library(qicharts2) context('Hospital Infections') # Single plot of hospital infections ---- test_that('Single plot of hospital infections', { expect_equal_to_reference( summary( qic(month, n, days, data = hospital_infections, chart = 'u') )[,-c(12,14)], 'hai_1.rds' ) }) # Single facted plot of hospital infections ---- test_that('Single facted plot of hospital infections', { expect_equal_to_reference( summary( qic(month, n, days, data = hospital_infections, facets = ~ infection, chart = 'u') )[,-c(12,14)], 'hai_2.rds' ) }) # Double faceted plot of hospital infections ---- test_that('Double faceted plot of hospital infections', { expect_equal_to_reference( summary( qic(month, n, days, data = hospital_infections, facets = hospital ~ infection, chart = 'u') )[,-c(12,14)], 'hai_3.rds' ) }) # Funnel plot of hospital infections ---- test_that('Funnel plot of hospital infections', { expect_equal_to_reference( summary( qic(reorder(hospital, days), n, days, data = subset(hospital_infections, month >= '2016-07-01'), chart = 'u', facets = ~ infection, multiply = 10000) )[,-c(12,14)], 'hai_4.rds' ) }) test_that('Return data matches plot data', { expect_equal( subset(qic(1:50)$data, select = -c(dotcol, linecol)), qic(1:50, = TRUE) ) })