library(port4me) Sys.setenv("_PORT4ME_CHECK_AVAILABLE_PORTS_" = "any") message('- port4me(user = "alice")') truth <- 30845L ports <- port4me(user = "alice") print(ports) stopifnot( is.integer(ports), all(is.finite(ports)), all(ports > 0L), all(ports <= 65535L), all(ports >= 1024L), length(ports) == length(truth), all(ports == truth) ) message('- port4me(user = "bob")') truth <- 54242L ports <- port4me(user = "bob") print(ports) stopifnot( is.integer(ports), all(is.finite(ports)), all(ports > 0L), all(ports <= 65535L), all(ports >= 1024L), length(ports) == length(truth), all(ports == truth) ) message('- port4me(user = "alice", tool = "rstudio")') truth <- 22486L ports <- port4me(user = "alice", tool="rstudio") print(ports) stopifnot( is.integer(ports), all(is.finite(ports)), all(ports > 0L), all(ports <= 65535L), all(ports >= 1024L), length(ports) == length(truth), all(ports == truth) ) message('- port4me(user = "alice") with PORT4ME_TOOL=rstudio)') Sys.setenv(PORT4ME_TOOL = "rstudio") truth <- 22486L ports <- port4me(user = "alice") print(ports) stopifnot( is.integer(ports), all(is.finite(ports)), all(ports > 0L), all(ports <= 65535L), all(ports >= 1024L), length(ports) == length(truth), all(ports == truth) ) Sys.unsetenv("PORT4ME_TOOL") message('- port4me(user = "alice", tool = "jupyter-notebook")') truth <- 29525L ports <- port4me(user = "alice", tool="jupyter-notebook") print(ports) stopifnot( is.integer(ports), all(is.finite(ports)), all(ports > 0L), all(ports <= 65535L), all(ports >= 1024L), length(ports) == length(truth), all(ports == truth) ) message('- port4me() with PORT4ME_USER=alice') Sys.setenv(PORT4ME_USER = "alice") truth <- 30845L ports <- port4me() print(ports) stopifnot( is.integer(ports), all(is.finite(ports)), all(ports > 0L), all(ports <= 65535L), all(ports >= 1024L), length(ports) == length(truth), all(ports == truth) ) truth <- c(30845, 19654, 32310, 63992, 15273, 31420, 62779, 55372, 24143, 41300) exclude <- c(30845, 32310) message(sprintf("- port4me(exclude = c(%s))", paste(exclude, collapse = ", "))) port <- port4me(exclude = exclude) print(port) stopifnot( length(port) == 1L, is.integer(port), is.finite(port), port > 0L, port <= 65535L, port >= 1024L, port == setdiff(truth, exclude)[1] ) message(sprintf("- port4me() with PORT4ME_EXCLUDE=%s", paste(exclude, collapse = ", "))) Sys.setenv(PORT4ME_EXCLUDE = paste(exclude, collapse = ",")) port <- port4me() print(port) stopifnot( length(port) == 1L, is.integer(port), is.finite(port), port > 0L, port <= 65535L, port >= 1024L, port == setdiff(truth, exclude)[1] ) Sys.unsetenv("PORT4ME_EXCLUDE") include <- c(2000:2123, 4321, 10000:10999) message("- port4me(include = c(2000:2123, 4321, 10000:10999))") port <- port4me(include = include) print(port) stopifnot( length(port) == 1L, is.integer(port), is.finite(port), port > 0L, port <= 65535L, port >= 1024L, port == 10451L ) include <- c(2000:2123, 4321, 10000:10999) message("- port4me() with PORT4ME_INCLUDE=...") Sys.setenv(PORT4ME_INCLUDE = paste(include, collapse = ",")) port <- port4me() print(port) stopifnot( length(port) == 1L, is.integer(port), is.finite(port), port > 0L, port <= 65535L, port >= 1024L, port == 10451L ) Sys.unsetenv("PORT4ME_INCLUDE") message('- port4me(exclude = "1024-1099")') port <- port4me(exclude = "1024-1099") message('- port4me(include = "1024-1099")') port <- port4me(include = "1024-1099") message('- port4me(prepend = "1024-1099")') port <- port4me(prepend = "1024-1099") prepend <- c(2000:2123, 4321, 10000:10999) message("- port4me(prepend = c(2000:2123, 4321, 10000:10999))") port <- port4me(prepend = prepend) print(port) stopifnot( length(port) == 1L, is.integer(port), is.finite(port), port > 0L, port <= 65535L, port >= 1024L, port == prepend[1] ) message("- port4me(skip = 1L)") port <- port4me(user = "alice", skip = 1L) print(port) stopifnot( length(port) == 1L, is.integer(port), is.finite(port), port > 0L, port <= 65535L, port >= 1024L, port == 19654L ) # ------------------------------------------------------- # Check TCP port # ------------------------------------------------------- message("- port4me() can detect busy port") Sys.unsetenv("_PORT4ME_CHECK_AVAILABLE_PORTS_") port <- NA_integer_ if (.Platform[["OS.type"]] == "unix" &&[["sysname"]] != "Darwin") { ## Start dynamic help, if not already running, and get its port ## HELP WANTED: On both macOS and MS Windows, this port is still ## available. Why? ## system("python -m port4me --test=") confirms this. ## /HB 2024-01-06 port <- tools::startDynamicHelp(NA) message("Dynamic help port: ", port) } if (! { Sys.setenv(PORT4ME_DEBUG = "true") res <- port4me(test = port) message(sprintf("port4me(test = %d) == %s", port, res)) stopifnot(identical(res, FALSE)) Sys.setenv(PORT4ME_TEST = port) res <- port4me() message(sprintf("Sys.setenv('PORT4ME_TEST'='%d'); port4me() == %s", port, res)) stopifnot(identical(res, FALSE)) Sys.unsetenv("PORT4ME_TEST") res <- tryCatch({ port4me(include = port, exclude = setdiff(1:65535, port), max_tries = 1L) }, error = identity) stopifnot(inherits(res, "error")) res <- port4me(include = port, exclude = setdiff(1:65535, port), max_tries = 1L, must_work = FALSE) stopifnot(res == -1L) Sys.unsetenv("PORT4ME_DEBUG") } else { message("Skipping; don't know how to test on ", sQuote(.Platform[["OS.type"]])) } # ------------------------------------------------------- # Exceptions # ------------------------------------------------------- message('- port4me(user = "") produces an error') res <- tryCatch({ port4me(user = "") }, error = identity) stopifnot(inherits(res, "error")) message('- port4me(include = "") produces an error') res <- tryCatch({ port4me(include = "") }, error = identity) stopifnot(inherits(res, "error")) # ------------------------------------------------------- # Addition tests to increase test coverage # ------------------------------------------------------- message('- port4me() with PORT4ME_DEBUG = true') Sys.setenv(PORT4ME_DEBUG = "true") port <- port4me() print(port)