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Type 'q()' to quit R. > cat("# poisson test\n") # poisson test > library("qgcomp") > > # grouped survival data > N = 250 > t = 4 > dat <- data.frame(row.names = 1:(N*t)) > dat <- within(dat, { + group = do.call("c", lapply(1:N, function(x) rep(x, t))) + age = do.call("c", lapply(1:N, function(x) 1:t)) + u = do.call("c", lapply(1:N, function(x) rep(runif(1), t))) + x1 = rnorm(N, u) + x2 = do.call("c", lapply(1:N, function(x) rep(sample(0:3,1), t))) + time = runif(N*t, 20, 200) + logtime = log(time) + lograte = -5 + x1 + deaths = rpois(N, exp(log(time) + lograte)) + }) > > summary(glm(deaths ~ x2, data = dat, family=poisson(), offset = logtime))$coefficients Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) (Intercept) -3.96024056 0.03603226 -109.908197 0.0000000 x2 -0.02230539 0.01949967 -1.143885 0.2526712 > > res = qgcomp.noboot(deaths~x2 + offset(logtime), expnms="x2", data = dat, family=poisson(), q=NULL) > res = qgcomp.noboot(deaths~x2+x1 + offset(logtime), expnms=c('x1', "x2"), data = dat, family=poisson(), q=4) > summary(res) Mixture log(RR) (delta method CI): $coefficients Estimate Std. Error Lower CI Upper CI Z value Pr(>|z|) (Intercept) -5.7575451 0.06833373 -5.8914767 -5.6236134 -84.25626 0 psi1 0.7625682 0.05974956 0.6454612 0.8796752 12.76274 0 > > res = qgcomp.noboot(deaths~x2+x1 + offset(logtime), expnms=c('x1', "x2"), data = dat, family=quasipoisson(), q=4) > > > # error by scoping for using the offset parameter > #qgcomp.noboot(deaths~x2, expnms="x2", data = dat, family=poisson(), q=4, offset = logtime) > > # this doesn't fail, doesn't give correct intercept (offset is forgotten) and > # variance looks wrong > #qgcomp.boot(deaths~x2 + offset(logtime), expnms="x2", data = dat, family=poisson(), parallel=TRUE, > # q=NULL, B=500, MCsize = 1000) > > > > # matching bootstrapped with non-bootstrapped version > dgm <- function(N){ + dat <- data.frame(id=1:N) + dat <- within(dat, { + u = 0 + x1 = runif(N)*4 + u + x2 = runif(N)*4 + u + x3 = runif(N)*4 + u + x4 = runif(N)*4 + u + x5 = runif(N)*4 + u + x6 = runif(N)*4 + u + y = rpois(N, exp(-5+.3*x1+.3*x2)) + }) + dat[,c('y', paste0("x", 1:6))] + } > > Xnm = c(paste0("x", 1:6)) > > dat = dgm(200) > m1 = qgcomp.noboot(y~., expnms=Xnm, data = dat, family=gaussian(), q=4) > m1a = qgcomp(y~., expnms=Xnm, data = dat, family=gaussian(), q=4) > print(coef(m1), digits=10) (intercept) psi1 0.011835318107 -0.004556878738 > > #' \dontrun{ > #' m1 = qgcomp.noboot(y~., expnms=Xnm, data = dat, family=poisson(), q=4) > #' m2 = qgcomp.boot( y~., expnms=Xnm, data = dat, family=poisson(), q=4, B=5, parallel=TRUE, MCsize = 50) > #' print(coef(m1), digits=10) > #' print(coef(m2$msmfit), digits=10) > #' > #' > #' repit <- function(i){ > #' dat = dgm(1000) > #' m1 = qgcomp.noboot(y~., expnms=Xnm, data = dat, family=poisson(), q=4) > #' m2 = qgcomp.boot( y~., expnms=Xnm, data = dat, family=poisson(), q=4, B=5, parallel=TRUE, MCsize = 100000) > #' res = c(m1$coef, m1$var.coef, 1*(m1$pval>0.05), with(m1, ci.coef[1]<2 & ci.coef[2]>2), m2$coef, m2$var.coef, 1*(m2$pval>0.05), with(m2, ci.coef[2,1]<2 & ci.coef[2,2]>2)) > #' names(res) <- c("psiint", "psi", "varint", "var", "powint", "pow", "cover", "b.psiint", "b.psi", "b.varint", "b.var", "b.powint", "b.pow", "b.cover") > #' res > #' } > #' > #' > #' #res = mclapply(1:1000, repit) > #' res = lapply(1:2, repit) > #' res = simplify2array(res) > #' > #' # equality within toleraance > #' stopifnot(all.equal(res["psiint",],res["b.psiint",], tolerance=sqrt(0.01))) > #' stopifnot(all.equal(res["psi",],res["b.psi",], tolerance=sqrt(0.01))) > #' > #' > #' # bootstrap and regular variance good > #' repit2 <- function(i){ > #' dat = dgm(500) > #' m1 = qgcomp.noboot(y~., expnms=c("x1", "x2"), data = dat, family=poisson(), q=4) > #' m2 = qgcomp.boot( y~., expnms=c("x1", "x2"), data = dat, family=poisson(), q=4, B=5, parallel=TRUE, MCsize = 1000) > #' res = c(m1$coef, m1$var.coef, 1*(m1$pval>0.05), with(m1, ci.coef[1]<2 & ci.coef[2]>2), m2$coef, m2$var.coef, 1*(m2$pval>0.05), with(m2, ci.coef[2,1]<2 & ci.coef[2,2]>2)) > #' names(res) <- c("psiint", "psi", "varint", "var", "powint", "pow", "cover", "b.psiint", "b.psi", "b.varint", "b.var", "b.powint", "b.pow", "b.cover") > #' res > #' } > #' > #' #res = lapply(1:500, repit2) > #' #res = simplify2array(res) > #' > #' > #' #stopifnot(all.equal(res["var",],res["b.var",], tolerance=sqrt(0.01))) > #' > #' } > cat("done") done> > > proc.time() user system elapsed 1.59 0.25 1.82