library(ptm) context("GO-related") ## ---------------------------------------------- ## # Testing search.go # ## ---------------------------------------------- ## test_that("search.go() works properly", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_travis() a <- search.go(query = 'oxidative stress') b <- search.go(query = 'methionine') c <- search.go(query = 'xxxxxx') if (!is.null(a)){ expect_is(a, 'data.frame') expect_gte(nrow(a), 300) expect_equal(ncol(a), 5) expect_true('GO:0070994' %in% a$GO_id) } if (!is.null(b)){ expect_is(b, 'data.frame') expect_gte(nrow(b), 100) expect_equal(ncol(b), 5) expect_true('GO:0015821' %in% b$GO_id) } expect_is(c, 'NULL') }) ## ---------------------------------------------- ## # Testing term.go # ## ---------------------------------------------- ## test_that("term.go() works properly", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_travis() a <- term.go('GO:0034599') b <- term.go('GO:0005886', children = TRUE) c <- term.go('xxxxxxx') if (!is.null(a)){ expect_is(a, 'data.frame') expect_equal(nrow(a), 1) expect_equal(ncol(a), 7) expect_equal(a$term_name, "cellular response to oxidative stress") } if (!is.null(b)){ expect_is(b, 'list') expect_is(b[[1]], 'data.frame') expect_equal(nrow(b[[1]]), 1) expect_equal(ncol(b[[1]]), 7) expect_equal(b[[1]]$term_name, "plasma membrane") expect_is(b[[2]], 'data.frame') expect_equal(ncol(b[[2]]), 2) } expect_is(c, 'NULL') }) ## ---------------------------------------------- ## # Testing get.go # ## ---------------------------------------------- ## test_that("get.go() works properly", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_travis() a <- get.go(id = "P01009") b <- get.go(id = 'P01009', format = 'string') c <- get.go(id = "P010091") # dummy protein ID d <- get.go("AAA58698") # currently P06748 if (!is.null(a)){ expect_is(a, 'data.frame') expect_gte(nrow(a), 18) expect_equal(ncol(a), 8) } if (!is.null(b)){ expect_is(b, 'character') expect_gte(nchar(b), 700) } if (!is.null(c)){ # it should be NULL } if (!is.null(d)){ expect_is(d, "character") expect_gte(nchar(d), 1100) } expect_is(c, 'NULL') expect_is(d, 'NULL') }) ## ---------------------------------------------- ## # Testing bg.go # ## ---------------------------------------------- ## test_that("bg.go() works properly", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_travis() a <- bg.go(ids = "./go/id_set.txt") b <- bg.go(ids = c("Q13015", "Q14667", "P08575", "Q5JSZ5", "P13196", "H7C4H7")) if (!is.null(a)){ expect_is(a, 'data.frame') expect_equal(nrow(a), 6) expect_equal(ncol(a), 2) } if (!is.null(b)){ expect_is(b, 'data.frame') expect_equal(nrow(b), 6) expect_equal(ncol(b), 2) expect_equal(a, b) } }) ## ---------------------------------------------- ## # Testing hdfisher.go # ## ---------------------------------------------- ## test_that(" hdfisher.go() works properly", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_travis() backg <- bg.go(c("Q13015", "Q14667", "P08575", "Q5JSZ5", "P13196")) if (!is.null(backg)){ a <- hdfisher.go(target = c('Q14667', 'Q5JSZ5'), background = backg, query = 'extracellular') } else { a <- NULL } if (!is.null(backg)){ b <- hdfisher.go(target = c('Q14667', 'Q5JSZ5'), background = backg, query = 'xxxxxxx') } else { b <- NULL } if (!is.null(a)){ expect_is(a, 'list') expect_is(a[[1]], 'matrix') expect_is(a[[2]], 'numeric') expect_true(attributes(a)$query == 'extracellular') } expect_is(b, 'NULL') }) ## ---------------------------------------------- ## # Testing net.go # ## ---------------------------------------------- ## test_that("net.go() works properly", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_travis() a <- net.go(data = "./go/id_set.txt", threshold = 0.1) b <- net.go(data = "./go/id_set.Rda", threshold = 0.1) c <- net.go(data = "./go/id_set_dummy.txt", threshold = 0.1) expect_is(a, 'list') expect_is(a[[1]], 'matrix') expect_equal(dim(a[[1]]), c(6,6)) expect_true(!isSymmetric(a[[1]])) expect_is(a[[2]], 'matrix') expect_equal(dim(a[[2]]), c(6,6)) expect_true(isSymmetric(a[[2]])) expect_is(a[[3]], 'character') expect_equal(length(a[[3]]), 6) expect_is(a[[4]], 'matrix') expect_equal(ncol(a[[4]]), 2) expect_is(b, 'list') expect_is(b[[1]], 'matrix') expect_equal(dim(b[[1]]), c(6,6)) expect_true(!isSymmetric(b[[1]])) expect_is(b[[2]], 'matrix') expect_equal(dim(b[[2]]), c(6,6)) expect_true(isSymmetric(b[[2]])) expect_is(b[[3]], 'character') expect_equal(length(b[[3]]), 6) expect_is(b[[4]], 'matrix') expect_equal(ncol(b[[4]]), 2) expect_is(c, 'list') expect_is(c[[1]], 'matrix') expect_equal(dim(c[[1]]), c(5,5)) expect_true(!isSymmetric(c[[1]])) expect_is(c[[2]], 'matrix') expect_equal(dim(c[[2]]), c(5,5)) expect_true(isSymmetric(c[[2]])) expect_is(c[[3]], 'character') expect_equal(length(c[[3]]), 6) expect_is(c[[4]], 'matrix') expect_equal(ncol(c[[4]]), 2) })