cat("# testing use of 'id' to get appropriate standard errors \n") library("qgcomp") #install.packages('sandwich', repos="", dependencies = c("Depends")) 2#library("sandwich") set.seed(2123) N = 250 t = 4 dat <- data.frame(row.names = 1:(N*t)) dat <- within(dat, { id ="c", lapply(1:N, function(x) rep(x, t))) u ="c", lapply(1:N, function(x) rep(runif(1), t))) x1 = rnorm(N, u) x2 = rnorm(N, u) y = rnorm(N) + u + x1 - x2*x1 }) # from sandwich package 2.5.1 (to avoid having to install zoo dependency) bread.glm <- function (x, ...) { if (!is.null(x$na.action)) class(x$na.action) <- "omit" sx <- summary(x) wres <- as.vector(residuals(x, "working")) * weights(x, "working") dispersion <- if (substr(x$family$family, 1, 17) %in% c("poisson", "binomial", "Negative Binomial")) 1 else sum(wres^2)/sum(weights(x, "working")) return(sx$cov.unscaled * as.vector(sum(sx$df[1:2])) * dispersion) } bread <- function (x, ...) { UseMethod("bread") } sandwich <- function (x, bread. = bread, meat. = meat, ...) { if (is.list(x) && !is.null(x$na.action)) class(x$na.action) <- "omit" if (is.function(bread.)) bread. <- bread.(x) if (is.function(meat.)) meat. <- meat.(x, ...) n <- NROW(estfun(x)) return(1/n * (bread. %*% meat. %*% bread.)) } meatCL <- function (x, cluster = NULL, type = NULL, cadjust = TRUE, multi0 = FALSE, ...) { if (is.list(x) && !is.null(x$na.action)) class(x$na.action) <- "omit" ef <- estfun(x, ...) k <- NCOL(ef) n <- NROW(ef) rval <- matrix(0, nrow = k, ncol = k, dimnames = list(colnames(ef), colnames(ef))) if (is.null(cluster)) cluster <- attr(x, "cluster") if (is.null(cluster)) cluster <- seq_len(n) if (inherits(cluster, "formula")) { cluster_tmp <- expand.model.frame(x, cluster, na.expand = FALSE) cluster <- model.frame(cluster, cluster_tmp, na.action = na.pass) } else { cluster <- } if ((n != NROW(cluster)) && !is.null(x$na.action) && (class(x$na.action) %in% c("exclude", "omit"))) { cluster <- cluster[-x$na.action, , drop = FALSE] } if (NROW(cluster) != n) stop("number of observations in 'cluster' and 'estfun()' do not match") p <- NCOL(cluster) if (p > 1L) { cl <- lapply(seq_len(p), function(i) combn(seq_len(p), i, simplify = FALSE)) cl <- unlist(cl, recursive = FALSE) sign <- sapply(cl, function(i) (-1L)^(length(i) + 1L)) paste_ <- function(...) paste(..., sep = "_") for (i in (p + 1L):length(cl)) { cluster <- cbind(cluster, Reduce(paste_, unclass(cluster[, cl[[i]]]))) } if (multi0) cluster[[length(cl)]] <- seq_len(n) } else { cl <- list(1) sign <- 1 } g <- sapply(1L:length(cl), function(i) { if (is.factor(cluster[[i]])) { length(levels(cluster[[i]])) } else { length(unique(cluster[[i]])) } }) if (is.null(type)) { type <- if (class(x)[1L] == "lm") "HC1" else "HC0" } type <- match.arg(type, c("HC", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "HC3")) if (type == "HC") type <- "HC0" if (type %in% c("HC2", "HC3")) { if (any(g == n)) h <- hatvalues(x) if (!all(g == n)) { if (!(class(x)[1L] %in% c("lm", "glm"))) warning("clustered HC2/HC3 are only applicable to (generalized) linear regression models") X <- model.matrix(x) if (any(alias <- X <- X[, !alias, drop = FALSE] attr(X, "assign") <- NULL w <- weights(x, "working") XX1 <- if (is.null(w)) chol2inv(qr.R(qr(X))) else chol2inv(qr.R(qr(X * sqrt(w)))) res <- rowMeans(ef/X, na.rm = TRUE) res[apply(abs(ef) < .Machine$double.eps, 1L, all)] <- 0 matpower <- function(X, p) { if ((ncol(X) == 1L) && (nrow(X) == 1L)) return(X^p) Xeig <- eigen(X, symmetric = TRUE) if (any(Xeig$values < 0)) stop("matrix is not positive