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Type 'q()' to quit R. > cat("sample splits testing") sample splits testing> library(qgcomp) > > data(metals) > metals$clust = sample(seq_len(floor(nrow(metals)/8)), nrow(metals), replace=TRUE) > > set.seed(1231124) > spl = split_data(metals) > Xnm <- c( + 'arsenic','barium','cadmium','calcium','chromium','copper', + 'iron','lead','magnesium','manganese','mercury','selenium','silver', + 'sodium','zinc' + ) > dim(spl$traindata) # 181 observations = 40% of total [1] 181 27 > dim(spl$validdata) # 271 observations = 60% of total [1] 271 27 > splitres <- qgcomp.partials(fun="qgcomp.noboot", f=y~., q=4, + traindata=spl$traindata,validdata=spl$validdata, expnms=Xnm, .fixbreaks = FALSE, .globalbreaks = TRUE) > splitres Variables with positive effect sizes in training data: barium, cadmium, calcium, chromium, iron, manganese, mercury, silver, zinc Variables with negative effect sizes in training data: arsenic, copper, lead, magnesium, selenium, sodium Partial effect sizes estimated in validation data Positive direction Mixture slope parameters (delta method CI): Estimate Std. Error Lower CI Upper CI t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) -0.38320 0.22649 -0.82712 0.060718 -1.6919 0.091861 psi1 0.32523 0.10369 0.12200 0.528460 3.1365 0.001905 Negative direction Mixture slope parameters (delta method CI): Estimate Std. Error Lower CI Upper CI t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 0.1408349 0.2110588 -0.27283 0.55450 0.6673 0.5052 psi1 0.0035834 0.0751010 -0.14361 0.15078 0.0477 0.9620 > > # check for break preservation > posbr = splitres$pos.fit$breaks[[1]] > posnm = splitres$pos.fit$expnms[[1]] > negbr = splitres$neg.fit$breaks[[1]] > negnm = splitres$neg.fit$expnms[[1]] > posidx = which(splitres$train.fit$expnms == posnm) > negidx = which(splitres$train.fit$expnms == negnm) > stopifnot(all.equal(splitres$train.fit$breaks[[posidx]], posbr)) > stopifnot(all.equal(splitres$train.fit$breaks[[negidx]], negbr)) > > splitres2 <- qgcomp.partials(fun="qgcomp.noboot", f=y~., q=4, + traindata=spl$traindata,validdata=spl$validdata, expnms=Xnm, .fixbreaks = TRUE, .globalbreaks = FALSE) > splitres2 Variables with positive effect sizes in training data: barium, cadmium, calcium, chromium, iron, manganese, mercury, silver, zinc Variables with negative effect sizes in training data: arsenic, copper, lead, magnesium, selenium, sodium Partial effect sizes estimated in validation data Positive direction Mixture slope parameters (delta method CI): Estimate Std. Error Lower CI Upper CI t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) -0.33599 0.24037 -0.807102 0.13512 -1.3978 0.16335 psi1 0.26984 0.10613 0.061834 0.47785 2.5426 0.01158 Negative direction Mixture slope parameters (delta method CI): Estimate Std. Error Lower CI Upper CI t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 0.1789031 0.2106735 -0.23401 0.59182 0.8492 0.3965 psi1 -0.0066245 0.0745999 -0.15284 0.13959 -0.0888 0.9293 > > # check for break preservation > posbr2 = splitres2$pos.fit$breaks[[1]] > posnm2 = splitres2$pos.fit$expnms[[1]] > negbr2 = splitres2$neg.fit$breaks[[1]] > negnm2 = splitres2$neg.fit$expnms[[1]] > posidx2 = which(splitres2$train.fit$expnms == posnm) > negidx2 = which(splitres2$train.fit$expnms == negnm) > stopifnot(all.equal(splitres2$train.fit$breaks[[posidx2]], posbr2)) > stopifnot(all.equal(splitres2$train.fit$breaks[[negidx2]], negbr2)) > > > # are clusters allocated equally across training/testing? > margdist = as.numeric(prop.table(table(metals$clust))) # 70/30 split > # distance between marginal distribution of cluster and split specific clustering > #sqrt(sum((as.numeric(prop.table(table(spl$traindata$clust))) - margdist)^2)) # invalid because this doesnt contain all clusters > #sqrt(sum((as.numeric(prop.table(table(spl$validdata$clust))) - margdist)^2)) # 0.04049317 > # do all clusters show up in both datasets? > length(table(spl$traindata$clust)) - length(margdist) [1] -3 > length(table(spl$validdata$clust)) - length(margdist) [1] -1 > > > spl2 = split_data(metals, cluster="clust") > dim(spl2$traindata) # 181 observations = 40% of total [1] 182 27 > dim(spl2$validdata) # 271 observations = 60% of total [1] 270 27 > # distance between marginal distribution of cluster and split specific clustering > > sqrt(sum((as.numeric(prop.table(table(spl2$traindata$clust))) - margdist)^2)) # 0.0116399 [1] 0.01066905 > sqrt(sum((as.numeric(prop.table(table(spl2$validdata$clust))) - margdist)^2)) # 0.007774251 [1] 0.00719173 > # do all clusters show up in both datasets? > length(table(spl2$traindata$clust)) - length(margdist) [1] 0 > length(table(spl2$validdata$clust)) - length(margdist) [1] 0 > > > > proc.time() user system elapsed 1.57 0.25 1.82