f1 <- function(x) { base::warning("I warned you!") x+1 } f2 <- function(x) { stop("Oh no you don't!") } f3 <- function(x) { gettext("Hi there") stop("Oh no you don't!") } f4 <- function(x) { # include cat() in the string here for coverage of # check_untranslated_cat, which does a first pass looking for # cat() anywhere in the call, then filters for cat actually # being a call; this passes the first filter, not the second. stop(domain=NA, gettextf( fmt = "Avg cat() failures: %.02f; N failures: %d; failure: %s", mean(x), length(x), "don't translate me" )) } f5 <- function(x) { # source markers for skipping translation. # notranslate for single lines message("skip me for translation") # notranslate # # notranslate start / # notranslate end for ranges. # ^ also testing that within-line "range" doesn't break things # notranslate start message("me too") message("me three") # notranslate end }