input <- if (has_qgis()) { if (qgis_using_json_input()) " (using JSON input)" else " (NOT using JSON input)" } else "" test_that(glue("qgis_run_algorithm() works{input}"), { skip_if_not(has_qgis()) tmp_gpkg <- qgis_tmp_vector(".gpkg") result <- expect_output( qgis_run_algorithm( "native:reprojectlayer", INPUT = system.file("longlake/longlake.gpkg", package = "qgisprocess"), TARGET_CRS = "EPSG:4326", OUTPUT = tmp_gpkg, .quiet = FALSE ), "Running\\s+" ) expect_true(file.exists(tmp_gpkg)) unlink(tmp_gpkg) result <- expect_output( qgis_run_algorithm( "native:reprojectlayer", INPUT = system.file("longlake/longlake.gpkg", package = "qgisprocess"), TARGET_CRS = "EPSG:4326", OUTPUT = tmp_gpkg, .quiet = TRUE ), NA ) expect_true(file.exists(tmp_gpkg)) unlink(tmp_gpkg) }) test_that(glue("qgis_run_algorithm() ignores unknown inputs{input}"), { skip_if_not(has_qgis()) expect_message( qgis_run_algorithm( "native:buffer", NOT_AN_INPUT = "some value", INPUT = system.file("longlake/longlake.gpkg", package = "qgisprocess"), DISTANCE = 100, .quiet = TRUE ), "Ignoring unknown input" ) }) test_that(glue("qgis_run_algorithm() accepts multiple input arguments{input}"), { skip_if_not(has_qgis()) skip_if_not_installed("sf") v_1 <- sf::read_sf(system.file("longlake/longlake.gpkg", package = "qgisprocess")) v_2 <- v_3 <- v_1 v_2$geom <- v_2$geom + 1000 sf::st_crs(v_2) <- sf::st_crs(v_1) v_3$geom <- v_3$geom - 1000 sf::st_crs(v_3) <- sf::st_crs(v_1) out <- qgis_run_algorithm( "native:mergevectorlayers", LAYERS = v_1, LAYERS = v_2, LAYERS = v_3 ) tmp <- sf::read_sf(qgis_extract_output_by_name(out, "OUTPUT")) expect_equal(nrow(tmp), 3) }) test_that(glue("qgis_run_algorithm() accepts a qgis_list_input argument{input}"), { skip_if_not(has_qgis()) skip_if_not_installed("sf") v_1 <- sf::read_sf(system.file("longlake/longlake.gpkg", package = "qgisprocess")) v_2 <- v_3 <- v_1 v_2$geom <- v_2$geom + 1000 sf::st_crs(v_2) <- sf::st_crs(v_1) v_3$geom <- v_3$geom - 1000 sf::st_crs(v_3) <- sf::st_crs(v_1) out <- qgis_run_algorithm( "native:mergevectorlayers", LAYERS = qgis_list_input(v_1, v_2, v_3) ) tmp <- sf::read_sf(qgis_extract_output_by_name(out, "OUTPUT")) expect_equal(nrow(tmp), 3) }) test_that(glue("qgis_run_algorithm() works when passing a numeric vector to a range input type{input}"), { skip_if_not(has_qgis()) skip_if_not_installed("terra") skip_if(!("GRASS" %in% qgis_providers()$provider_title), "GRASS is not available") obj <- terra::rast(system.file("longlake/longlake_depth.tif", package = "qgisprocess")) out <- qgis_run_algorithm("grass7:r.rescale", input = obj, to = c(0, 1)) tmp <- qgis_as_terra(out) expect_identical(max(terra::values(tmp), na.rm = TRUE), 1L) out2 <- qgis_run_algorithm("grass7:r.rescale", input = obj, to = "0,1") tmp2 <- qgis_as_terra(out2) expect_identical(terra::values(tmp), terra::values(tmp2)) }) test_that(glue("qgis_run_algorithm() supports the matrix input type{input}"), { skip_if_not(has_qgis()) skip_if_not_installed("terra") path <- system.file("longlake/longlake.tif", package = "qgisprocess") vec <- c(25, 100, 1, 101, 175, 2, 176, 255, 3) mat <- matrix(vec, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE) df <- data.frame(min = mat[, 1], max = mat[, 2], val = mat[, 3]) res_vec <- qgis_run_algorithm("native:reclassifybytable", INPUT_RASTER = path, RASTER_BAND = 1, TABLE = vec, RANGE_BOUNDARIES = 2 ) res_mat <- qgis_run_algorithm("native:reclassifybytable", INPUT_RASTER = path, RASTER_BAND = 1, TABLE = mat, RANGE_BOUNDARIES = 2 ) res_df <- qgis_run_algorithm("native:reclassifybytable", INPUT_RASTER = path, RASTER_BAND = 1, TABLE = df, RANGE_BOUNDARIES = 2 ) expect_s3_class(res_vec$OUTPUT, "qgis_outputRaster") expect_s3_class(res_mat$OUTPUT, "qgis_outputRaster") expect_s3_class(res_df$OUTPUT, "qgis_outputRaster") vals_vec <- terra::values(qgis_as_terra(res_vec)) vals_mat <- terra::values(qgis_as_terra(res_mat)) vals_df <- terra::values(qgis_as_terra(res_df)) attr(vals_vec, "dimnames") <- NULL attr(vals_mat, "dimnames") <- NULL attr(vals_df, "dimnames") <- NULL expect_identical(vals_vec, vals_mat) expect_identical(vals_vec, vals_df) }) test_that(glue("qgis_run_algorithm() runs with qgis:relief, for which the acceptable value of COLORS is