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Type 'q()' to quit R. > cat("# bayesqgcomp test\n") # bayesqgcomp test > #devtools::install_github("alexpkeil1/qgcomp@dev") > library("qgcomp") > data("metals", package="qgcomp") > > Xnm <- c( + 'arsenic','barium','cadmium','calcium','chromium','copper', + 'iron','lead','magnesium','manganese','mercury','selenium','silver', + 'sodium','zinc' + ) > > # continuous outcome, example with perfect collinearity > metals$cadmium2 = metals$cadmium > Xnm2 = c(Xnm, "cadmium2") > res = try(qc.fit <- qgcomp.noboot(y~.,dat=metals[,c(Xnm2, 'y')], family=gaussian()), silent=TRUE) Including all model terms as exposures of interest > stopifnot(class(res)=="try-error") > # error > > res = try(qc.fit <- qgcomp.noboot(y~.,dat=metals[,c(Xnm2, 'y')], family=gaussian(), bayes=TRUE)) Including all model terms as exposures of interest > stopifnot(inherits(res, "qgcompfit")) > > # compare to results with colinear exposure removed > res = try(qc.fit2 <- qgcomp.noboot(y~.,dat=metals[,c(Xnm, 'y')], family=gaussian())) Including all model terms as exposures of interest > stopifnot(inherits(res, "qgcompfit")) > > #hitting code coverage just to check > dat = qgcomp:::.dgm_quantized(N=100) > dat$y = as.numeric(dat$y>median(dat$y)) > > qgcomp(y~.,dat=dat, expnms=c("x1", "x2"), family="binomial", rr=FALSE) Scaled effect size (positive direction, sum of positive coefficients = 2.31) x1 1 Scaled effect size (negative direction, sum of negative coefficients = -0.191) x2 1 Mixture log(OR) (delta method CI): Estimate Std. Error Lower CI Upper CI Z value Pr(>|z|) (Intercept) -3.95360 1.16647 -6.2398 -1.6674 -3.3894 0.0007005 psi1 2.11854 0.50142 1.1358 3.1013 4.2251 2.388e-05 > > res = try(qgcomp(y~x1+x2,dat=dat, expnms=c("x1", "x2"), family=NULL, rr=FALSE), silent=TRUE) NULL > stopifnot(inherits(res, "try-error")) > > qgcomp(y~x1+x2 | x1+x2,dat=dat, expnms=c("x1", "x2"), family="poisson") Prob(Y ~ count): Scaled effect size (positive direction, sum of positive coefficients = 0.425) x1 x2 0.9549 0.0451 Scaled effect size (negative direction, sum of negative coefficients = 0) None Prob(Y ~ zero/count): Scaled effect size (positive direction, sum of positive coefficients = 15) x2 1 Scaled effect size (negative direction, sum of negative coefficients = -46.1) x1 1 Mixture log(OR/RR) (Delta method CI): Prob(Y ~ count): Estimate Std. Error Lower CI Upper CI Z value Pr(>|z|) (Intercept) -1.25586 0.48307 -2.2026540 -0.30907 -2.5998 0.009329 psi1 0.42526 0.22004 -0.0060109 0.85654 1.9326 0.053280 Prob(Y ~ zero): Estimate Std. Error Lower CI Upper CI Z value Pr(>|z|) (Intercept) 9.1889 88.8890 -165.03 183.41 0.1034 0.9177 psi1 -31.0897 122.0096 -270.22 208.04 -0.2548 0.7989 > > res = try(qgcomp(y~x1+x2 | x1+x2 +I(x2^2), B=2,dat=dat, expnms=c("x1", "x2"), bayes=TRUE, family="poisson"), silent=TRUE) > stopifnot(inherits(res, "try-error")) > > > ft = qgcomp(y~x1+x2 + I(x2^2), B=2,dat=dat, expnms=c("x1", "x2"), bayes=TRUE, family="poisson") > pp = msm.predict(ft) > ft = qgcomp(y~x1+x2,dat=dat, expnms=c("x1", "x2"), bayes=TRUE, family="poisson") > res = try(msm.predict(ft), silent = TRUE) > stopifnot(inherits(res, "try-error")) > > > ft = qgcomp(y~x1+x2 + I(x2^2), B=2, q=NULL,dat=dat, expnms=c("x1", "x2"), bayes=TRUE, family=binomial()) Note: using all possible values of exposure as the intervention values > summary(ft) Mixture log(RR) (bootstrap CI): $coefficients Estimate Std. Error Lower CI Upper CI Z value Pr(>|z|) (Intercept) -1.6986481 0.3160082 -2.3180128 -1.0792835 -5.375330 7.644274e-08 psi1 0.5497356 0.1032018 0.3474639 0.7520074 5.326805 9.995541e-08 > qc.fit2 <- qgcomp.boot(y~.,expnms = Xnm, dat=metals[,c(Xnm, 'y')],B=2, q=NULL, family=gaussian()) Note: using quantiles of all exposures combined in order to set proposed intervention values for overall effect (25th, 50th, 75th %ile) You can ensure this is valid by scaling all variables in expnms to have similar ranges. > > > ## slight shrinkage with heavily non-linear models that don't converge > ## non-Bayesian > #results5 = qgcomp(y~. + .^2 + .^3 + arsenic*cadmium, > # expnms=Xnm, > # metals[,c(Xnm, 'y')], family=gaussian(), q=10, B=10, > # seed=125, degree=3) > # > #print(results5) > #plot(results5) > #results5$bootsamps # samples are wack > # > ## Bayesian (takes a few mins) > #results5bayes = qgcomp.boot(y~. + .^2 + .^3 + arsenic*cadmium, > # expnms=Xnm, > # metals[,c(Xnm, 'y')], family=gaussian(), q=10, B=10, > # seed=125, degree=3, > # bayes=TRUE) > # > ## note p-values are not computed due to negative > ## degrees of freedom (can fix by using a z-statistic instead of a t-statistic) > #print(results5bayes) > #plot(results5bayes) > #results5bayes$bootsamps # samples are reasonable > > > cat("done") done> > proc.time() user system elapsed 2.95 0.42 3.32