base_path <- "c:/packages/procs/tests/testthat" data_dir <- base_path base_path <- tempdir() data_dir <- "." dev <- FALSE score <- read.table(header = TRUE, colClasses = c(Student = "character", StudentID = "character", Section = "character"), text = ' Student StudentID Section Test1 Test2 Final Capalleti "0545" "1" 94 91 87 Dubose "1252" "2" 51 65 91 Engles "1167" "1" 95 97 97 Grant "1230" "2" 63 75 80 Krupski "2527" "2" 80 76 71 Lundsford "4860" "1" 92 40 86 McBane "0674" "1" 75 78 72 ', stringsAsFactors = FALSE) dat2 <- read.table(header = TRUE, text =' ID Location Date Length1 Weight1 Length2 Weight2 Length3 Weight3 Length4 Weight4 1 "Cole Pond" 2JUN95 31 .25 32 .3 32 .25 33 .3 2 "Cole Pond" 3JUL95 33 .32 34 .41 37 .48 32 .28 3 "Cole Pond" 4AUG95 29 .23 30 .25 34 .47 32 .3 4 "Eagle Lake" 2JUN95 32 .35 32 .25 33 .30 NA NA 5 "Eagle Lake" 3JUL95 30 .20 36 .45 NA NA NA NA 6 "Eagle Lake" 4AUG95 33 .30 33 .28 34 .42 NA NA ', stringsAsFactors = FALSE) datm <- read.table(header = TRUE, text = ' LastName Age PresentScore TasteScore Flavor Layers Orlando 27 93 80 Vanilla 1 Ramey 32 84 72 Rum 2 Goldston 46 68 75 Vanilla 1 Roe 38 79 73 Vanilla 2 Larsen 23 77 84 Chocolate 3 Davis 51 86 91 Spice 3 Strickland 19 82 79 Chocolate 1 Nguyen 57 77 84 Vanilla 3 Hildenbrand 33 81 83 Chocolate 1 Byron 62 72 87 Vanilla 2 Sanders 26 56 79 Chocolate 1 Jaeger 43 66 74 Rum 1 Davis 28 69 75 Chocolate 2 Conrad 69 85 94 Vanilla 1 Walters 55 67 72 Chocolate 2 Rossburger 28 78 81 Spice 2 Matthew 42 81 92 Chocolate 2 Becker 36 62 83 Spice 2 Anderson 27 87 85 Chocolate 1 Merritt 62 73 84 Chocolate 1 ', stringsAsFactors = FALSE) prt <- read.table(header = TRUE, text = ' sex internship enrollment count 1 boys yes yes 35 2 boys no yes 14 3 girls yes yes 32 4 girls no yes 53 5 boys yes no 29 6 boys no no 27 7 girls yes no 10 8 girls no no 23', stringsAsFactors = FALSE) prt2 <- read.table(header = TRUE, text = ' sex internship enrollment count group 1 boys yes yes 35 1 2 boys no yes 14 1 3 girls yes yes 32 1 4 girls no yes 53 1 5 boys yes no 29 2 6 boys no no 27 2 7 girls yes no 10 2 8 girls no no 23 2', stringsAsFactors = FALSE) ageg <- read.table(header = TRUE, text = ' VAR LABEL CAT2 N CNTPCT 1 AGECAT "18 to 24" "ARM A" 85 "0 ( 0.0%)" 2 AGECAT "18 to 24" "ARM B" 85 "1 ( 1.2%)" 3 AGECAT "18 to 24" "ARM C" 85 "3 ( 3.5%)" 4 AGECAT "18 to 24" "ARM D" 85 "1 ( 1.2%)" 5 AGECAT "25 to 44" "ARM A" 85 "4 ( 4.7%)" 6 AGECAT "25 to 44" "ARM B" 85 "8 ( 9.4%)" 7 AGECAT "25 to 44" "ARM C" 85 "4 ( 4.7%)" 8 AGECAT "25 to 44" "ARM D" 85 "7 ( 8.2%)" 9 AGECAT "45 to 64" "ARM A" 85 "13 ( 15.3%)" 10 AGECAT "45 to 64" "ARM B" 85 "7 ( 8.2%)" 11 AGECAT "45 to 64" "ARM C" 85 "12 ( 14.1%)" 12 AGECAT "45 to 64" "ARM D" 85 "12 ( 14.1%)" 13 AGECAT ">= 65" "ARM A" 85 "3 ( 3.5%)" 14 AGECAT ">= 65" "ARM B" 85 "5 ( 5.9%)" 15 AGECAT ">= 65" "ARM C" 85 "2 ( 2.4%)" 16 AGECAT ">= 65" "ARM D" 85 "3 ( 3.5%)"', stringsAsFactors = FALSE) test_that("transpose1: basic var works without error.", { res <- proc_transpose(score, var = c("Test1", "Test2", "Final")) res expect_equal(nrow(res), 3) expect_equal(ncol(res), 8) }) test_that("transpose2: no var works without error.", { res <- proc_transpose(score) res expect_equal(nrow(res), 3) expect_equal(ncol(res), 8) }) test_that("transpose3: name parameter works as expected.", { res <- proc_transpose(score, name = "Test") res expect_equal(names(res[1]), "Test") }) test_that("transpose4: name_label works.", { res <- proc_transpose(score, namelabel = "Test") res expect_equal(names(res[1]), "NAME") expect_equal(attr(res[[1]], "label"), "Test") }) test_that("transpose5: id, prefix, and suffix works.", { res <- proc_transpose(score, id = "StudentID", prefix = "sn", suffix = "x") res expect_equal(names(res[2]), "sn0545x") }) test_that("transpose6: id and idlabel.", { res <- proc_transpose(score, id = "StudentID", idlabel = "Student") res expect_equal(names(res[1]), "NAME") expect_equal(attr(res[[2]], "label"), "Capalleti") }) test_that("transpose7: