## 'check_at_most_one_colnum' ------------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_at_most_one_colnum' returns TRUE with valid inputs", { z <- integer() names(z) <- character() expect_true(check_at_most_one_colnum(list(x = c(a = 1L), y = c(b = 2L), z = z))) expect_true(check_at_most_one_colnum(list())) }) test_that("'check_at_most_one_colnum' raises correct error with length-2 vector", { expect_error(check_at_most_one_colnum(list(x = c(a = 1L), y = c(b = 2:3))), "2 variables specified for `y`.") }) ## 'check_ax' ----------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_ax' returns TRUE with valid inputs", { expect_true(check_ax(ax = c(NA_real_, 2, 2.5, NA_real_), age = c("0", "1-4", "5-9", "10+"))) expect_true(check_ax(ax = numeric(), age = character())) }) test_that("'check_ax' returns correct error with non-numeric", { expect_error(check_ax(ax = c("1", 2, 2.5, NA_real_), age = c("0", "1-4", "5-9", "10+")), "`ax` is non-numeric.") }) test_that("'check_ax' returns correct error with negative", { expect_error(check_ax(ax = c(-1, 2, 2.5, NA_real_), age = c("0", "1-4", "5-9", "10+")), "`ax` has negative value.") }) test_that("'check_ax' returns correct error with too large", { expect_error(check_ax(ax = c(0.1, 2, 10, NA_real_), age = c("0", "1-4", "5-9", "10+")), "`ax` larger than width of corresponding age group.") }) ## 'check_duplicated_age' ----------------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_duplicated_age' returns TRUE with valid inputs", { expect_true(check_duplicated_age(c("0", "1", "2+"))) expect_true(check_duplicated_age(c("0", "1", "0", "1", "2+"))) expect_true(check_duplicated_age("0")) expect_true(check_duplicated_age(character())) }) test_that("'check_duplicated_age' returns correct error with invalid inputs", { expect_error(check_duplicated_age(c("0", "1", "2+", "0", "1", "2+")), "Age labels duplicated.") expect_error(check_duplicated_age(c("0", "0")), "Age labels duplicated.") }) ## 'check_duplicated_rows' ---------------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_duplicated_rows' returns TRUE with valid input", { x <- data.frame(age = 80:81, sex = c("F", "F")) expect_true(check_duplicated_rows(x = x, nm_x = "x", nms_cols = c("age", "sex"))) expect_true(check_duplicated_rows(data.frame())) }) test_that("'check_duplicated_rows' throws expected error when duplicate 'by' variable", { x <- data.frame(ex = 80:81, sex = c("F", "F"), beta = c(0.9, 1.1)) expect_error(check_duplicated_rows(x, nm_x = "target", nms_cols = "sex"), "`target` has two rows with same value for `sex`.") }) test_that("'check_duplicated_rows' throws expected error when duplicate 'by' variables", { x <- data.frame(ex = 80:81, sex = c("F", "F"), reg = c(1, 1), beta = c(0.9, 1.1)) expect_error(check_duplicated_rows(x, nm_x = "target", nms_cols = c("sex", "reg")), "`target` has two rows with same values for `sex` and `reg`.") }) ## 'check_equal_length' ------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_equal_length' returns TRUE with valid inputs", { expect_true(check_equal_length(x = integer(), y = character(), nm_x = "x", nm_y = "y")) expect_true(check_equal_length(x = 1:2, y = c("a", "b"), nm_x = "x", nm_y = "y")) }) test_that("'check_equal_length' returns correct error with invalid inputs", { expect_error(check_equal_length(x = 1:3, y = c("a", "b"), nm_x = "x", nm_y = "y"), "`x` and `y` have different lengths.") }) ## 'check_flag' --------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_flag' returns TRUE with valid inputs", { x <- TRUE expect_true(check_flag(x)) x <- FALSE expect_true(check_flag(x)) }) test_that("'check_flag' throws expected error non-length-1", { y <- logical() expect_error(check_flag(y), "`y` does not have length 1") z <- c(TRUE, TRUE) expect_error(check_flag(z), "`z` does not have length 1") }) test_that("'check_flag' throws expected error non-logical", { x <- "hello" expect_error(check_flag(x), "`x` does not have class ") }) test_that("'check_flag' throws