cat("# multiple imputation through chained equations test\n") library("qgcomp") N = 100 set.seed(123) dat <- data.frame(y=runif(N), x1=runif(N), x2=runif(N), z=runif(N)) true = qgcomp.noboot(f=y ~ z + x1 + x2, expnms = c('x1', 'x2'), data=dat, q=2, family=gaussian()) mdat <- dat mdat$x1 = ifelse(mdat$x1>0.5, mdat$x1, NA) mdat$x2 = ifelse(mdat$x2>0.75, mdat$x2, NA) true <- qgcomp.noboot(f=y ~ z + x1 + x2, expnms = c('x1', 'x2'), data=dat, q=2, family=gaussian()) cc <- qgcomp.noboot(f=y ~ z + x1 + x2, expnms = c('x1', 'x2'), data=mdat[complete.cases(mdat),], q=2, family=gaussian()) cdat = mdat cdat$x1 = ifelse($x1), 0.5/sqrt(2), cdat$x1) #data = cdat ff <- function(data){ nms = names(data) j = which(nms == "x2") f <- function(){ nms = names(data) res = mice.impute.leftcenslognorm(y=cdat$x2, ry=!$x2), x=cdat[,c("x1", "y", "z")],$x2), lod=NULL, debug=TRUE) res } f() } # works when LOD is not specified and based on minimum non-missing value ff(cdat) f0 <- function(data, j){ print(sys.parent()) mice.impute.leftcenslognorm(y=data$x2, ry=!$x2), x=data[,c("x1", "y", "z")],$x2), lod=c(NA, 0.5, 0.75, NA), debug=TRUE) } f1 <- function(data, j){ print(sys.parent()) #print(eval("data"), envir = parent.frame(n=1))) f0(data, j=j) } f2 <- function(data, j){ print(sys.parent()) f1(data, j) } f3 <- function(data, j){ print(sys.parent()) f2(data, j) } f4 <- function(data, j){ print(sys.parent()) f3(data, j) } # none of these appears to work because "j" is never found f1(cdat, 3) f2(cdat, 3) f3(cdat, 3) f4(cdat, 3) # library("mice") # library("survival") # set.seed(1231) # impdat = mice(data = mdat, # method = c("", "leftcenslognorm", "leftcenslognorm", ""), # lod=c(NA, 0.5, 0.75, NA), debug=FALSE, maxit = 10, m = 5) # set.seed(1231) # impdat2 = mice(data = mdat, # method = c("", "leftcenslognorm", "leftcenslognorm", ""), # lod=list(rep(NA, N), rep(0.5, N), rep(0.75, N), rep(NA, N)), debug=FALSE, maxit = 10, m = 5) # <- list( # call = call("qgcomp.noboot(y~., expnms = c('x1', 'x2'), family=gaussian())"), # call1 = impdat$call, # nmis = impdat$nmis, # analyses = lapply(1:5, function(x) qgcomp.noboot(y~., expnms = c("x1", "x2"), # data=complete(impdat, x), family=gaussian(), bayes=FALSE)) # ) # <- list( # call = call("qgcomp.noboot(y~., expnms = c('x1', 'x2'), family=gaussian())"), # call1 = impdat$call, # nmis = impdat$nmis, # analyses = lapply(1:5, function(x) qgcomp.noboot(y~., expnms = c("x1", "x2"), # data=complete(impdat2, x), family=gaussian(), bayes=FALSE)) # ) # qc1 = pool( # qc2 = pool( # stopifnot(all.equal(qc1$pooled$estimate, qc2$pooled$estimate)) # # # newlods = data.frame(rep(NA, N), runif(N, 0, .01), runif(N, 0, 10), rep(NA, N)) # impdat3 = mice(data = mdat, # method = c("", "leftcenslognorm", "leftcenslognorm", ""), # lod=newlods, debug=FALSE, maxit = 10, m = 5) # <- list( # call = call("qgcomp.noboot(y~., expnms = c('x1', 'x2'), family=gaussian())"), # call1 = impdat$call, # nmis = impdat$nmis, # analyses = lapply(1:5, function(x) qgcomp.noboot(y~., expnms = c("x1", "x2"), # data=complete(impdat2, x), family=gaussian(), bayes=FALSE)) # ) # xcomp = complete(impdat3, 1) # stopifnot(all(xcomp[[,2]),2]< newlods[[,2]),2])) # stopifnot(all(xcomp[[,3]),3] < newlods[[,3]),3] )) # # note the following example imputes from the wrong parametric model and is expected to be biased # # as a result # library("mice") # library("survival") # set.seed(1231) # impdat = mice(data = mdat, # method = c("", "leftcenslognorm", "leftcenslognorm", ""), # lod=c(NA, 0.5, 0.75, NA), debug=FALSE, maxit = 10, m = 50) # <- list( # call = call("qgcomp.noboot(y~., expnms = c('x1', 'x2'), family=gaussian())"), # call1 = impdat$call, # nmis = impdat$nmis, # analyses = lapply(1:50, function(x) qgcomp.noboot(y~., expnms = c("x1", "x2"), # data=complete(impdat, x), family=gaussian(), bayes=FALSE)) # ) # <- list( # call = call("qgcomp.noboot(y~., expnms = c('x1', 'x2'), family=gaussian())"), # call1 = impdat$call, # nmis = impdat$nmis, # analyses = lapply(1:50, function(x) lm(y~., data=complete(impdat, x))) # ) # # summary(complete(impdat, 1)) # obj <- pool(as.mira( are results at a given seed numerically stable across versions? # # # summary(obj) # # estimate std.error statistic df p.value # # (Intercept) 0.67956728 0.09189112 7.395353 64.56892 3.582918e-10 # # psi1 -0.09551483 0.04876708 -1.958592 49.71615 5.578245e-02 # # true # # Estimate Std. Error Lower CI Upper CI t value # # (Intercept) 0.582729 0.068033 0.44939 0.716071 1.663e-13 # # psi1 -0.099867 0.086641 -0.26968 0.069947 0.2519 # # cc # # Estimate Std. Error Lower CI Upper CI t value # # (Intercept) 0.58390 0.11158 0.36520 0.802600 0.0008 # # psi1 -0.29313 0.12952 -0.54697 -0.039282 0.0534 # # # obj2 <- pool(as.mira( are results at a given seed numerically stable across versions? # true = lm(y~., data=dat) # cc = lm(y~., data=cdat) # # summary(obj2) # # estimate std.error statistic df p.value # # (Intercept) 0.88780523 0.21350133 4.1583123 52.88431 0.0001180606 # # x1 -0.19722820 0.14363657 -1.3731057 77.01935 0.1737039541 # # x2 -0.35849252 0.24710409 -1.4507754 47.94448 0.1533539928 # # z -0.08929342 0.09794892 -0.9116325 91.46288 0.3643587309 # # # summary(true) # # Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) # # (Intercept) 0.62516 0.09538 6.554 2.79e-09 *** # # x1 -0.10569 0.10982 -0.962 0.338 # # x2 -0.07144 0.09854 -0.725 0.470 # # z -0.07624 0.09822 -0.776 0.440 # # summary(cc) # # Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) # # (Intercept) -0.4987 0.9012 -0.553 0.586 # # x1 -0.1079 0.3138 -0.344 0.734 # # x2 1.1194 0.8712 1.285 0.214 # # z -0.0159 0.1771 -0.090 0.929 #