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Type 'q()' to quit R. > library(testthat) > library(predRupdate) > > test_check("predRupdate") $OE_ratio [1] 1.900612 $OE_ratio_SE [1] 0.01879779 $CalInt [1] 0.7323461 $CalInt_SE [1] 0.02055124 $CalSlope [1] 0.6483813 $CalSlope_SE [1] 0.04631145 $AUC [1] 0.5814277 $AUC_SE [1] 0.005738188 $R2_CoxSnell [1] -0.04812151 $R2_Nagelkerke [1] -0.08631391 $BrierScore [1] 0.1248575 Performance Results for Model 1 ================================= $OE_ratio [1] 1.900612 $OE_ratio_SE [1] 0.01879779 $CalInt [1] 0.7323461 $CalInt_SE [1] 0.02055124 $CalSlope [1] 0.6483813 $CalSlope_SE [1] 0.04631145 $AUC [1] 0.5814277 $AUC_SE [1] 0.005738188 $R2_CoxSnell [1] -0.04812151 $R2_Nagelkerke [1] -0.08631391 $BrierScore [1] 0.1248575 Performance Results for Model 2 ================================= $OE_ratio [1] 0.8945127 $OE_ratio_SE [1] 0.01879779 $CalInt [1] -0.1325477 $CalInt_SE [1] 0.02039467 $CalSlope [1] 0.9867769 $CalSlope_SE [1] 0.07035109 $AUC [1] 0.5828299 $AUC_SE [1] 0.005754004 $R2_CoxSnell [1] 0.00737292 $R2_Nagelkerke [1] 0.01322455 $BrierScore [1] 0.120598 Performance Results for Model 3 ================================= $OE_ratio [1] 1.594518 $OE_ratio_SE [1] 0.01879779 $CalInt [1] 0.5323554 $CalInt_SE [1] 0.02042744 $CalSlope [1] 0.7211673 $CalSlope_SE [1] 0.06281424 $AUC [1] 0.5612504 $AUC_SE [1] 0.00589087 $R2_CoxSnell [1] -0.02489186 $R2_Nagelkerke [1] -0.04464768 $BrierScore [1] 0.1234254 Performance Results for Model 1 ================================= Calibration Measures --------------------------------- Estimate Std. Err Lower 95% Confidence Interval Observed:Expected Ratio 1.9006 0.0188 1.8319 Calibration Intercept 0.7323 0.0206 0.6921 Calibration Slope 0.6484 0.0463 0.5576 Upper 95% Confidence Interval Observed:Expected Ratio 1.9719 Calibration Intercept 0.7726 Calibration Slope 0.7392 Also examine the calibration plot, if produced. Discrimination Measures --------------------------------- Estimate Std. Err Lower 95% Confidence Interval AUC 0.5814 0.0057 0.5702 Upper 95% Confidence Interval AUC 0.5927 Overall Performance Measures --------------------------------- Cox-Snell R-squared: -0.0481 Nagelkerke R-squared: -0.0863 Brier Score: 0.1249 Also examine the distribution plot of predicted risks. Performance Results for Model 2 ================================= Calibration Measures --------------------------------- Estimate Std. Err Lower 95% Confidence Interval Observed:Expected Ratio 0.8945 0.0188 0.8622 Calibration Intercept -0.1325 0.0204 -0.1725 Calibration Slope 0.9868 0.0704 0.8489 Upper 95% Confidence Interval Observed:Expected Ratio 0.9281 Calibration Intercept -0.0926 Calibration Slope 1.1247 Also examine the calibration plot, if produced. Discrimination Measures --------------------------------- Estimate Std. Err Lower 95% Confidence Interval AUC 0.5828 0.0058 0.5716 Upper 95% Confidence Interval AUC 0.5941 Overall Performance Measures --------------------------------- Cox-Snell R-squared: 0.0074 Nagelkerke R-squared: 0.0132 Brier Score: 0.1206 Also examine the distribution plot of predicted risks. Performance Results for Model 3 ================================= Calibration Measures --------------------------------- Estimate Std. Err Lower 95% Confidence Interval Observed:Expected Ratio 1.5945 0.0188 1.5368 Calibration Intercept 0.5324 0.0204 0.4923 Calibration Slope 0.7212 0.0628 0.5981 Upper 95% Confidence Interval Observed:Expected Ratio 1.6544 Calibration Intercept 0.5724 Calibration Slope 0.8443 Also