library(multcomp) ################################################################################ ################################## DATA #################################### ################################################################################ # Example from Hothorn et al. (2020) daphnia = structure(list('Concentration' = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.56, 1.56, 1.56, 1.56, 1.56, 1.56, 1.56, 1.56, 1.56, 1.56, 3.12, 3.12, 3.12, 3.12, 3.12, 3.12, 3.12, 3.12, 3.12, 3.12, 6.25, 6.25, 6.25, 6.25, 6.25, 6.25, 6.25, 6.25, 6.25, 6.25, 12.5, 12.5, 12.5, 12.5, 12.5, 12.5, 12.5, 12.5, 12.5, 12.5, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25), Adults = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10), Number_Young = c(27, 30, 29, 31, 16, 15, 18, 17, 14, 27, 32, 35, 32, 26, 18, 29, 27, 16, 35, 13, 39, 30, 33, 33, 36, 33, 33, 27, 38, 44, 27, 34, 36, 34, 31, 27, 33, 21, 33, 31, 10, 13, 7, 7, 7, 10, 10, 16, 12, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 60L)) daphnia$Conc = as.factor(daphnia$Concentration) contingency.table <- matrix(c(20, 10, 40, 10, 90, 15), nrow=2, ncol=3) rownames(contingency.table)=c("Success", "Failure") colnames(contingency.table)=c("Control", "T1", "T2") contingency.table ################################################################################ ################################## CPCAT ################################### ################################################################################ # testing CPCAT res = CPCAT(groups=daphnia$Conc, counts=daphnia$Number_Young, = NULL, bootstrap.runs = 10000, use.fixed.random.seed = T, get.contrasts.and.p.values = F, show.output = T) ################################################################################ ############################### DUNNETT GLM ################################ ################################################################################ # test Dunnett GLM res = Dunnett.GLM(groups=daphnia$Conc, counts=daphnia$Number_Young, = NULL, zero.treatment.action = "") res = Dunnett.GLM(groups=daphnia$Conc, counts=daphnia$Number_Young, = NULL, zero.treatment.action = "log(x+1)") ################################################################################ ################################## CPFISH ################################## ################################################################################ CPFISH(contingency.table = contingency.table, = NULL, simulate.p.value = T, use.fixed.random.seed = T) ################################################################################ ################################# Test bMDD ################################ ################################################################################ ############################### CPCAT tests ################################ # Idea: shift lambda of Poisson distribution until there is a certain proportion of significant results CPCAT.bMDD(groups = daphnia$Conc, counts = daphnia$Number_Young, = NULL, alpha = 0.05, shift.step = -1, bootstrap.runs = 5, power = 0.8, max.iterations = 1000, use.fixed.random.seed = F, CPCAT.bootstrap.runs = 10, show.progress = T, show.results = T) ############################ GLM.Dunnett tests ############################# res = Dunnett.GLM.bMDD(groups = daphnia$Conc, counts = daphnia$Number_Young, = NULL, alpha = 0.05, shift.step = -1, bootstrap.runs = 5, power = 0.8, max.iterations = 1000, use.fixed.random.seed = F, = "log(x+1)", show.progress = T, show.results = T) ############################## CPFISH tests ################################ CPFISH.bMDD(contingency.table = contingency.table, # contingency.table is a matrix with observed data (e.g. survival counts) = NULL, # character string with control group name alpha = 0.05, # significance level shift.step = -0.1, # step of shift (negative as a reduction is assumed) bootstrap.runs = 10, # number of bootstrap runs (draw Poisson data n times) power = 0.8, # proportion of bootstrap.runs that return significant differences max.iterations = 1000, # max number of iterations to not get stuck in the while loop simulate.p.value = TRUE, # use simulated p-values or not use.fixed.random.seed = T, # fix seed for random numbers if desired (enables to reproduce results) show.progress = T, # show progress for each shift of lambda show.results = T) # show results ################################################################################ ################################ Test power ################################ ################################################################################ ############################### CPCAT tests ################################ # Idea: shift lambda of Poisson distribution until there is a certain proportion of significant results CPCAT.power(groups = daphnia$Conc, counts = daphnia$Number_Young, = NULL, alpha = 0.05, bootstrap.runs = 10, use.fixed.random.seed = F, CPCAT.bootstrap.runs = 10, show.progress = T, show.results = T) ############################ GLM.Dunnett tests ############################# res = Dunnett.GLM.power(groups = daphnia$Conc, counts = daphnia$Number_Young, = NULL, alpha = 0.05, bootstrap.runs = 10, use.fixed.random.seed = F, = "log(x+1)", show.progress = T, show.results = T) ############################## CPFISH tests ################################ CPFISH.power(contingency.table = contingency.table, # contingency.table is a matrix with observed data (e.g. survival counts) = NULL, # character string with control group name alpha = 0.05, # significance level bootstrap.runs = 10, # number of bootstrap runs (draw Poisson data n times) simulate.p.value = TRUE, # use simulated p-values or not use.fixed.random.seed = T, # fix seed for random numbers if desired (enables to reproduce results) show.progress = T, # show progress for each shift of lambda show.results = T) # show results