proc_means and proc_transpose.", { mres <- proc_means(score, var = c("Test1", "Test2", "Final"), stats = c("n", "mean", "std", "median", "min", "max"), options = v(out, notype, nonobs)) res <- proc_transpose(mres, id = "VAR", name = "STAT") res expect_equal(ncol(res), 4) expect_equal(nrow(res), 6) }) test_that("transpose8: transpose by with one variable.", { res <- proc_transpose(dat2, var =c("Length1", "Length2", "Length3", "Length4") , by = "Location", name = "Measure", id = "Date" ) res expect_equal(ncol(res), 5) expect_equal(nrow(res), 8) expect_equal(names(res)[3], "2JUN95") }) test_that("transpose8: transpose by with one variable and id labels.", { res <- proc_transpose(dat2, var =c("Length1", "Length2", "Length3", "Length4") , by = "Location", name = "Measure", idlabel = "Date" ) res expect_equal(ncol(res), 5) expect_equal(nrow(res), 8) expect_equal(names(res)[3], "COL1") expect_equal(attr(res[[3]], "label"), "2JUN95") }) test_that("transpose9: transpose by with two variables.", { res <- proc_transpose(dat2, var =c("Length1", "Length2", "Length3", "Length4") , by = c("Location", "Date"), name = "Measure") res expect_equal(nrow(res), 24) expect_equal(ncol(res), 4) }) test_that("transpose10: transpose by with two variables and v() function.", { res <- proc_transpose(dat2, var =v(Length1, Length2, Length3, Length4) , by = v(Location, Date), name = "Measure") res expect_equal(nrow(res), 24) expect_equal(ncol(res), 4) }) test_that("transpose11: copy parameter works recycle bigger.", { stats <- proc_means(datm, options = v(out, notype, nonobs)) res1 <- data.frame(Group = "Group1", stats) res2 <- proc_transpose(res1, copy = "Group", name = "STAT", id = "VAR") res2 expect_equal(nrow(res2), 5) expect_equal(ncol(res2), 6) expect_equal("Group" %in% names(res2), TRUE) }) test_that("transpose12: copy parameter works recycle smaller", { stats <- proc_means(datm, stats = c("n", "mean", "median"), options = v(out, notype, nonobs)) res1 <- data.frame(Group = "Group1", stats) res2 <- proc_transpose(res1, copy = "Group", name = "STAT", id = "VAR") res2 expect_equal(nrow(res2), 3) expect_equal(ncol(res2), 6) expect_equal("Group" %in% names(res2), TRUE) }) test_that("transpose13: copy parameter works recycle smaller", { mns <- proc_means(datm, stats = c("n", "mean", "median", "min", "max"), var = "Age", class = "Flavor", options = v(notype, nonobs)) mns[1, 1] <- "Total" mns res <- proc_transpose(mns, var = c("N", "MEAN", "MEDIAN", "MIN", "MAX"), copy = "VAR", name = "STAT", id = "CLASS") res res <- res[, c("VAR", "STAT", "Chocolate", "Rum", "Spice", "Vanilla", "Total")] res expect_equal(nrow(res), 5) expect_equal(ncol(res), 7) }) # Is working test_that("transpose14: copy parameter works with by groups", { stats <- proc_means(datm, stats = c("n", "mean", "median"), var = c("Age", "PresentScore", "TasteScore"), by = "Layers", options = v(out, notype, nonobs)) stats res1 <- data.frame(Group = "Group1", stats) res2 <- proc_transpose(res1, copy = "Group", by = "BY", name = "STAT", id = "VAR") res2 expect_equal(nrow(res2), 9) expect_equal(ncol(res2), 6) expect_equal("Group" %in% names(res2), TRUE) }) test_that("transpose15: all vars eliminates by, copy, and id from transpose", { stats <- proc_means(datm, stats = c("n", "mean", "median"), by = "Layers", options = v(out, nonobs, notype)) stats res1 <- data.frame(Group = "Group1", stats) res2 <- proc_transpose(res1, copy = "Group", by = "BY", name = "STAT", id = "VAR") res2 expect_equal(nrow(res2), 9) expect_equal(ncol(res2), 6) expect_equal("Group" %in% names(res2), TRUE) }) test_that("tranpose16: get_output_twoway() works as expected.", { res2 <- get_output_twoway(prt, "internship", "enrollment", "count", NULL, FALSE, by = c(by1 = "A", by2 = "B")) res2 proc_transpose(res2, name = "STAT", id = c("CAT1", "CAT2"), copy = c("by1", "by2", "VAR1", "VAR2")) expect_equal(nrow(res2), 4) expect_equal(ncol(res2), 10) }) test_that("transpose17: NSE works on