R Under development (unstable) (2024-09-15 r87152 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2024 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > library(testthat) > library(qgisprocess) Attempting to load the package cache ... No cache found. Will try to reconfigure qgisprocess and build new cache ... >>> PROBLEM encountered: couldn't build and save package cache! <<< The 'qgis_process' command-line utility was either not found or did not fulfil the needs to build the package cache. Please run `qgis_configure()` to fix this and rebuild the cache. See its documentation if you need to preset the path of qgis_process. If the problem persists, make sure that you correctly installed QGIS for your operating system using the instructions at . > > test_check("qgisprocess") [ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 62 | PASS 273 ] ══ Skipped tests (62) ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ • Test takes ~1 hr to run (1): 'test-qgis-help.R:53:3' • has_qgis() is not TRUE (61): 'test-compat-raster.R:156:3', 'test-compat-sf.R:3:3', 'test-compat-sf.R:103:3', 'test-qgis-algorithms.R:2:3', 'test-qgis-algorithms.R:17:3', 'test-qgis-algorithms.R:28:3', 'test-qgis-algorithms.R:34:3', 'test-qgis-algorithms.R:59:3', 'test-qgis-configure.R:18:3', 'test-qgis-configure.R:24:3', 'test-qgis-configure.R:72:3', 'test-qgis-configure.R:174:3', 'test-qgis-configure.R:266:3', 'test-qgis-function.R:2:3', 'test-qgis-function.R:41:3', 'test-qgis-has.R:2:3', 'test-qgis-has.R:8:3', 'test-qgis-has.R:14:3', 'test-qgis-help.R:2:3', 'test-qgis-help.R:8:3', 'test-qgis-help.R:34:3', 'test-qgis-help.R:70:3', 'test-qgis-help.R:75:3', 'test-qgis-output.R:2:3', 'test-qgis-output.R:18:3', 'test-qgis-output.R:54:3', 'test-qgis-plugins.R:2:3', 'test-qgis-plugins.R:8:3', 'test-qgis-plugins.R:14:3', 'test-qgis-plugins.R:20:3', 'test-qgis-plugins.R:33:3', 'test-qgis-plugins.R:44:3', 'test-qgis-plugins.R:56:3', 'test-qgis-plugins.R:67:3', 'test-qgis-plugins.R:77:3', 'test-qgis-plugins.R:105:3', 'test-qgis-plugins.R:122:3', 'test-qgis-plugins.R:142:3', 'test-qgis-plugins.R:166:3', 'test-qgis-result.R:26:3', 'test-qgis-result.R:63:3', 'test-qgis-result.R:97:3', 'test-qgis-result.R:127:3', 'test-qgis-run-algorithm.R:7:3', 'test-qgis-run-algorithm.R:40:3', 'test-qgis-run-algorithm.R:55:3', 'test-qgis-run-algorithm.R:73:3', 'test-qgis-run-algorithm.R:91:3', 'test-qgis-run-algorithm.R:110:3', 'test-qgis-run-algorithm.R:151:3', 'test-qgis-run-algorithm.R:198:3', 'test-qgis-run-algorithm.R:230:3', 'test-qgis-run-algorithm.R:282:3', 'test-qgis-run.R:2:3', 'test-qgis-state.R:2:3', 'test-qgis-state.R:9:3', 'test-qgis-state.R:26:3', 'test-qgis-state.R:32:3', 'test-qgis-state.R:57:3', 'test-qgis-state.R:145:3', 'test-qgisprocess-deprecated.R:17:3' [ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 62 | PASS 273 ] > > proc.time() user system elapsed 9.10 0.78 10.01