context("Promise domains") source("common.R") async_true <- function() { promise_resolve(TRUE) } describe("Promise domains", { it("are reentered during handlers", { cd <- create_counting_domain(trackFinally = TRUE) p <- with_promise_domain(cd, { async_true() %...>% { expect_identical(cd$counts$onFulfilledCalled, 1L) expect_identical(cd$counts$onFulfilledActive, 1L) 10 # sync result } %...>% { expect_identical(cd$counts$onFulfilledCalled, 2L) expect_identical(cd$counts$onFulfilledActive, 1L) promise_resolve(20) # async result } }) expect_identical(cd$counts$onFulfilledBound, 2L) p <- p %...>% { expect_identical(cd$counts$onFulfilledCalled, 2L) expect_identical(cd$counts$onFulfilledActive, 0L) } expect_identical(cd$counts$onFulfilledBound, 2L) p %>% wait_for_it() with_promise_domain(cd, { p <- async_true() %>% finally(~{ expect_identical(cd$counts$onFinallyCalled, 1L) expect_identical(cd$counts$onFinallyActive, 1L) }) expect_identical(cd$counts$onFinallyBound, 1L) expect_identical(cd$counts$onFulfilledBound, 2L) expect_identical(cd$counts$onRejectedBound, 0L) p %>% wait_for_it() }) expect_identical(cd$counts$onFulfilledBound, 2L) with_promise_domain(cd, { p <- async_true() %...>% { expect_identical(., TRUE) expect_identical(cd$counts$onFulfilledCalled, 3L) ten <- 10 # This tests if promise domain membership infects subscriptions made # in handlers. promise_resolve(invisible(ten)) %...>% (function(value, .visible) { expect_identical(value, 10) expect_false(.visible) expect_true(!is.null(current_promise_domain())) expect_identical(cd$counts$onFulfilledCalled, 4L) }) } }) expect_true(is.null(current_promise_domain())) expect_identical(cd$counts$onFulfilledCalled, 2L) p %>% wait_for_it() }) it("pass finally binding to fulfill/reject by default", { cd1 <- create_counting_domain(trackFinally = FALSE) with_promise_domain(cd1, { p1 <- async_true() %>% finally(~{ expect_identical(cd1$counts$onFulfilledActive, 1L) expect_identical(cd1$counts$onRejectedActive, 0L) }) expect_identical(cd1$counts$onFulfilledBound, 1L) expect_identical(cd1$counts$onRejectedBound, 1L) p1 %>% wait_for_it() expect_identical(cd1$counts$onFulfilledCalled, 1L) expect_identical(cd1$counts$onRejectedCalled, 0L) }) cd2 <- create_counting_domain(trackFinally = FALSE) p2 <- with_promise_domain(cd2, { promise_reject("a problem") %>% finally(~{ expect_identical(cd2$counts$onFulfilledActive, 0L) expect_identical(cd2$counts$onRejectedActive, 1L) }) }) %>% squelch_unhandled_promise_error() expect_identical(cd2$counts$onFulfilledBound, 1L) expect_identical(cd2$counts$onRejectedBound, 1L) p2 %>% wait_for_it() expect_identical(cd2$counts$onFulfilledCalled, 0L) expect_identical(cd2$counts$onRejectedCalled, 1L) }) it("doesn't intercept fulfill/reject on finally, if finally is explicitly intercepted", { cd1 <- create_counting_domain(trackFinally = TRUE) with_promise_domain(cd1, { p1 <- async_true() %>% finally(~{ expect_identical(cd1$counts$onFinallyActive, 1L) expect_identical(cd1$counts$onFulfilledActive, 0L) expect_identical(cd1$counts$onRejectedActive, 0L) }) expect_identical(cd1$counts$onFinallyBound, 1L) expect_identical(cd1$counts$onFulfilledBound, 0L) expect_identical(cd1$counts$onRejectedBound, 0L) p1 %>% wait_for_it() expect_identical(cd1$counts$onFinallyCalled, 1L) expect_identical(cd1$counts$onFulfilledCalled, 0L) expect_identical(cd1$counts$onRejectedCalled, 0L) }) cd2 <- create_counting_domain(trackFinally = TRUE) p2 <- with_promise_domain(cd2, { promise_reject(TRUE) %>% finally(~{ expect_identical(cd2$counts$onFinallyActive, 1L) expect_identical(cd2$counts$onFulfilledActive, 0L) expect_identical(cd2$counts$onRejectedActive, 0L) }) }) %>% squelch_unhandled_promise_error() expect_identical(cd2$counts$onFinallyBound, 1L) expect_identical(cd2$counts$onFulfilledBound, 0L) expect_identical(cd2$counts$onRejectedBound, 0L) p2 %>% wait_for_it() expect_identical(cd2$counts$onFinallyCalled, 1L) expect_identical(cd2$counts$onFulfilledCalled, 0L) expect_identical(cd2$counts$onRejectedCalled, 0L) }) it("handles weird edge case relating to symbols", { # This test resulted from a bug in wrap_callback_reenter() where's # default behavior of quote=FALSE would cause a resolved value that happens # to be a symbol, to be evaluated. This would only happen when a promise # domain was in effect, and the symbol was passed to an onFulfilled. Fixed # by using rlang::exec() instead of cd <- create_counting_domain() with_promise_domain(cd, { promise_resolve(as.symbol("foo")) %...>% { expect_identical(., as.symbol("foo")) } %>% wait_for_it() }) }) it("executes wrap_callback_reenter handlers in the right lexical environment", { # No reason this shouldn't work, I haven't seen it fail, just making sure. cd <- create_counting_domain() x <- NULL with_promise_domain(cd, { promise_resolve(NULL) %...>% { x <<- 1L } %...>% { x <<- x + 1L } %>% wait_for_it() }) expect_identical(x, 2L) }) it("doesn't grow the call stack", { # See # and also recursive_promise <- function(n, .last_callstack_depth = NULL) { if (n == 0) { return(0) } else { promise_resolve(TRUE) %...>% { current_callstack_depth <- length(sys.calls()) if (!is.null(.last_callstack_depth)) { expect_identical(current_callstack_depth, .last_callstack_depth) } recursive_promise(n - 1, .last_callstack_depth = current_callstack_depth) } } } cd <- create_counting_domain() with_promise_domain(cd, { recursive_promise(5) %...>% { # 5 (from inside recursive_promise) + 1 (for the current handler) expect_identical(cd$counts$onFulfilledCalled, 6L) } %>% wait_for_it() }) cd2 <- create_counting_domain() p <- recursive_promise(5) with_promise_domain(cd2, { p %...>% { # This time, none of the ones inside recursive_promise count, since # they were bound outside of the influence of cd2 (even though they # are resolved within the influence of cd2, thanks to wait_for_it()). expect_identical(cd2$counts$onFulfilledCalled, 1L) } %>% wait_for_it() }) }) })