semidefinite") sqomega <- diag(Xeig$values^p) return(Xeig$vectors %*% sqomega %*% t(Xeig$vectors)) } } } for (i in 1L:length(cl)) { efi <- ef adj <- if (multi0 & (i == length(cl))) { if (type == "HC1") (n - k)/(n - 1L) else 1 } else { if (cadjust) g[i]/(g[i] - 1L) else 1 } if (type %in% c("HC2", "HC3")) { if (g[i] == n) { efi <- if (type == "HC2") { efi/sqrt(1 - h) } else { efi/(1 - hatvalues(x)) } } else { for (j in unique(cluster[[i]])) { ij <- which(cluster[[i]] == j) Hij <- if (is.null(w)) { X[ij, , drop = FALSE] %*% XX1 %*% t(X[ij, , drop = FALSE]) } else { X[ij, , drop = FALSE] %*% XX1 %*% t(X[ij, , drop = FALSE]) %*% diag(w[ij], nrow = length(ij), ncol = length(ij)) } Hij <- if (type == "HC2") { matpower(diag(length(ij)) - Hij, -0.5) } else { solve(diag(length(ij)) - Hij) } efi[ij, ] <- drop(Hij %*% res[ij]) * X[ij, , drop = FALSE] } } efi <- sqrt((g[i] - 1L)/g[i]) * efi } efi <- if (g[i] < n) apply(efi, 2L, rowsum, cluster[[i]]) else efi rval <- rval + sign[i] * adj * crossprod(efi)/n } if (type == "HC1") rval <- (n - 1L)/(n - k) * rval return(rval) } estfun.glm <- function (x, ...) { xmat <- model.matrix(x) xmat <- naresid(x$na.action, xmat) if (any(alias <- xmat <- xmat[, !alias, drop = FALSE] wres <- as.vector(residuals(x, "working")) * weights(x, "working") dispersion <- if (substr(x$family$family, 1, 17) %in% c("poisson", "binomial", "Negative Binomial")) 1 else sum(wres^2, na.rm = TRUE)/sum(weights(x, "working"), na.rm = TRUE) rval <- wres * xmat/dispersion attr(rval, "assign") <- NULL attr(rval, "contrasts") <- NULL #res <- residuals(x, type = "pearson") #if (is.ts(res)) # rval <- ts(rval, start = start(res), frequency = frequency(res)) #if (is.zoo(res)) # rval <- zoo(rval, index(res), attr(res, "frequency")) return(rval) } estfun <- function (x, ...) { UseMethod("estfun") } vcovCL <- function (x, cluster = NULL, type = NULL, sandwich = TRUE, fix = FALSE, ...) { rval <- meatCL(x, cluster = cluster, type = type, ...) if (sandwich) rval <- sandwich(x, meat. = rval) if (fix && any((eig <- eigen(rval, symmetric = TRUE))$values < 0)) { eig$values <- pmax(eig$values, 0) rval[] <- crossprod(sqrt(eig$values) * t(eig$vectors)) } return(rval) } ################################################################################ # # # ################################################################################ # pre quantize expnms = "x1" datl = quantize(dat, expnms = expnms) #' \dontrun{ #' #' # delta method/bootstrap variance ignoring clustering #' noclust = qgcomp.noboot(y~ x1, data=datl$dat, id="id", family=gaussian(), q = NULL) #' noclust.b = qgcomp.boot(y~ x1, data=datl$dat, family=gaussian(), q = NULL, MCsize=1000) #' #' # bootstrap variance with sampling by cluster #' clust.b = qgcomp.boot(y~ x1, data=datl$dat, id="id", family=gaussian(), q = NULL, MCsize=5000, B = 500) #' #clust.g = summary(geeglm(y~x1, data=datl$dat, id=id, corstr = "independence")) #' fitglm = glm(y~x1, data=datl$dat) #' # cluster robust variance #' sw.cov = vcovCL(fitglm, cluster=~id, type = "HC0")[2,2] #' #' stopifnot(all.equal(clust.b$var.psi, sw.cov, tolerance = 0.005)) #' #' # change in variance should be the same in gee and bootstrap #' stopifnot( #' (clust.b$var.psi > noclust.b$var.psi) & (sw.cov > noclust.b$var.psi) | #' (clust.b$var.psi < noclust.b$var.psi) & (sw.cov < noclust.b$var.psi) #' ) #' stopifnot( #' (clust.b$var.psi > noclust$var.psi) & (sw.cov > noclust$var.psi) | #' (clust.b$var.psi < noclust$var.psi) & (sw.cov < noclust$var.psi) #' ) #' } cat("done")