovar=xbig, weights=wbig) expect_equal(outbig, out) ############################## # interactive covariate out <- scan1(pr, y, addcovar=x, intcovar=x) outbig <- scan1(pr, ybig, addcovar=xbig, intcovar=xbig) expect_equal(outbig, out) ############################## # interactive covariate + weights out <- scan1(pr, y, addcovar=x, intcovar=x, weights=w) outbig <- scan1(pr, ybig, addcovar=xbig, intcovar=xbig, weights=wbig) expect_equal(outbig, out) }) test_that("scan1 deals with mismatching individuals", { skip_if(isnt_karl(), "this test only run locally") iron <- read_cross2(system.file("extdata", "", package="qtl2")) map <- insert_pseudomarkers(iron$gmap, step=2.5) probs <- calc_genoprob(iron, map, error_prob=0.002) kinship <- calc_kinship(probs, "loco") Xc <- get_x_covar(iron) X <- match(iron$covar$sex, c("f", "m"))-1 names(X) <- rownames(iron$covar) ind <- c(1:50, 101:150) expected <- scan1(probs[ind,], iron$pheno[ind,,drop=FALSE], addcovar=X[ind], intcovar=X[ind], Xcovar=Xc[ind,]) expect_equal(scan1(probs[ind,], iron$pheno, addcovar=X, intcovar=X, Xcovar=Xc), expected) expect_equal(scan1(probs, iron$pheno[ind,], addcovar=X, intcovar=X, Xcovar=Xc), expected) expect_equal(scan1(probs, iron$pheno, addcovar=X[ind], intcovar=X, Xcovar=Xc), expected) expect_equal(scan1(probs, iron$pheno, addcovar=X, intcovar=X[ind], Xcovar=Xc), expected) expect_equal(scan1(probs, iron$pheno, addcovar=X, intcovar=X, Xcovar=Xc[ind,]), expected) }) test_that("scan1 can handle decomposed kinship matrix", { skip_if(isnt_karl(), "this test only run locally") iron <- read_cross2(system.file("extdata", "", package="qtl2")) pr <- calc_genoprob(iron) k <- calc_kinship(pr) kd <- decomp_kinship(k) expect_equal( scan1(pr, iron$pheno, kd), scan1(pr, iron$pheno, k) ) }) test_that("weights derived from table() are okay", { iron <- read_cross2(system.file("extdata", "", package="qtl2")) pr <- calc_genoprob(iron) k <- calc_kinship(pr) w1 <- setNames(sample(1:10, nrow(iron$pheno), replace=TRUE), rownames(iron$pheno)) out1 <- scan1(pr, iron$pheno, weights=w1) out1k <- scan1(pr, iron$pheno, k, weights=w1) w2 <- table( rep(names(w1), w1) ) out2 <- scan1(pr, iron$pheno, weights=w2) out2k <- scan1(pr, iron$pheno, k, weights=w2) expect_equal(out1, out2) expect_equal(out1k, out2k) }) test_that("scan1 can handle names in the phenotype rownames", { iron <- read_cross2(system.file("extdata", "", package="qtl2")) pr <- calc_genoprob(iron, error_prob=0.002) pheno <- iron$pheno out <- scan1(pr, pheno) names(rownames(pheno)) <- paste0("mouse", rownames(pheno)) expect_equal(scan1(pr, pheno), out) names(rownames(pheno)) <- rep(NA, nrow(pheno)) expect_equal(scan1(pr, pheno), out) # the same with kinship matrix pheno <- iron$pheno k <- calc_kinship(pr) out <- scan1(pr, pheno, k) # no error names(rownames(pheno)) <- paste0("mouse", rownames(pheno)) expect_equal(scan1(pr, pheno, k), out) names(rownames(pheno)) <- rep(NA, nrow(pheno)) expect_equal(scan1(pr, pheno, k), out) })