test_that(paste0("clr_alpha() perserves length"), { expect_length(clr_alpha(rainbow(0)), 0) expect_length(clr_alpha(rainbow(1)), 1) expect_length(clr_alpha(rainbow(10)), 10) }) test_that("clr_alpha()'s output has colors class", { expect_s3_class(clr_alpha(rainbow(10)), "colors") }) test_that("clr_alpha() complains when col type is wrong.", { expect_error(clr_alpha("not a color")) expect_error(clr_alpha(list(pal = "#000000"))) }) test_that("clr_alpha()' if the length of `severity` isn't 1", { expect_visible(clr_alpha(rainbow(10), rep(1, 1))) expect_error(clr_alpha(rainbow(10), seq(0, 1, length.out = 2))) expect_error(clr_alpha(rainbow(10), seq(0, 1, length.out = 3))) expect_visible(clr_alpha(rainbow(10), seq(0, 1, length.out = 10))) }) test_that("clr_alpha() setting severity outside range gives error", { expect_error(clr_alpha(rainbow(10), severity = -1)) expect_error(clr_alpha(rainbow(10), severity = 2)) }) test_that("setting alpha = 1 leaves input completely unchanged", { expect_equal(clr_alpha(rainbow(10), alpha = 1), color(rainbow(10))) })