test_that("1-3. Function ic works", { test_df <- ic(1, 1) expected_output <- tibble::tribble( ~"ic2.5", ~"ic", ~"ic97.5", log2(qgamma(0.025, 1.5, 1.5)), 0, log2(qgamma(0.975, 1.5, 1.5)) ) expect_equal(test_df[, 1], expected_output[, 1]) expect_equal(test_df[, 2], expected_output[, 2]) expect_equal(test_df[, 3], expected_output[, 3]) }) test_that("4. Function ror works", { test_df <- ror(1:2, 2:3, 3:4, 4:5) expected_output <- tibble::tribble( ~"ror2.5", ~"ror", ~"ror97.5", NA, 1 * 4 / (2 * 3), NA, NA, 2 * 5 / (3 * 4), NA ) # expect_equal(test_df[, 1], expected_output[, 1]) expect_equal(test_df[, 2], expected_output[, 2]) # expect_equal(test_df[, 3], expected_output[, 3]) }) test_that("5-10. Function add_expected_count works", { df_colnames <- list( report_id = "report_id", drug = "drug", event = "event" ) df_syms <- lapply(df_colnames, \(x){ if (!is.null(x)) { rlang::sym(x) } }) produced_output <- pvda::add_expected_counts(pvda::drug_event_df, df_colnames, df_syms = df_syms, expected_count_estimators = c("rrr", "prr", "ror") ) # Should return as many rows as there are unique report_ids in drug_event_df # (N=1000) expect_equal( nrow(produced_output), nrow(dplyr::distinct(drug_event_df[, c("drug", "event")], )) ) # Some internal checks that the counts agree for at least one line first_row <- produced_output[1, ] expect_equal(sum(first_row[, c("obs", "b", "c", "d")]), first_row$n_tot) expect_equal(sum(first_row[, c("obs", "b")]), first_row$n_drug) expect_equal(sum(first_row[, c("obs", "c")]), first_row$n_event) expect_equal(first_row$n_event_prr, first_row$c) expect_equal(first_row$n_tot_prr, diff(as.numeric(first_row[, c("n_drug", "n_tot")]))) }) test_that("11. The whole disproportionality function chain runs without NA output except in PRR and ROR", { output <- pvda::drug_event_df |> pvda::da() |> purrr::pluck("da_df") |> dplyr::select(-dplyr::starts_with("ror")) |> dplyr::select(-dplyr::starts_with("prr")) expect_equal(FALSE, any(is.na(output))) }) test_that("12. The grouping functionality runs", { drug_event_df_with_grouping <- pvda::drug_event_df |> dplyr::mutate("group" = report_id %% 2) da_1 <- drug_event_df_with_grouping |> pvda::da( df_colnames = list( report_id = "report_id", drug = "drug", event = "event", group_by = "group" ), number_of_digits = 5 ) |> purrr::pluck("da_df") first_row_ic_group_0 <- as.numeric(da_1[1, ]$ic) manual_calc_ic_first_row_group_0 <- as.numeric(log2((da_1[1, "obs"] + 0.5) / (da_1[1, "exp_rrr"] + 0.5))) manual_calc_ic_first_row_group_0 <- round(manual_calc_ic_first_row_group_0, 5) expect_equal(first_row_ic_group_0, manual_calc_ic_first_row_group_0) }) test_that("13. Custom column names can be passed through the df_colnames list", { drug_event_df_custom_names <- pvda::drug_event_df |> dplyr::rename(RepId = report_id, Drug = drug, Event = event) da_1 <- drug_event_df_custom_names |> pvda::da(df_colnames = list( report_id = "RepId", drug = "Drug", event = "Event", group_by = NULL )) |> purrr::pluck("da_df") custom_colnames <- colnames(da_1)[1:2] expect_equal(custom_colnames, c("Drug", "Event")) }) test_that("14. Sorting works as expected", { # Repeated from test above on grouping da_1 <- drug_event_df |> pvda::da( df_colnames = list( report_id = "report_id", drug = "drug", event = "event", group_by = "group" ), number_of_digits = 5 ) |> purrr::pluck("da_df") nr_of_rows_per_dec <- da_1 |> dplyr::count(drug, event) da_1 <- da_1 |> dplyr::left_join(nr_of_rows_per_dec, by = c("drug", "event")) # Check that the groups are ordered group_order_status <- da_1 |> dplyr::filter(n == 2) |> dplyr::pull(group) |> (\(x){ all(x == 0:1) })() # Check desc order for single drug-event-comb desc_order_status <- da_1 |> dplyr::filter(n == 1) |> dplyr::arrange(desc("ic2.5")) |> dplyr::pull("ic2.5") |> (\(x){ all(x == da_1 |> dplyr::filter(n == 1) |> dplyr::pull(ic2.5)) })() expect_equal(c(desc_order_status, group_order_status), c(TRUE, TRUE)) }) test_that("15. Summary table contains a prr2.5 by default", { suppressMessages(invisible(capture.output(summary_output <- summary.da(pvda::drug_event_df |> pvda::da())))) has_prr2.5 <- as.character(summary_output[, 1]) |> stringr::str_detect("prr2.5") expect_equal(has_prr2.5, TRUE) }) test_that("16. print function runs and has the same number of characters in first row as it has before", { suppressMessages(invisible(printed <- capture.output(print(pvda::drug_event_df |> pvda::da())))) expect_equal(nchar(printed[2]), 80L) }) test_that("17. Grouped output from summary function works.", { summary_output <- pvda::drug_event_df |> da(df_colnames = list(group_by = "group")) |> summary(print = FALSE) expect_equal(2L, ncol(summary_output)) })