expected error NA", { x <- NA expect_error(check_flag(x), "`x` is NA") }) ## 'check_life_colnums' ------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_life_colnums' returns TRUE with valid inputs - no groups", { empty_colnum <- integer() names(empty_colnum) <- character() expect_true(check_life_colnums(mx_colnum = c(mx = 1L), qx_colnum = empty_colnum, age_colnum = c(AGE = 3L), sex_colnum = empty_colnum, ax_colnum = c(AX = 2L), by_colnums = c(region = 5L, time = 4L), groups_colnums = empty_colnum)) }) test_that("'check_life_colnums' returns TRUE with valid inputs - with qx, groups", { empty_colnum <- integer() names(empty_colnum) <- character() expect_true(check_life_colnums(mx_colnum = empty_colnum, qx_colnum = c(qx = 1L), age_colnum = c(AGE = 3L), sex_colnum = empty_colnum, ax_colnum = c(AX = 2L), by_colnums = empty_colnum, groups_colnums = c(region = 5L, time = 4L))) }) test_that("'check_life_colnums' returns correct error when no mx or qx", { empty_colnum <- integer() expect_error(check_life_colnums(mx_colnum = empty_colnum, qx_colnum = empty_colnum, age_colnum = c(AGE = 3L), sex_colnum = empty_colnum, ax_colnum = c(AX = 2L), by_colnums = c(region = 5L, time = 4L), groups_colnums = empty_colnum), "No value supplied for `mx` or for `qx`.") }) test_that("'check_life_colnums' returns correct error when mx and qx", { empty_colnum <- integer() expect_error(check_life_colnums(mx_colnum = c(mx = 1L), qx_colnum = c(qx = 7L), age_colnum = c(AGE = 3L), sex_colnum = empty_colnum, ax_colnum = c(AX = 2L), by_colnums = c(region = 5L, time = 4L), groups_colnums = empty_colnum), "Values supplied for `mx` and for `qx`.") }) test_that("'check_life_colnums' returns correct error when no age", { empty_colnum <- integer() expect_error(check_life_colnums(mx_colnum = c(mx = 3L), qx_colnum = empty_colnum, age_colnum = empty_colnum, sex_colnum = empty_colnum, ax_colnum = c(AX = 2L), by_colnums = c(region = 5L, time = 4L), groups_colnums = empty_colnum), "No value supplied for `age`.") }) test_that("'check_life_colnums' returns correct error with by, groups clash", { empty_colnum <- integer() names(empty_colnum) <- character() expect_error(check_life_colnums(mx_colnum = c(mx = 1L), qx_colnum = empty_colnum, age_colnum = c(AGE = 3L), sex_colnum = empty_colnum, ax_colnum = c(AX = 2L), by_colnums = c(strata = 7L), groups_colnums = c(region = 5L, time = 4L)), "Can't supply `by` when `data` is a grouped data frame.") }) ## 'check_lx' -------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_lx' returns TRUE with valid inputs", { expect_true(check_lx(c(1, 0.5, 0), age = c("0", "1-4", "5+"))) expect_true(check_lx(c(10000, 4000, 20, 1), age = c("0", "1-4", "50+"))) }) test_that("'check_lx' throws correct error when length 1", { expect_error(check_lx(1), "`lx` has length 1.") }) test_that("'check_lx' throws correct error when first element 0", { expect_error(check_lx(c(0, 0)), "First element of `lx` is 0.") }) test_that("'check_lx' throws correct error when increasing", { expect_error(check_lx(c(100, 90, 80, 81, 2), age = c("0-4", "5-9", "10-14", "15-19", "20+")), "`lx` for age \"15-19\" greater than `lx` for age \"10-14\"") }) ## 'check_mx' ----------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_mx_rvec' returns TRUE with valid rvec inputs", { x <- rvec::rvec_dbl() expect_true(check_mx(x)) x <- rvec::rvec_dbl(matrix(1:6)) expect_true(check_mx(x)) x <- rvec::rvec_int(matrix(1:6)) expect_true(check_mx(x)) }) test_that("'check_mx_vec' returns TRUE with valid vector inputs", { x <- 1:3 expect_true(check_mx(x)) x <- c(0.2, 0.1, NA) expect_true(check_mx(x)) x <- double() expect_true(check_mx(x)) }) test_that("'check_mx' throws correct error with non-numeric", { x <- rvec::rvec_lgl() expect_error(check_mx(x), "`mx` is non-numeric") x <- NULL expect_error(check_mx(x), "`mx` is non-numeric") x <- c(TRUE, FALSE) expect_error(check_mx(x), "`mx` is non-numeric") }) test_that("'check_mx' throws correct error with negative