R Under development (unstable) (2023-09-16 r85157 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2023 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > library(qMRI) Loading required package: awsMethods Use the function setCores() to change the number of CPU cores. Loading required package: parallel > dataDir <- system.file("extdata",package="qMRI") > # > # set file names for T1w, MTw and PDw images > # > t1Names <- paste0("t1w_",1:8,".nii.gz") > mtNames <- paste0("mtw_",1:6,".nii.gz") > pdNames <- paste0("pdw_",1:8,".nii.gz") > t1Files <- file.path(dataDir, t1Names) > mtFiles <- file.path(dataDir, mtNames) > pdFiles <- file.path(dataDir, pdNames) > # > # file names of mask and B1 field map > # > B1File <- file.path(dataDir, "B1map.nii.gz") > maskFile <- file.path(dataDir, "mask.nii.gz") > # > # Acquisition parameters (TE, TR, Flip Angle) for T1w, MTw and PDw images > # > TE <- c(2.3, 4.6, 6.9, 9.2, 11.5, 13.8, 16.1, 18.4, + 2.3, 4.6, 6.9, 9.2, 11.5, 13.8, + 2.3, 4.6, 6.9, 9.2, 11.5, 13.8, 16.1, 18.4) > TR <- rep(25, 22) > FA <- c(rep(21, 8), rep(6, 6), rep(6, 8)) > # > # read MPM example data > # > library(qMRI) > mpm <- readMPMData(t1Files, pdFiles, mtFiles, + maskFile, TR = TR, TE = TE, + FA = FA, verbose = FALSE) > # > # Estimate Parameters in the ESTATICS model > # > modelMPM <- estimateESTATICS(mpm, method = "NLR", verbose=FALSE) > # > # smooth maps of ESTATICS Parameters > # > setCores(2, reprt = FALSE) > modelMPMsp1 <- smoothESTATICS(modelMPM, + kstar = 16, + alpha = 0.004, + patchsize=1, + verbose = FALSE) > # > # Compute quantitative maps (R1, R2star, PD, MT) > # > qMRIMaps <- calculateQI(modelMPM, + b1File = B1File, + TR2 = 3.4) reading B1 correction file calculating R1 ... Spoiling correction ... v3* 0.8mm R4 protocol Spoiling correction ... v3* 0.8mm R4 protocol done calculating PD ... done calculating MT ... done > qMRISmoothedp1Maps <- calculateQI(modelMPMsp1, + b1File = B1File, + TR2 = 3.4) reading B1 correction file calculating R1 ... Spoiling correction ... v3* 0.8mm R4 protocol Spoiling correction ... v3* 0.8mm R4 protocol done calculating PD ... done calculating MT ... done > # > # some statistics on differences between results > # > qm <- extract(qMRIMaps,c("R1","R2star","MT","PD")) > qms <- extract(qMRISmoothedp1Maps,c("R1","R2star","MT","PD")) > mask <- extract(mpm,"mask") > cat("mean of estimated quantitative maps\n", + mean(qm$R1[mask]), mean(qm$R2star[mask]), mean(qm$MT[mask]), mean(qm$PD[mask]),"\n", + "mean of smoothed quantitative maps\n", + mean(qms$R1[mask]), mean(qms$R2star[mask]), mean(qms$MT[mask]), mean(qms$PD[mask]),"\n", + "Root mean squared difference between estimated and smoothed quantitative maps\n", + sqrt(mean((qm$R1-qms$R1)[mask]^2)), sqrt(mean((qm$R2star-qms$R2star)[mask]^2)), + sqrt(mean((qm$MT-qms$MT)[mask]^2)), sqrt(mean((qm$PD-qms$PD)[mask]^2)),"\n") mean of estimated quantitative maps 0.7799036 18.0383 0.891752 5740.898 mean of smoothed quantitative maps 0.768893 17.87941 0.8579759 5682.832 Root mean squared difference between estimated and smoothed quantitative maps 0.1163028 6.352211 0.2703803 564.6314 > # set mask to y==11 only yo save time > # reduce mask to save time, need also to adapt storage of data > mask <- extract(mpm,"mask") > mask[,c(1:10,12:21),] <- FALSE > mpm <- qMRI:::setMPMmask(mpm, mask) > # Alternatively using Quasi-Likelihood > sigma <- 50 > modelMPMQL <- estimateESTATICS(mpm, method = "QL", + sigma = array(sigma, mpm$sdim), L = 1, verbose=FALSE) Total CPU cores available: 48 CPU cores in use: 2. > qMRIMapsQL <- calculateQI(modelMPMQL, + b1File = B1File, + TR2 = 3.4) reading B1 correction file calculating R1 ... Spoiling correction ... v3* 0.8mm R4 protocol Spoiling correction ... v3* 0.8mm R4 protocol done calculating PD ... done calculating MT ... done > mask <- extract(mpm,"mask") > qmQL <- extract(qMRIMapsQL,c("R1","R2star","MT","PD")) > cat("mean of estimated quantitative maps using QL\n", + mean(qmQL$R1[mask]), mean(qmQL$R2star[mask]), mean(qmQL$MT[mask]), mean(qmQL$PD[mask]),"\n") mean of estimated quantitative maps using QL 0.7726782 18.74334 0.9159381 5774.669 > > proc.time() user system elapsed 17.92 0.42 20.82