test_that("throw() is standalone", { stenv <- environment(throw) objs <- ls(stenv, all.names = TRUE) funs <- Filter(function(x) is.function(stenv[[x]]), objs) funobjs <- mget(funs, stenv) for (f in funobjs) expect_identical(environmentName(topenv(f)), "base") expect_message( withCallingHandlers( res <- mapply(codetools::checkUsage, funobjs, funs, MoreArgs = list(report = message)), message = function(c) { if (grepl(".hide_from_trace", c$message)) { invokeRestart("muffleMessage") } } ), NA ) }) test_that("new_cond", { c <- new_cond("foo", "bar") expect_identical(class(c), "condition") expect_identical(c$message, "foobar") }) test_that("new_error", { c <- new_error("foo", "bar") expect_identical( class(c), c("rlib_error_3_0", "rlib_error", "error", "condition") ) expect_identical(c$message, "foobar") }) test_that("throw() works with condition objects or strings", { expect_error( throw("foobar"), "foobar", class = "rlib_error") expect_error( throw(new_error("foobar")), "foobar", class = "rlib_error") }) test_that("parent must be an error object", { expect_error( throw(new_error("foobar"), parent = "nope"), "Parent condition must be a condition object", class = "rlib_error") }) test_that("throw() adds the proper call, if requested", { f <- function() throw(new_error("ooops")) err <- tryCatch(f(), error = function(e) e) expect_s3_class(err, "rlib_error") expect_identical(err$call, "f()") g <- function() throw(new_error("ooops", call. = FALSE)) err <- tryCatch(g(), error = function(e) e) expect_s3_class(err, "rlib_error") expect_null(err$call) }) test_that("throw() only stops for errors", { f <- function() throw(new_cond("nothing important")) expect_error(f(), NA) }) test_that("caught conditions have no trace", { f <- function() throw(new_error("nothing important")) cond <- tryCatch(f(), condition = function(e) e) expect_null(cond$trace) }) test_that("un-caught condition has trace", { skip_on_cran() # We need to run this in a separate script, because # testthat catches all conditions. We also cannot run it in callr::r() # or similar, because those catch conditions as well. sf <- tempfile(fileext = ".R") op <- sub("\\.R$", ".rds", sf) so <- paste0(sf, "out") se <- paste0(sf, "err") on.exit(unlink(c(sf, op, so, se), recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE) expr <- substitute({ f <- function() g() g <- function() processx:::throw(processx:::new_error("oooops")) options(rlib_error_handler = function(c) { saveRDS(c, file = `__op__`) }) f() }, list("__op__" = op)) cat(deparse(expr), file = sf, sep = "\n") callr::rscript(sf, stdout = so, stderr = se) cond <- readRDS(op) expect_s3_class(cond, "rlib_error") expect_s3_class(cond$trace, "rlib_trace") }) test_that("chain_call", { do <- function() { chain_call(c_processx_base64_encode, "foobar") } cond <- tryCatch( do(), error = function(e) e ) expect_equal(cond$call, "do()") expect_s3_class(cond, "c_error") expect_s3_class(cond, "rlib_error") }) test_that("errors from subprocess", { skip_if_not_installed("callr", minimum_version = "3.7.0") if (packageVersion("callr") != "3.7.0") skip("only with callr 3.7.0") err <- tryCatch( callr::r(function() 1 + "a"), error = function(e) e) expect_s3_class(err, "rlib_error") expect_s3_class(err$parent, "error") expect_false(is.null(err$parent$trace)) }) test_that("errors from subprocess", { skip_if_not_installed("callr", minimum_version = "") err <- tryCatch( callr::r(function() 1 + "a"), error = function(e) e) expect_s3_class(err, "rlib_error") expect_s3_class(err$parent, "error") expect_false(is.null(err$parent_trace)) }) test_that("error trace from subprocess", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_not_installed("callr", minimum_version = "3.7.0") if (packageVersion("callr") != "3.7.0") skip("only with callr 3.7.0") sf <- tempfile(fileext = ".R") op <- sub("\\.R$", ".rds", sf) so <- paste0(sf, "out") se <- paste0(sf, "err") on.exit(unlink(c(sf, op, so, se), recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE) expr <- substitute({ h <- function() callr::r(function() 1 + "a") options(rlib_error_handler = function(c) { saveRDS(c, file = `__op__`) # quit after the first, because the other one is caught here as well q() }) h() }, list("__op__" = op)) cat(deparse(expr), file = sf, sep = "\n") callr::rscript(sf, stdout = so, stderr = se) cond <- readRDS(op) expect_s3_class(cond, "rlib_error") expect_s3_class(cond$parent, "error") expect_s3_class(cond$trace, "rlib_trace") expect_equal(length(cond$trace$nframe), 2) expect_true(cond$trace$nframe[1] < cond$trace$nframe[2]) expect_match(cond$trace$messages[[1]], "subprocess failed: non-numeric") expect_match(cond$trace$messages[[2]], "non-numeric argument") }) test_that("error trace from subprocess", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_not_installed("callr", minimum_version = "") sf <- tempfile(fileext = ".R") op <- sub("\\.R$", ".rds", sf) so <- paste0(sf, "out") se <- paste0(sf, "err") on.exit(unlink(c(sf, op, so, se), recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE) expr <- substitute({ h <- function() callr::r(function() 1 + "a") options(rlib_error_handler = function(c) { saveRDS(c, file = `__op__`) # quit after the first, because the other one is caught here as well q() }) h() }, list("__op__" = op)) cat(deparse(expr), file = sf, sep = "\n") callr::rscript(sf, stdout = so, stderr = se) cond <- readRDS(op) expect_s3_class(cond, "rlib_error") expect_s3_class(cond$parent, "error") expect_s3_class(cond$trace, "rlib_trace") }) test_that("error trace from throw() in subprocess", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_not_installed("callr", minimum_version = "3.7.0") if (packageVersion("callr") != "3.7.0") skip("only with callr 3.7.0") sf <- tempfile(fileext = ".R") op <- sub("\\.R$", ".rds", sf) so <- paste0(sf, "out") se <- paste0(sf, "err") on.exit(unlink(c(sf, op, so, se), recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE) expr <- substitute({ h <- function() callr::r(function() processx::run("does-not-exist---")) options(rlib_error_handler = function(c) { saveRDS(c, file = `__op__`) # quit after the first, because the other one is caught here as well q() }) h() }, list("__op__" = op)) cat(deparse(expr), file = sf, sep = "\n") callr::rscript(sf, stdout = so, stderr = se) cond <- readRDS(op) expect_s3_class(cond, "rlib_error") expect_s3_class(cond$parent, "rlib_error") expect_s3_class(cond$trace, "rlib_trace") expect_equal(length(cond$trace$nframe), 2) expect_true(cond$trace$nframe[1] < cond$trace$nframe[2]) expect_match(cond$trace$messages[[1]], "subprocess failed: .*processx\\.c") expect_match(cond$trace$messages[[2]], "@.*processx\\.c") }) test_that("error trace from throw() in subprocess", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_not_installed("callr", minimum_version = "") sf <- tempfile(fileext = ".R") op <- sub("\\.R$", ".rds", sf) so <- paste0(sf, "out") se <- paste0(sf, "err") on.exit(unlink(c(sf, op, so, se), recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE) expr <- substitute({ h <- function() callr::r(function() processx::run("does-not-exist---")) options(rlib_error_handler = function(c) { saveRDS(c, file = `__op__`) # quit after the first, because the other one is caught here as well q() }) h() }, list("__op__" = op)) cat(deparse(expr), file = sf, sep = "\n") callr::rscript(sf, stdout = so, stderr = se) cond <- readRDS(op) expect_s3_class(cond, "rlib_error") expect_s3_class(cond$parent, "rlib_error") expect_s3_class(cond$trace, "rlib_trace") }) test_that("trace is not overwritten", { skip_on_cran() withr::local_options(list(rlib_error_always_trace = TRUE)) err <- new_error("foobar") err$trace <- "not really" err2 <- tryCatch(throw(err), error = function(e) e) expect_identical(err2$trace, "not really") }) test_that("error is printed on error", { skip_on_cran() sf <- tempfile(fileext = ".R") op <- sub("\\.R$", ".rds", sf) so <- paste0(sf, "out") se <- paste0(sf, "err") on.exit(unlink(c(sf, op, so, se), recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE) expr <- substitute({ options(rlib_interactive = TRUE) processx::run(basename(tempfile())) }) cat(deparse(expr), file = sf, sep = "\n") callr::rscript( sf, stdout = so, stderr = se, fail_on_status = FALSE, show = FALSE ) selines <- readLines(so) expect_true( any(grepl("No such file or directory", selines)) || any(grepl("Command .* not found", selines)) ) expect_false(any(grepl("Stack trace", selines))) }) test_that("trace is printed on error in non-interactive sessions", { sf <- tempfile(fileext = ".R") so <- paste0(sf, "out") se <- paste0(sf, "err") on.exit(unlink(c(sf, so, se), recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE) expr <- substitute({ processx::run(basename(tempfile())) }) cat(deparse(expr), file = sf, sep = "\n") callr::rscript( sf, stdout = so, stderr = se, fail_on_status = FALSE, show = FALSE ) selines <- readLines(se) expect_true( any(grepl("No such file or directory", selines)) || any(grepl("Command .* not found", selines)) ) expect_true(any(grepl("Backtrace", selines))) }) test_that("can pass frame as error call in `new_error()`", { check_bar <- function(call = parent.frame()) { check_foo(call = call) } check_foo <- function(call = parent.frame()) { throw(new_error("my message", call. = call)) } f <- function() check_bar() g <- function() check_foo() expect_snapshot({ (expect_error(f())) (expect_error(g())) }) }) test_that("can pass frame as error call in `throw()`", { check_bar <- function(call = parent.frame()) { check_foo(call = call) } check_foo <- function(call = parent.frame()) { throw(new_error("my message"), call = call) } f <- function() check_bar() g <- function() check_foo() expect_snapshot({ (expect_error(f())) (expect_error(g())) }) })