context("basic HMM functions in general AIL") ### TODO none of this has been revised yet test_that("genail n_gen, n_alleles work", { expect_equal(nalleles("genail38"), 38) expect_equal(nalleles("genail6"), 6) expect_equal(test_ngen("genail38", FALSE), 741) expect_equal(test_ngen("genail8", FALSE), 36) expect_equal(test_ngen("genail38", TRUE), 779) expect_equal(test_ngen("genail8", TRUE), 44) # throw error for "genail1" expect_error(nalleles("genail1")) }) test_that("genail possible_gen work", { expect_equal(test_possible_gen("genail38", FALSE, FALSE, c(15,rep(1,38))), 1:741) expect_equal(test_possible_gen("genail38", TRUE, TRUE, c(15,rep(1,38))), 1:741) expect_equal(test_possible_gen("genail38", TRUE, FALSE, c(15,rep(1,38))), 742:779) }) # FIX_ME: test check_geno test_that("genail init work", { set.seed(20181105) alpha <- sample(1:10, 38, replace=TRUE) init<- alpha/sum(alpha) calcFX <- calcA <- expected <- matrix(nrow=38, ncol=38) calcMX <- rep(NA, 38) for(i in 1:38) { for(j in i:38) { g <- mpp_encode_alleles(i, j, 38, FALSE) calcA[i,j] <- test_init("genail38", g, FALSE, FALSE, c(8, alpha)) expected[i,j] <- ifelse(i==j, 2*log(init[i]), log(2) + log(init[i]) + log(init[j])) calcFX[i,j] <- test_init("genail38", g, TRUE, TRUE, c(8, alpha)) } calcMX[i] <- test_init("genail38", i+741, TRUE, FALSE, c(8, alpha)) } expect_equal(calcMX, log(init)) expect_equal(calcA, expected) expect_equal(calcFX, expected) }) # FIX_ME: test emit test_that("genail step works", { skip_on_cran() nf <- 7 ng <- nf + choose(nf,2) alpha_int <- sample(1:10, nf, replace=TRUE) alpha <- alpha_int/sum(alpha_int) g <- t(sapply(1:ng, mpp_decode_geno, nf, FALSE)) # genotypes for(rf in c(0.01, 0.1, 0.45)) { for(ngen in c(3, 5)) { # male X chr R <- alpha*(1-(1-rf)^ngen) expected <- matrix(rep(alpha*(1-(1-rf)^(ngen*2/3)),nf), ncol=nf, byrow=TRUE) diag(expected) <- alpha + (1-alpha)*(1-rf)^(ngen*2/3) result <- matrix(ncol=nf, nrow=nf) for(i in 1:nf) { for(j in 1:nf) { result[i,j] <- test_step(paste0("genail", nf), i+ng, j+ng, rf, TRUE, FALSE, c(ngen, alpha_int)) } } # rows sum to 1? expect_equal(rowSums(exp(result)), rep(1, nf)) # matches what I expected? expect_equal(result, log(expected)) # autosome result <- matrix(ncol=ng, nrow=ng) for(i in 1:ng) { for(j in 1:ng) { result[i,j] <- test_step(paste0("genail", nf), i, j, rf, FALSE, FALSE, c(ngen, alpha_int)) } } # rows sum to 1? expect_equal(rowSums(exp(result)), rep(1, ng)) # female X chr result <- matrix(ncol=ng, nrow=ng) for(i in 1:ng) { for(j in 1:ng) { result[i,j] <- test_step(paste0("genail", nf), i, j, rf, TRUE, TRUE, c(ngen, alpha_int)) } } # rows sum to 1? expect_equal(rowSums(exp(result)), rep(1, ng)) } } }) test_that("genail geno_names work", { # if 38 founders, using upper case and lower case letters. Ugh. alleles <- c(LETTERS, letters[1:(38-26)]) expected <- sapply(1:741, function(a) paste(alleles[mpp_decode_geno(a, 38, FALSE)], collapse="")) expect_equal( geno_names("genail38", alleles, FALSE), expected) hemi <- paste(alleles, "Y", sep="") expect_equal( geno_names("genail38", alleles, TRUE), c(expected, hemi)) # could also use two-letter allele codes, but ugly alleles <- c(paste0("A",LETTERS), paste0("B", LETTERS[1:(38-26)])) expected <- sapply(1:741, function(a) paste(alleles[mpp_decode_geno(a, 38, FALSE)], collapse="")) expect_equal( geno_names("genail38", alleles, FALSE), expected) hemi <- paste(alleles, "Y", sep="") expect_equal( geno_names("genail38", alleles, TRUE), c(expected, hemi)) }) test_that("genail nrec work", { skip_on_cran() nf <- 19 ng <- nf + choose(nf, 2) crosstype <- paste0("genail", nf) # male X chromosome calculated <- matrix(nrow=nf, ncol=nf) for(i in 1:nf) { for(j in 1:nf) { calculated[i,j] <- test_nrec(crosstype, i+ng, j+ng, TRUE, FALSE, c(20, rep(1, nf))) } } expect_equal(calculated, 1-diag(nf)) calculatedA <- calculatedfX <- expected <- matrix(nrow=ng, ncol=ng) g <- sapply(1:ng, function(g) mpp_decode_geno(g, nf, FALSE)) # female X chromosome or autosome for(i in 1:ng) { for(j in 1:ng) { calculatedA[i,j] <- test_nrec(crosstype, i, j, FALSE, FALSE, c(20, rep(1, nf))) calculatedfX[i,j] <- test_nrec(crosstype, i, j, TRUE, TRUE, c(20, rep(1, nf))) expected[i,j] <- min(sum(g[,i]!=g[,j]), sum(g[,i]!=rev(g[,j]))) } } expect_equal(calculatedA, expected) expect_equal(calculatedfX, expected) })