test_that("rstar returns reasonable values", { skip_if_not_installed("caret") skip_if_not_installed("randomForest") x <- example_draws() val <- rstar(x) expect_true(val > 0.8 & val < 10) }) test_that("rstar works with 1d example", { skip_if_not_installed("caret") skip_if_not_installed("randomForest") x <- example_draws() x <- as_draws_df(x) # remove all bar one variable x <- x[, c(variables(x)[1], ".chain", ".iteration", ".draw")] val <- rstar(x) expect_true(val > 0.5 & val < 10) }) test_that("rstar works with draws_df example", { skip_if_not_installed("caret") skip_if_not_installed("randomForest") x <- example_draws() x <- as_draws_df(x) val <- rstar(x) expect_true(val > 0.5 & val < 10) }) test_that("rstar with uncertainty returns vectors of correct length", { skip_if_not_installed("caret") skip_if_not_installed("gbm") x <- example_draws() val <- rstar(x, method = "gbm", uncertainty = T, verbose = F) expect_equal(length(val), 1000) val <- rstar(x, method = "knn", uncertainty = T, nsimulations = 10) expect_equal(length(val), 10) }) test_that("incorrect nsimulations values throws error", { skip_if_not_installed("caret") x <- example_draws() expect_error(rstar(x, method = "knn", nsimulations = 0), "'nsimulations' must be greater than or equal to 1.") }) test_that("rstar with uncertainty returns reasonable values", { skip_if_not_installed("caret") skip_if_not_installed("gbm") x <- example_draws() val <- rstar(x, method = "gbm", uncertainty = T, verbose = F) expect_true(max(val) > 0.3 & min(val) < 10) }) test_that("rstar accepts different classifiers", { skip_if_not_installed("caret") skip_if_not_installed("gbm") x <- example_draws() val <- rstar(x, method = "gbm", verbose=F) expect_true(is.numeric(val)) val <- rstar(x, method = "knn") expect_true(is.numeric(val)) }) test_that("rstar accepts different hyperparameters", { skip_if_not_installed("caret") skip_if_not_installed("gbm") x <- example_draws() # use fast hyperparameters caret_grid <- data.frame(interaction.depth=c(3), n.trees = 1, shrinkage=c(0.1), n.minobsinnode=10) start <- Sys.time() val <- rstar(x, method = "gbm", verbose=F, hyperparameters = caret_grid) end <- Sys.time() dif1 <- end - start # use slower hyperparameters caret_grid <- data.frame(interaction.depth=c(3), n.trees = 1000, shrinkage=c(0.1), n.minobsinnode=10) start <- Sys.time() val <- rstar(x, method = "gbm", verbose=F, hyperparameters = caret_grid) end <- Sys.time() dif2 <- end - start expect_true(dif1 < dif2) }) test_that("rstar accepts different training proportion", { skip_if_not_installed("caret") x <- example_draws() set.seed(12345) val1 <- rstar(x, method = "knn") val2 <- rstar(x, method = "knn", training_proportion = 0.1) expect_true(val1 > val2) }) test_that("rstar throws error when passed invalid training_proportion", { skip_if_not_installed("caret") x <- example_draws() expect_error(rstar(x, method = "knn", training_proportion = 0), "'training_proportion' must be greater than 0 and less than 1") expect_error(rstar(x, method = "knn", training_proportion = 1), "'training_proportion' must be greater than 0 and less than 1") }) test_that("split-chain R* returns generally higher values", { skip_if_not_installed("caret") skip_on_cran() # reduces test time x <- example_draws() n <- 10 vals_split <- vector(length = n) vals_unsplit <- vector(length = n) for(i in 1:n) { vals_split[i] <- rstar(x, method = "knn") vals_unsplit[i] <- rstar(x, method = "knn", split = FALSE) } expect_true(median(vals_split) > median(vals_unsplit)) })