transpose", { stats <- proc_means(datm, stats = v(n, mean, median), by = Layers, options = v(out, nonobs, notype)) stats res1 <- data.frame(Group = "Group1", stats) res2 <- proc_transpose(res1, copy = Group, by = BY, name = STAT, id = VAR) res2 expect_equal(nrow(res2), 9) expect_equal(ncol(res2), 6) expect_equal("Group" %in% names(res2), TRUE) expect_equal(names(res2), c("Group", "BY", "STAT", "Age", "PresentScore", "TasteScore")) }) test_that("transpose18: Where clause works as expected.", { stats <- proc_means(datm, stats = v(n, mean, median), by = Layers, options = v(out, nonobs, notype)) stats res1 <- data.frame(Group = "Group1", stats) res2 <- proc_transpose(res1, copy = Group, by = BY, name = STAT, id = VAR, where = expression(!BY %in% c(2, 3) | STAT != "N")) res2 expect_equal(nrow(res2), 7) expect_equal(ncol(res2), 6) }) test_that("transpose19: Factor with unused level works.", { ageg2 <- ageg ageg2$LABEL <- factor(ageg2$LABEL, levels = c("18 to 24", "25 to 44", "45 to 64", ">= 65", "Out of range")) res <- proc_transpose(ageg2, var = v(N, CNTPCT), copy = VAR, id = CAT2, by = LABEL) res expect_equal(nrow(res), 8) expect_equal(ncol(res), 7) }) test_that("transpose20: log_transpose() works as expected.", { res <- log_transpose(mtcars, var = c("mpg", "cyl"), id = c("n", "mean", "median"), idlabel = c("n", "mean", "median"), copy = "count", name = "sam", namelabel = "fork", where = expression(x == 1), by = "cyl", outdata = mtcars) res expect_equal(length(res), 10) }) test_that("transpose21: transposing two id variables.", { sp <- prt2 sp[1, 2] <- "no" res <- proc_freq(sp, tables = c("internship"), titles = "My first Frequency Table", by = c("sex"), weight = "count", options = v(outcum)) res res1 <- proc_transpose(res, id = c("BY", "CAT"), copy = c("VAR")) res1 expect_equal(ncol(res1), 6) expect_equal(nrow(res1), 5) }) test_that("transpose22: transposing inconsistent categories.", { sp <- prt2 sp[1, 2] <- "no" res <- proc_freq(sp, tables = c("internship"), titles = "My first Frequency Table", by = c("sex", "enrollment"), weight = "count") res res1 <- proc_transpose(res, id = c("BY1", "CAT"), copy = c("VAR"), by = "BY2") res1 expect_equal(ncol(res1), 7) expect_equal(nrow(res1), 6) }) test_that("transpose23: transpose retains original class.", { library(tibble) tmp <- as_tibble(prt) res <- proc_transpose(tmp, by = sex) res expect_equal("tbl_df" %in% class(res), TRUE) }) test_that("transpose24: Transpose with single by var works", { ageg res <- proc_transpose(ageg, by = VAR, id = CAT2, var = v(N, CNTPCT)) expect_equal(nrow(res), 2) # And gets no error }) test_that("transpose25: transpose by retains data type.", { s2 <- score s2$Section <- as.integer(s2$Section) res <- proc_transpose(s2, by = Section) res expect_equal(nrow(res), 6) expect_equal(ncol(res), 6) expect_equal(typeof(res$Section), "integer") s2$Section <- as.double(s2$Section) res <- proc_transpose(s2, by = Section) res expect_equal(nrow(res), 6) expect_equal(ncol(res), 6) expect_equal(typeof(res$Section), "double") s2$Section <- ifelse(s2$Section == 1, TRUE, FALSE) res <- proc_transpose(s2, by = Section) res expect_equal(nrow(res), 6) expect_equal(ncol(res), 6) expect_equal(typeof(res$Section), "logical") s2$Section <- ifelse(s2$Section == TRUE, as.Date("2020-01-01"), as.Date("2021-01-01")) s2$Section <- as.Date(s2$Section, origin = "1970-01-01") res <- proc_transpose(s2, by = Section) res expect_equal(nrow(res), 6) expect_equal(ncol(res), 6) expect_equal(typeof(res$Section), "double") expect_equal(class(res$Section), "Date") }) test_that("transpose26: prefix, and suffix works with no ID.", { res <- proc_transpose(score, prefix = "sn", suffix = "x") res expect_equal(names(res[2]), "sn1x") }) test_that("transpose27: noname options works as expected.", { res <- proc_transpose(score, var = c("Test1", "Test2", "Final"), options = noname) res expect_equal(nrow(res), 3) expect_equal(ncol(res), 7) expect_equal("NAME" %in% names(res), FALSE) })