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Type 'q()' to quit R. > library(port4me) > > message('- port4me(user = "alice")') - port4me(user = "alice") > truth <- 30845L > ports <- port4me(user = "alice") > print(ports) [1] 30845 > stopifnot( + is.integer(ports), + all(is.finite(ports)), + all(ports > 0L), + all(ports <= 65535L), + all(ports >= 1024L), + length(ports) == length(truth), + all(ports == truth) + ) > > > message('- port4me(user = "bob")') - port4me(user = "bob") > truth <- 54242L > ports <- port4me(user = "bob") > print(ports) [1] 54242 > stopifnot( + is.integer(ports), + all(is.finite(ports)), + all(ports > 0L), + all(ports <= 65535L), + all(ports >= 1024L), + length(ports) == length(truth), + all(ports == truth) + ) > > > message('- port4me(user = "alice", tool = "rstudio")') - port4me(user = "alice", tool = "rstudio") > truth <- 22486L > ports <- port4me(user = "alice", tool="rstudio") > print(ports) [1] 22486 > stopifnot( + is.integer(ports), + all(is.finite(ports)), + all(ports > 0L), + all(ports <= 65535L), + all(ports >= 1024L), + length(ports) == length(truth), + all(ports == truth) + ) > > > message('- port4me(user = "alice") with PORT4ME_TOOL=rstudio)') - port4me(user = "alice") with PORT4ME_TOOL=rstudio) > Sys.setenv(PORT4ME_TOOL = "rstudio") > truth <- 22486L > ports <- port4me(user = "alice") > print(ports) [1] 22486 > stopifnot( + is.integer(ports), + all(is.finite(ports)), + all(ports > 0L), + all(ports <= 65535L), + all(ports >= 1024L), + length(ports) == length(truth), + all(ports == truth) + ) > Sys.unsetenv("PORT4ME_TOOL") > > > message('- port4me(user = "alice", tool = "jupyter-notebook")') - port4me(user = "alice", tool = "jupyter-notebook") > truth <- 29525L > ports <- port4me(user = "alice", tool="jupyter-notebook") > print(ports) [1] 29525 > stopifnot( + is.integer(ports), + all(is.finite(ports)), + all(ports > 0L), + all(ports <= 65535L), + all(ports >= 1024L), + length(ports) == length(truth), + all(ports == truth) + ) > > message('- port4me() with PORT4ME_USER=alice') - port4me() with PORT4ME_USER=alice > Sys.setenv(PORT4ME_USER = "alice") > truth <- 30845L > ports <- port4me() > print(ports) [1] 30845 > stopifnot( + is.integer(ports), + all(is.finite(ports)), + all(ports > 0L), + all(ports <= 65535L), + all(ports >= 1024L), + length(ports) == length(truth), + all(ports == truth) + ) > > truth <- c(30845, 19654, 32310, 63992, 15273, 31420, 62779, 55372, 24143, 41300) > message(sprintf("- port4me(list = %d)", length(truth))) - port4me(list = 10) > ports <- port4me(list = length(truth)) > print(ports) [1] 30845 19654 32310 63992 15273 31420 62779 55372 24143 41300 > stopifnot( + is.integer(ports), + all(is.finite(ports)), + all(ports > 0L), + all(ports <= 65535L), + all(ports >= 1024L), + length(ports) == length(truth), + all(ports == truth) + ) > > > message('- port4me(user = "alice") with PORT4ME_LIST=10)') - port4me(user = "alice") with PORT4ME_LIST=10) > Sys.setenv(PORT4ME_LIST = "10") > ports <- port4me() > print(ports) [1] 30845 19654 32310 63992 15273 31420 62779 55372 24143 41300 > stopifnot( + is.integer(ports), + all(is.finite(ports)), + all(ports > 0L), + all(ports <= 65535L), + all(ports >= 1024L), + length(ports) == length(truth), + all(ports == truth) + ) > Sys.unsetenv("PORT4ME_LIST") > > > exclude <- c(30845, 32310) > message(sprintf("- port4me(exclude = c(%s))", paste(exclude, collapse = ", "))) - port4me(exclude = c(30845, 32310)) > port <- port4me(exclude = exclude) > print(port) [1] 19654 > stopifnot( + length(port) == 1L, + is.integer(port), + is.finite(port), + port > 0L, + port <= 65535L, + port >= 1024L, + port == setdiff(truth, exclude)[1] + ) > > > message(sprintf("- port4me() with PORT4ME_EXCLUDE=%s", paste(exclude, collapse = ", "))) - port4me() with PORT4ME_EXCLUDE=30845, 32310 > Sys.setenv(PORT4ME_EXCLUDE = paste(exclude, collapse = ",")) > port <- port4me() > print(port) [1] 19654 > stopifnot( + length(port) == 1L, + is.integer(port), + is.finite(port), + port > 0L, + port <= 65535L, + port >= 1024L, + port == setdiff(truth, exclude)[1] + ) > Sys.unsetenv("PORT4ME_EXCLUDE") > > > include <- c(2000:2123, 4321, 10000:10999) > message("- port4me(include = c(2000:2123, 4321, 10000:10999))") - port4me(include = c(2000:2123, 4321, 10000:10999)) > port <- port4me(include = include) > print(port) [1] 10451 > stopifnot( + length(port) == 1L, + is.integer(port), + is.finite(port), + port > 0L, + port <= 65535L, + port >= 1024L, + port == 10451L + ) > > > include <- c(2000:2123, 4321, 10000:10999) > message("- port4me() with PORT4ME_INCLUDE=...") - port4me() with PORT4ME_INCLUDE=... > Sys.setenv(PORT4ME_INCLUDE = paste(include, collapse = ",")) > port <- port4me() > print(port) [1] 10451 > stopifnot( + length(port) == 1L, + is.integer(port), + is.finite(port), + port > 0L, + port <= 65535L, + port >= 1024L, + port == 10451L + ) > Sys.unsetenv("PORT4ME_INCLUDE") > > > prepend <- c(4321, 11001) > message("- port4me(prepend = c(4321, 11001))") - port4me(prepend = c(4321, 11001)) > ports <- port4me(prepend = prepend, list = 5L) > stopifnot( + is.integer(ports), + length(ports) == 5L, + all(is.finite(ports)), + all(ports > 0L), + all(ports <= 65535L), + all(ports >= 1024L), + all(ports == c(prepend, head(truth, n = 5L - length(prepend)))) + ) > > > n <- 200e3 > message(sprintf("- port4me(list = %d)", n)) - port4me(list = 200000) > ports <- port4me(list = n) > stopifnot( + is.integer(ports), + length(ports) == n, + all(is.finite(ports)), + all(ports > 0L), + all(ports <= 65535L), + all(ports >= 1024L) + ) > > ## Statistical properties > > ## (a) range, because we draw a large enough sample) > stopifnot( + min(ports) == 1024L, + max(ports) == 65535L + ) > > t <- table(ports) > t2 <- table(t) > print(t2) t 3 4 57980 6515 > > ## Expected average draws per port > mu <- n / (65535 - 1024 + 1) > message(sprintf("Expected draws per port: %.4f", mu)) Expected draws per port: 3.1002 > stopifnot(all(c(floor(mu), ceiling(mu)) == names(t2))) > > mu_hat <- stats::weighted.mean(as.integer(names(t2)), w = t2) > message(sprintf("Observed draws per port: %.4f", mu_hat)) Observed draws per port: 3.1010 > > stopifnot(abs(mu_hat - mu) < 0.001) > > proc.time() user system elapsed 40.20 26.48 66.67