examine the calibration plot, if produced. Discrimination Measures --------------------------------- Estimate Std. Err Lower 95% Confidence Interval AUC 0.5613 0.0059 0.5497 Upper 95% Confidence Interval AUC 0.5728 Overall Performance Measures --------------------------------- Cox-Snell R-squared: -0.0249 Nagelkerke R-squared: -0.0446 Brier Score: 0.1234 Also examine the distribution plot of predicted risks. $OE_ratio [1] 0.6319298 $OE_ratio_SE [1] 0.01127588 $CalSlope [1] 1.075666 $CalSlope_SE [1] 0.03890795 $harrell_C [1] 0.586872 $harrell_C_SE [1] 0.003204527 Performance Results for Model 1 ================================= $OE_ratio [1] 1.220094 $OE_ratio_SE [1] 0.01127588 $CalSlope [1] 0.712948 $CalSlope_SE [1] 0.02804621 $harrell_C [1] 0.5789097 $harrell_C_SE [1] 0.003222861 Performance Results for Model 2 ================================= $OE_ratio [1] 0.6319298 $OE_ratio_SE [1] 0.01127588 $CalSlope [1] 1.075666 $CalSlope_SE [1] 0.03890795 $harrell_C [1] 0.586872 $harrell_C_SE [1] 0.003204527 Performance Results for Model 3 ================================= $OE_ratio [1] 1.042847 $OE_ratio_SE [1] 0.01127588 $CalSlope [1] 0.9129803 $CalSlope_SE [1] 0.03682359 $harrell_C [1] 0.5767671 $harrell_C_SE [1] 0.003232409 Performance Results for Model 1 ================================= Calibration Measures --------------------------------- Estimate Std. Err Lower 95% Confidence Interval Observed:Expected Ratio 1.2201 0.0113 1.1934 Calibration Slope 0.7129 0.0280 0.6580 Upper 95% Confidence Interval Observed:Expected Ratio 1.2474 Calibration Slope 0.7679 Also examine the calibration plot, if produced. Discrimination Measures --------------------------------- Estimate Std. Err Lower 95% Confidence Interval Harrell C 0.5789 0.0032 0.5726 Upper 95% Confidence Interval Harrell C 0.5852 Also examine the distribution plot of predicted risks. Performance Results for Model 2 ================================= Calibration Measures --------------------------------- Estimate Std. Err Lower 95% Confidence Interval Observed:Expected Ratio 0.6319 0.0113 0.6181 Calibration Slope 1.0757 0.0389 0.9994 Upper 95% Confidence Interval Observed:Expected Ratio 0.6461 Calibration Slope 1.1519 Also examine the calibration plot, if produced. Discrimination Measures --------------------------------- Estimate Std. Err Lower 95% Confidence Interval Harrell C 0.5869 0.0032 0.5806 Upper 95% Confidence Interval Harrell C 0.5932 Also examine the distribution plot of predicted risks. Performance Results for Model 3 ================================= Calibration Measures --------------------------------- Estimate Std. Err Lower 95% Confidence Interval Observed:Expected Ratio 1.0428 0.0113 1.0201 Calibration Slope 0.9130 0.0368 0.8408 Upper 95% Confidence Interval Observed:Expected Ratio 1.0662 Calibration Slope 0.9852 Also examine the calibration plot, if produced. Discrimination Measures --------------------------------- Estimate Std. Err Lower 95% Confidence Interval Harrell C 0.5768 0.0032 0.5704 Upper 95% Confidence Interval Harrell C 0.5831 Also examine the distribution plot of predicted risks. [ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 4 | PASS 179 ] ══ Skipped tests (4) ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ • On CRAN (4): 'test-pred_stacked_regression.R:24:3', 'test-pred_validate_logistic.R:25:3', 'test-pred_validate_survival.R:19:3', 'test-summary_predinfo.R:8:3' [ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 4 | PASS 179 ] > > proc.time() user system elapsed 11.67 0.70 12.35