library(testthat) source("common.R") describe("then()", { it("honors .visible argument", { result <- NULL p <- promise(~resolve(invisible(1))) %>% then(function(value, .visible) { result <<- list(value = value, visible = .visible) }) p %>% wait_for_it() expect_identical(result$value, 1) expect_identical(result$visible, FALSE) p <- promise(~resolve(1)) %>% then(function(value, .visible) { result <<- list(value = value, visible = .visible) }) p %>% wait_for_it() expect_identical(result$value, 1) expect_identical(result$visible, TRUE) # .visible is preserved even with an intermediate then() or catch() p <- promise(~resolve(invisible(1))) %>% then() %>% catch(~"what error?") %>% then(function(value, .visible) { result <<- list(value = value, visible = .visible) }) p %>% wait_for_it() expect_identical(result$value, 1) expect_identical(result$visible, FALSE) }) it("method ignores non-functions or NULL...", { p1 <- promise(~resolve(1)) expect_warning( { p1 <- p1$then(10) }, "`onFulfilled` must be a function or `NULL`", fixed = TRUE ) expect_warning( { p1 <- p1$then(NULL) }, NA ) expect_identical(extract(p1), 1) }) it("...but function only ignores NULL, not non-functions", { expect_error(promise(~resolve(1)) %>% then(10)) expect_error(promise(~resolve(1)) %>% then(NULL), NA) }) it("honors visibility with no .visible argument", { result <- NULL p <- promise_resolve(invisible(1))$ then(function(value) { result <<- withVisible(value) }) p %>% wait_for_it() expect_identical(result$value, 1) expect_identical(result$visible, FALSE) result <- NULL p <- promise_resolve(2)$ then(function(value) { result <<- withVisible(value) }) p %>% wait_for_it() expect_identical(result$value, 2) expect_identical(result$visible, TRUE) }) }) describe("catch()", { it("catches", { p <- ext_promise() p2 <- p$promise %>% catch(~TRUE) p$reject("boom") expect_identical(extract(p2), TRUE) }) it("can throw", { p <- promise(~stop("foo")) %>% catch(~stop("bar")) expect_error(extract(p), "^bar$") }) it("method ignores non-functions or NULL...", { p1 <- promise(~ resolve(1)) expect_warning( { p1 <- p1$catch(10) }, "`onRejected` must be a function or `NULL`", fixed = TRUE ) expect_warning( { p1 <- p1$catch(NULL) }, NA ) expect_identical(extract(p1), 1) }) it("...but function only ignores NULL, not non-functions", { expect_error(promise(~resolve(1)) %>% catch(10)) expect_error(promise(~resolve(1)) %>% catch(NULL), NA) }) }) describe("finally()", { it("calls back when a promise is resolved", { called <- FALSE p <- promise(~resolve(10)) %>% finally(~{ called <<- TRUE }) p %>% wait_for_it() expect_identical(called, TRUE) expect_identical(extract(p), 10) }) it("calls back when a promise is rejected", { called <- FALSE (p <- promise(~reject("foobar")) %>% finally(~{ called <<- TRUE })) %>% squelch_unhandled_promise_error() %>% wait_for_it() expect_identical(called, TRUE) expect_error(extract(p), "^foobar$") }) it("does not affect the return value of the promise", { p1 <- promise(~resolve(1)) %>% finally(~20) expect_identical(extract(p1), 1) p2 <- promise(~reject("err")) %>% finally(~20) expect_error(extract(p2), "^err$") }) it("errors replace the result of the promise", { p1 <- promise(~resolve(1)) %>% finally(~stop("boom")) expect_error(extract(p1), "^boom$") p2 <- promise(~reject("foo")) %>% finally(~stop("bar")) expect_error(extract(p2), "^bar$") }) it("method ignores non-functions or NULL...", { p1 <- promise(~resolve(1))$finally(10)$finally(NULL) expect_identical(extract(p1), 1) }) it("...but function only ignores NULL, not non-functions", { expect_error(promise(~resolve(1)) %>% finally(10)) expect_error(promise(~resolve(1)) %>% finally(NULL), NA) }) }) describe("future", { it("is treated as promise when used as resolution", { p <- promise_resolve(future::future(1)) expect_identical(extract(p), 1) p2 <- promise_resolve(future::future(stop("boom"))) expect_error(extract(p2)) }) it("is treated as promise when used as resolution", { p <- promise_reject(future::future(1)) expect_identical(extract(p), 1) p2 <- promise_reject(future::future(stop("boom"))) expect_error(extract(p2)) }) })