context("error reporting") p <- 4 rseed <- 10010 set.seed(rseed) dat <- huge::huge.generator(p*5, p, "hub", verbose=FALSE, v=.4, u=.2) set.seed(rseed) X <- MASS::mvrnorm(p*5, mu=rep(0,p), Sigma=dat$sigma, empirical=TRUE) X[4,] <- NA ## sample 4 not in first two subsamples, given rseed # TODO: test only a subset of jobs failing huge_error <- function(data, lambda, f=stop, ...) { if (any( { f('NA detected in data', call.=FALSE) } return(huge::huge(na.exclude(data), lambda=lambda, ...)) } filter_warning <- function(expr, regxpr) { withCallingHandlers( force(expr), warning=function(w) { if (grepl(regxpr, w$message)) invokeRestart("muffleWarning") } ) } hargs <- list(lambda=getLamPath(1, .005, 10), verbose=FALSE, f=stop) test_that("Job stops when every parallel job has errors", { expect_error( pulsar(X, fun=huge_error, hargs, ncores=1, subsample.ratio=1, seed=rseed, rep.num=8, refit=FALSE), regexp = "NA") expect_error( pulsar(X, fun=huge_error, hargs, ncores=1, subsample.ratio=1, seed=rseed, rep.num=8, refit=FALSE, lb.stars=TRUE), regexp = "NA") skip_on_os("windows") expect_error( pulsar(X, fun=huge_error, hargs, ncores=2, subsample.ratio=1, seed=rseed, rep.num=8, refit=FALSE), regexp = "NA") skip_on_os("windows") expect_error( pulsar(X, fun=huge_error, hargs, ncores=2, subsample.ratio=1, seed=rseed, rep.num=8, refit=FALSE, lb.stars=TRUE), regexp = "NA") }) test_that("Job continues when subset of parallel jobs have errors/warnings", { hargs$f <- stop expect_error( pulsar(X, fun=huge_error, hargs, ncores=1, subsample.ratio=.5, seed=rseed, rep.num=8, refit=FALSE), regexp = "NA") expect_error( pulsar(X, fun=huge_error, hargs, ncores=1, subsample.ratio=.5, seed=rseed, rep.num=8, refit=FALSE, lb.stars=TRUE), regexp = "NA") skip_on_os("windows") expect_warning( filter_warning( out1 <- pulsar(X, fun=huge_error, hargs, ncores=2, subsample.ratio=.5, seed=rseed, rep.num=8, refit=FALSE), "Optimal lambda"), regexp = "NA") skip_on_os("windows") expect_warning( filter_warning( out2 <- pulsar(X, fun=huge_error, hargs, ncores=2, subsample.ratio=.5, seed=rseed, rep.num=8, refit=FALSE, lb.stars=TRUE), "Optimal lambda"), regexp = "NA") expect_equivalent(out1$stars$opt.ind, out2$stars$opt.ind) hargs$f <- warning expect_warning( filter_warning( out1 <- pulsar(X, fun=huge_error, hargs, ncores=1, subsample.ratio=.5, seed=rseed, rep.num=8, refit=FALSE), "Optimal lambda"), regexp = "NA") expect_warning( filter_warning( out2 <- pulsar(X, fun=huge_error, hargs, ncores=1, subsample.ratio=.5, seed=rseed, rep.num=8, refit=FALSE, lb.stars=TRUE), "Optimal lambda"), regexp = "NA") expect_equivalent(out1$stars$opt.ind, out2$stars$opt.ind) })