context("test-fetch_extract_and_enrichment_functions") # make tests conditional. They onlyr run if environmental variable "TEST_PROTTI" is set to TRUE if (Sys.getenv("TEST_PROTTI") == "true") { test_that("fetch_uniprot works", { unis <- c("iRT", "P36578", "O43324", "Q00796", "P0CX31;P0CX32", "P00163;P03873;P03879", "P06873_1-100") expect_warning(uniprot <- fetch_uniprot(unis)) expect_is(uniprot, "data.frame") expect_equal(nrow(uniprot), 9) expect_equal(ncol(uniprot), 17) }) proteome <- fetch_uniprot_proteome(organism_id = "83333", columns = c("accession", "go_f", "xref_string")) test_that("fetch_uniprot_proteome works", { expect_is(proteome, "data.frame") expect_equal(ncol(proteome), 3) expect_gt(nrow(proteome), 10) }) test_that("fetch_mobidb works", { unis <- c("iRT", "P25437", "P30870", "P0A6P9") expect_warning(mobidb <- fetch_mobidb(unis)) expect_is(mobidb, "data.frame") expect_equal(nrow(mobidb), 259) expect_equal(ncol(mobidb), 6) }) database <- fetch_chebi(stars = c(2, 3)) relations <- fetch_chebi(relation = TRUE) test_that("fetch_chebi works", { expect_is(database, "data.frame") expect_is(relations, "data.frame") expect_equal(ncol(database), 13) expect_equal(ncol(relations), 3) expect_gt(nrow(database), 10) expect_gt(nrow(relations), 10) }) kegg <- fetch_kegg(species = "eco") test_that("fetch_kegg works", { expect_is(kegg, "data.frame") expect_equal(ncol(kegg), 4) expect_gt(nrow(kegg), 10) }) go_eco <- fetch_go(organism_id = "83333") test_that("fetch_go works", { go_sac <- fetch_go(organism_id = "559292") go_hs <- fetch_go(organism_id = "9606") expect_is(go_eco, "data.frame") expect_equal(ncol(go_eco), 17) expect_gt(nrow(go_eco), 10) expect_is(go_sac, "data.frame") expect_equal(ncol(go_sac), 17) expect_gt(nrow(go_sac), 10) expect_is(go_hs, "data.frame") expect_equal(ncol(go_hs), 17) expect_gt(nrow(go_hs), 10) }) pdb_ids <- c("6HG1", "1E9I", "6D3Q", "4JHW") test_that("fetch_pdb works", { pdb <- fetch_pdb(pdb_ids) expect_is(pdb, "data.frame") expect_equal(nrow(pdb), 36) expect_equal(ncol(pdb), 46) }) test_that("fetch_pdb_structure works", { pdb_structure <- fetch_pdb_structure(pdb_ids, return_data_frame = TRUE) expect_is(pdb_structure, "data.frame") expect_equal(nrow(pdb_structure), 45731) expect_equal(ncol(pdb_structure), 18) }) test_that("fetch_alphafold_prediction works", { af_prediction <- fetch_alphafold_prediction(uniprot_ids = c("F4HVG8", "O15552"), return_data_frame = TRUE) expect_is(af_prediction, "data.frame") expect_equal(nrow(af_prediction), 7310) expect_equal(ncol(af_prediction), 15) }) if (.Platform$OS.type != "windows") { test_that("fetch_alphafold_prediction organism fetching works", { af_prediction_organism <- fetch_alphafold_prediction(organism_name = "Helicobacter pylori", return_data_frame = FALSE) expect_is(af_prediction_organism, "list") expect_equal(length(af_prediction_organism), 1538) expect_equal(ncol(af_prediction_organism[["O24860"]]), 15) expect_equal(nrow(af_prediction_organism[["O24860"]]), 746) }) } test_that("fetch_metal_pdb works", { metal_pdb <- fetch_metal_pdb(id_type = "pdb", id_value = c("1g54"), metal = "Zn") expect_is(metal_pdb, "data.frame") expect_equal(nrow(metal_pdb), 5) expect_equal(ncol(metal_pdb), 25) }) test_that("deprecated kegg_enrichment works", { # first fake significances are generated based on the first 10 rows of every group kegg_input <- kegg %>% dplyr::group_by(pathway_id) %>% dplyr::mutate(is_significant = ifelse((match(.data$kegg_id, .data$kegg_id) <= 10), TRUE, FALSE)) %>% dplyr::group_by(uniprot_id) %>% dplyr::mutate(is_significant = rep(.data$is_significant[1], dplyr::n())) rlang::with_options(lifecycle_verbosity = "warning", { expect_warning(kegg_enriched <- kegg_enrichment( data = kegg_input, protein_id = uniprot_id, is_significant = is_significant, pathway_id = pathway_id, pathway_name = pathway_name, plot = FALSE )) }) expect_is(kegg_enriched, "data.frame") expect_equal(ncol(kegg_enriched), 10) expect_gt(nrow(kegg_enriched), 100) rlang::with_options(lifecycle_verbosity = "warning", { expect_warning(p <- kegg_enrichment( data = kegg_input, protein_id = uniprot_id, is_significant = is_significant, pathway_id = pathway_id, pathway_name = pathway_name, plot = TRUE, plot_cutoff = "adj_pval 0.01" )) }) expect_is(p, "ggplot") expect_error(print(p), NA) }) test_that("calculate_kegg_enrichment works", { # first fake significances are generated based on the first 10 rows of every group kegg_input <- kegg %>% dplyr::group_by(pathway_id) %>% dplyr::mutate(is_significant = ifelse((match(.data$kegg_id, .data$kegg_id) <= 10), TRUE, FALSE)) %>% dplyr::group_by(uniprot_id) %>% dplyr::mutate(is_significant = rep(.data$is_significant[1], dplyr::n())) kegg_enriched <- calculate_kegg_enrichment( data = kegg_input, protein_id = uniprot_id, is_significant = is_significant, pathway_id = pathway_id, pathway_name = pathway_name, plot = FALSE ) expect_is(kegg_enriched, "data.frame") expect_equal(ncol(kegg_enriched), 10) expect_gt(nrow(kegg_enriched), 100) p <- calculate_kegg_enrichment( data = kegg_input, protein_id = uniprot_id, is_significant = is_significant, pathway_id = pathway_id, pathway_name = pathway_name, plot = TRUE, plot_cutoff = "adj_pval 0.01" ) expect_is(p, "ggplot") expect_error(print(p), NA) }) test_that("deprecated go_enrichment works", { go_input <- proteome %>% dplyr::distinct(.data$accession, .data$go_f) %>% dplyr::mutate(is_significant = ifelse((match(.data$accession, .data$accession) <= 500), TRUE, FALSE)) %>% dplyr::slice(1:3000) rlang::with_options(lifecycle_verbosity = "warning", { expect_warning(go_enriched <- go_enrichment( data = go_input, protein_id = accession, is_significant = is_significant, ontology_type = "MF", organism_id = "83333", plot = FALSE )) }) expect_is(go_enriched, "data.frame") expect_equal(ncol(go_enriched), 9) expect_gt(nrow(go_enriched), 1000) rlang::with_options(lifecycle_verbosity = "warning", { expect_warning(go_enriched_data <- go_enrichment( data = go_input, protein_id = accession, is_significant = is_significant, ontology_type = "MF", go_data = go_eco, plot = FALSE )) }) expect_is(go_enriched_data, "data.frame") expect_equal(ncol(go_enriched_data), 9) expect_gt(nrow(go_enriched_data), 1000) rlang::with_options(lifecycle_verbosity = "warning", { expect_warning(go_enriched_uniprot <- go_enrichment( data = go_input, protein_id = accession, is_significant = is_significant, go_annotations_uniprot = go_f, plot = FALSE )) }) expect_is(go_enriched_uniprot, "data.frame") expect_equal(ncol(go_enriched_uniprot), 10) expect_gt(nrow(go_enriched_uniprot), 1000) rlang::with_options(lifecycle_verbosity = "warning", { expect_warning(p <- go_enrichment( data = go_input, protein_id = accession, is_significant = is_significant, ontology_type = "MF", organism_id = "83333", plot = TRUE, plot_cutoff = "adj_pval 0.05" )) }) expect_is(p, "ggplot") expect_error(print(p), NA) }) test_that("calculate_go_enrichment works", { go_input <- proteome %>% dplyr::distinct(.data$accession, .data$go_f) %>% dplyr::mutate(is_significant = ifelse((match(.data$accession, .data$accession) <= 500), TRUE, FALSE)) %>% dplyr::slice(1:3000) go_enriched <- calculate_go_enrichment( data = go_input, protein_id = accession, is_significant = is_significant, ontology_type = "MF", organism_id = "83333", plot = FALSE ) expect_is(go_enriched, "data.frame") expect_equal(ncol(go_enriched), 