NULL{input}"), { skip_if_not(has_qgis()) skip_if_not_installed("terra") relief_args <- qgis_get_argument_specs("qgis:relief") expect_identical(relief_args["COLORS", ]$acceptable_values, list(NULL)) result <- qgis_run_algorithm( "qgis:relief", INPUT = system.file("longlake/longlake_depth.tif", package = "qgisprocess"), Z_FACTOR = 1, AUTO_COLORS = FALSE, COLORS = "-0.5, 0, 170, 0, 0; 0, 0.5, 85, 255, 255; 0.5, 1, 0, 255, 0; 1, 2.5, 85, 85, 255" ) expect_s3_class(result$OUTPUT, "qgis_outputRaster") expect_s3_class(result$FREQUENCY_DISTRIBUTION, "qgis_outputFile") expect_true(file.exists(result$OUTPUT)) expect_true(file.exists(result$FREQUENCY_DISTRIBUTION)) mat <- matrix( c(-0.5, 0, 170, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 85, 255, 255, 0.5, 1, 0, 255, 0, 1, 2.5, 85, 85, 255), ncol = 5, byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list(NULL, c("min", "max", "r", "g", "b")) ) df <- df$col <- rgb(df$r, df$g, df$b, alpha = 255, maxColorValue = 255) df <- df[, c("min", "max", "col")] res_df <- qgis_run_algorithm( "qgis:relief", INPUT = system.file("longlake/longlake_depth.tif", package = "qgisprocess"), Z_FACTOR = 1, AUTO_COLORS = FALSE, COLORS = df ) expect_s3_class(res_df$OUTPUT, "qgis_outputRaster") vals_string <- terra::values(qgis_as_terra(result)) vals_df <- terra::values(qgis_as_terra(res_df)) attr(vals_string, "dimnames") <- NULL attr(vals_df, "dimnames") <- NULL expect_identical(vals_string, vals_df) }) test_that(glue("qgis_run_algorithm() succeeds when it needs a QGIS project{input}"), { skip_if_not(has_qgis()) # Until Issue #68 is resolved (native:printlayouttopdf segfaults on MacOS): skip_on_os("mac") # QGIS 3.28.2 (and a series of QGIS 3.29 builds) always segfault # see qversion <- qgis_version() skip_if( stringr::str_detect(qversion, "^3\\.28\\.2-"), paste( "QGIS version", qversion, "is reported to segfault with 'native:printlayouttopdf'." ) ) tmp_pdf <- qgis_tmp_file(".pdf") result <- qgis_run_algorithm( "native:printlayouttopdf", LAYOUT = "Layout 1", OUTPUT = tmp_pdf, PROJECT_PATH = system.file("extdata/longlake.qgs", package = "qgisprocess") ) expect_true(file.exists(tmp_pdf)) expect_identical(tmp_pdf, as.character(result$OUTPUT)) unlink(tmp_pdf) }) test_that(glue("qgis_run_algorithm() succeeds when it uses an aggregates input argument{input}"), { skip_if_not(has_qgis()) skip_if_not_installed("sf") skip_if_not(qgis_using_json_input()) # preparing a layer of multiple polygons and some attributes ll_res <- qgis_run_algorithm( "native:subdivide", INPUT = system.file("longlake/longlake.gpkg", package = "qgisprocess"), MAX_NODES = 40 ) ll <- sf::st_as_sf(ll_res) ll <- sf::st_cast(sf::st_set_agr(ll, "constant"), "POLYGON") skip_if_not(nrow(ll) == 25L, "Intermediate result does not have the expected 25 polygons") depth_vals <- c("very deep", "deep", "shallow", "very shallow", "dry") ll$depth <- rep(depth_vals, 5) ll$name <- letters[1:25] result <- qgis_run_algorithm( "native:aggregate", AGGREGATES = qgis_list_input( qgis_dict_input( aggregate = "first_value", delimiter = ",", input = '"depth"', length = 20, name = "depth", precision = 0, type = 10 ), qgis_dict_input( aggregate = "concatenate", delimiter = ",", input = '"name"', length = 20, name = "name", precision = 0, type = 10 ) ), INPUT = ll, GROUP_BY = "depth" ) expect_s3_class(result$OUTPUT, "qgis_outputVector") ll_res <- sf::st_as_sf(result) expect_identical(ll_res$depth, depth_vals) expect_identical(ll_res$name[1], "a,f,k,p,u") }) test_that("qgis_run_algorithm() yields a warning with a deprecated algorithm", { skip_if_not(has_qgis()) skip_if_not(qgis_using_json_output()) algs <- qgis_algorithms() skip_if_not( "deprecated" %in% colnames(algs) && sum(algs$deprecated) > 0, "There are no deprecated algorithms available." ) skip_if_not( "native:raisewarning" %in% algs$algorithm[algs$deprecated], "'native:raisewarning' is not an available deprecated algorithm." ) local_edition(3) # if more than one warning pops up, it should be apparent from # testthat output (only the first warning is swallowed in the # third edition of testthat) suppressMessages( expect_warning( qgis_run_algorithm( "native:raisewarning", MESSAGE = "Some text than won't come back though." ) ) ) })