9) expect_gt(nrow(go_enriched), 1000) go_enriched_data <- calculate_go_enrichment( data = go_input, protein_id = accession, is_significant = is_significant, ontology_type = "MF", go_data = go_eco, plot = FALSE ) expect_is(go_enriched_data, "data.frame") expect_equal(ncol(go_enriched_data), 9) expect_gt(nrow(go_enriched_data), 1000) go_enriched_uniprot <- calculate_go_enrichment( data = go_input, protein_id = accession, is_significant = is_significant, go_annotations_uniprot = go_f, plot = FALSE ) expect_is(go_enriched_uniprot, "data.frame") expect_equal(ncol(go_enriched_uniprot), 10) expect_gt(nrow(go_enriched_uniprot), 1000) p <- calculate_go_enrichment( data = go_input, protein_id = accession, is_significant = is_significant, ontology_type = "MF", organism_id = "83333", plot = TRUE, plot_cutoff = "adj_pval 0.05" ) expect_is(p, "ggplot") expect_error(print(p), NA) }) test_that("deprecated treatment_enrichment works", { enrichment_input <- go_eco %>% dplyr::distinct(.data$db_id) %>% dplyr::mutate(binds_treatment = ifelse((match(.data$db_id, .data$db_id) <= 500), TRUE, FALSE)) %>% dplyr::arrange(.data$db_id) %>% dplyr::mutate(is_significant = ifelse((match(.data$db_id, .data$db_id) <= 500), TRUE, FALSE)) rlang::with_options(lifecycle_verbosity = "warning", { expect_warning(treatment_enriched <- treatment_enrichment( data = enrichment_input, protein_id = db_id, is_significant = is_significant, binds_treatment = binds_treatment, treatment_name = "test treatment", plot = FALSE )) }) expect_is(treatment_enriched, "data.frame") expect_equal(ncol(treatment_enriched), 4) expect_equal(nrow(treatment_enriched), 4) rlang::with_options(lifecycle_verbosity = "warning", { expect_warning(p <- treatment_enrichment( data = enrichment_input, protein_id = db_id, is_significant = is_significant, binds_treatment = binds_treatment, treatment_name = "test treatment", plot = TRUE )) }) expect_is(p, "ggplot") expect_error(print(p), NA) }) test_that("calculate_treatment_enrichment works", { enrichment_input <- go_eco %>% dplyr::distinct(.data$db_id) %>% dplyr::mutate(binds_treatment = ifelse((match(.data$db_id, .data$db_id) <= 500), TRUE, FALSE)) %>% dplyr::arrange(.data$db_id) %>% dplyr::mutate(is_significant = ifelse((match(.data$db_id, .data$db_id) <= 500), TRUE, FALSE)) treatment_enriched <- calculate_treatment_enrichment( data = enrichment_input, protein_id = db_id, is_significant = is_significant, binds_treatment = binds_treatment, treatment_name = "test treatment", plot = FALSE ) expect_is(treatment_enriched, "data.frame") expect_equal(ncol(treatment_enriched), 4) expect_equal(nrow(treatment_enriched), 4) p <- calculate_treatment_enrichment( data = enrichment_input, protein_id = db_id, is_significant = is_significant, binds_treatment = binds_treatment, treatment_name = "test treatment", plot = TRUE ) expect_is(p, "ggplot") expect_error(print(p), NA) }) test_that("deprecated network_analysis works", { # does not check halo_color argument. value of score_threshold is not changed. Only E. coli protein interactions are checked. input <- proteome %>% dplyr::slice(1:400) %>% dplyr::mutate(is_known = c(rep(TRUE, 100), rep(FALSE, 300))) input_many <- proteome %>% dplyr::slice(1:1000) %>% dplyr::mutate(is_known = c(rep(TRUE, 100), rep(FALSE, 900))) rlang::with_options(lifecycle_verbosity = "warning", { expect_warning(network <- network_analysis( data = input_many, protein_id = accession, string_id = xref_string, organism_id = 511145, score_threshold = 900, binds_treatment = is_known, plot = FALSE )) }) expect_is(network, "data.frame") expect_equal(ncol(network), 5) expect_gt(nrow(network), 100) rlang::with_options(lifecycle_verbosity = "warning", { expect_warning(expect_error(network_analysis( data = input, protein_id = accession, string_id = xref_string, organism_id = 511145, score_threshold = 900, binds_treatment = is_known, plot = TRUE ), NA)) }) }) test_that("analyse_functional_network works", { # does not check halo_color argument. value of score_threshold is not changed. Only E. coli protein interactions are checked. input <- proteome %>% dplyr::slice(1:400) %>% dplyr::mutate(is_known = c(rep(TRUE, 100), rep(FALSE, 300))) input_many <- proteome %>% dplyr::slice(1:1000) %>% dplyr::mutate(is_known = c(rep(TRUE, 100), rep(FALSE, 900))) network <- analyse_functional_network( data = input_many, protein_id = accession, string_id = xref_string, organism_id = 511145, score_threshold = 900, binds_treatment = is_known, plot = FALSE ) expect_is(network, "data.frame") expect_equal(ncol(network), 5) expect_gt(nrow(network), 100) expect_error(analyse_functional_network( data = input, protein_id = accession, string_id = xref_string, organism_id = 511145, score_threshold = 900, binds_treatment = is_known, plot = TRUE ), NA) }) eco <- fetch_eco() eco_relation <- fetch_eco(return_relation = TRUE) test_that("fetch_eco works", { expect_is(eco, "data.frame") expect_gt(nrow(eco), 2300) expect_equal(ncol(eco), 10) expect_is(eco_relation, "data.frame") expect_gt(nrow(eco_relation), 3200) expect_equal(ncol(eco_relation), 3) eco_history <- fetch_eco(return_history = TRUE) expect_is(eco_history, "data.frame") expect_gt(nrow(eco_history), 15500) expect_equal(ncol(eco_history), 5) expect_error(fetch_eco(return_relation = TRUE, return_history = TRUE)) }) uniprot_ids <- c("P00393", "P06129", "A0A0C5Q309", "A0A0C9VD04") annotations <- fetch_quickgo(type = "annotations", id = uniprot_ids, ontology = "molecular_function") test_that("fetch_quickgo works", { expect_is(annotations, "data.frame") expect_gte(nrow(annotations), 24) expect_lte(nrow(annotations), 30) expect_equal(ncol(annotations), 15) terms <- fetch_quickgo(type = "terms") expect_is(terms, "data.frame") expect_gt(nrow(terms), 47000) expect_equal(ncol(terms), 13) slims <- fetch_quickgo(type = "slims", go_id_slims = c("GO:0046872", "GO:0051540")) expect_is(slims, "data.frame") expect_gte(nrow(slims), 38) expect_lte(nrow(slims), 44) expect_equal(ncol(slims), 2) expect_warning(fetch_quickgo( type = "annotations", id = c("P63328", "Q4FFP4"), ontology = "molecular_function", go_id_slims = c("GO:0046872", "GO:0051540") )) }) test_that("extract_metal_binders works", { data_uniprot <- fetch_uniprot(uniprot_ids, columns = c( "ft_binding", "cc_cofactor", "cc_catalytic_activity" ) ) metal_info <- extract_metal_binders( data_uniprot = data_uniprot, data_quickgo = annotations, data_chebi = database, data_chebi_relation = relations, data_eco = eco, data_eco_relation = eco_relation ) expect_is(metal_info, "data.frame") expect_equal(ncol(metal_info), 20) expect_equal(nrow(metal_info), 35) }) test_that("fetch_alphafold_aligned_error works", { aligned_error <- fetch_alphafold_aligned_error( uniprot_ids = c("A0A0A7W703"), error_cutoff = 5, return_data_frame = TRUE ) expect_is(aligned_error, "data.frame") expect_equal(ncol(aligned_error), 4) expect_equal(nrow(aligned_error), 1854) }) aligned_error_list <- fetch_alphafold_aligned_error( uniprot_ids = c("A0A0A7W703"), error_cutoff = 4 ) test_that("predict_alphafold_domain works", { af_domains <- predict_alphafold_domain( pae_list = aligned_error_list, return_data_frame = TRUE ) expect_is(af_domains, "data.frame") expect_equal(ncol(af_domains), 3) expect_equal(nrow(af_domains), 61) expect_equal($domain))$Freq[1], 6) expect_equal($domain))$Freq[2], 55) }) }