value", { x <- rvec::rvec_dbl(matrix(c(1, 0, NA, -0.1), nrow = 1)) expect_error(check_mx(x), "`mx` has negative value.") expect_error(check_mx(c(1, -1, 0, -1, 1)), "`mx` has negative values.") }) ## 'check_no_overlap_colnums' ------------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_no_overlap_colnums' returns TRUE with valid inputs - 3 elements", { z <- integer() names(z) <- character() x <- list(x = c(a = 1L, b = 2L), y = c(c = 3L), z = z) expect_true(check_no_overlap_colnums(x)) }) test_that("'check_no_overlap_colnums' returns TRUE with valid inputs - 1 element", { x <- list(x = c(a = 1L, b = 2L)) expect_true(check_no_overlap_colnums(x)) }) test_that("'check_no_overlap_colnums' returns TRUE with valid inputs - 0 elements", { x <- list() expect_true(check_no_overlap_colnums(x)) }) test_that("'check_no_overlap_colnums' throws correct error with overlap", { x <- list(x = c(a = 1L, b = 2L), y = c(b = 2L, a = 1L)) expect_error(check_no_overlap_colnums(x), "`x` and `y` use the same variables.") }) ## 'check_no_overlap_colnums_pair' -------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_no_overlap_colnums_pair' returns TRUE with valid inputs - both nonempty", { pair <- list(x = c(a = 1L, b = 2L), y = c(c = 3L)) expect_true(check_no_overlap_colnums_pair(pair = pair)) }) test_that("'check_no_overlap_colnums_pair' returns TRUE with valid inputs - one empty", { pair <- list(x = c(a = 1L, b = 2L), y = integer()) expect_true(check_no_overlap_colnums_pair(pair = pair)) }) test_that("'check_no_overlap_colnums_pair' throws correct error with one overlap", { pair <- list(x = c(a = 1L, b = 2L), y = c(c = 3L, a = 1L)) expect_error(check_no_overlap_colnums_pair(pair = pair), "`x` and `y` use the same variable.") }) test_that("'check_no_overlap_colnums_pair' throws correct error with two overlap", { pair <- list(x = c(a = 1L, b = 2L), y = c(b = 2L, a = 1L)) expect_error(check_no_overlap_colnums_pair(pair = pair), "`x` and `y` use the same variables.") }) ## 'check_number' -------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_number' returns TRUE with valid inputs", { expect_true(check_number(1L, x_arg = "x", check_na = TRUE, check_positive = TRUE, check_nonneg = TRUE, check_whole = TRUE)) expect_true(check_number(0.001, x_arg = "x", check_na = TRUE, check_positive = TRUE, check_nonneg = TRUE, check_whole = FALSE)) expect_true(check_number(NA_integer_, x_arg = "x", check_na = FALSE, check_positive = TRUE, check_nonneg = TRUE, check_whole = FALSE)) expect_true(check_number(0, x_arg = "x", check_na = TRUE, check_positive = FALSE, check_nonneg = TRUE, check_whole = TRUE)) expect_true(check_number(-1, x_arg = "x", check_na = TRUE, check_positive = FALSE, check_nonneg = FALSE, check_whole = TRUE)) expect_true(check_number(rvec::rvec(list(1:3)), x_arg = "x", check_na = TRUE, check_positive = FALSE, check_nonneg = FALSE, check_whole = TRUE)) }) test_that("'check_number' returns correct error with non-numeric", { expect_error(check_number("1", x_arg = "x", check_na = TRUE, check_positive = TRUE, check_nonneg = TRUE, check_whole = TRUE), "`x` is non-numeric.") }) test_that("'check_number' returns correct error with wrong length", { expect_error(check_number(1:2, x_arg = "x", check_na = TRUE, check_positive = TRUE, check_nonneg = TRUE, check_whole = TRUE), "`x` does not have length 1.") }) test_that("'check_number' returns correct error with NA", { expect_error(check_number(NA_real_, x_arg = "x", check_na = TRUE, check_positive = TRUE, check_nonneg = TRUE, check_whole = TRUE), "`x` is NA.") }) test_that("'check_number' returns correct error with Inf", { expect_error(check_number(Inf, x_arg = "x", check_na = TRUE, check_positive = TRUE, check_nonneg = TRUE, check_whole = TRUE), "`x` is infinite.") }) test_that("'check_number' returns correct error with check_positive", { expect_error(check_number(0, x_arg = "x", check_na = TRUE, check_positive = TRUE, check_nonneg = TRUE, check_whole = TRUE), "`x` is non-positive.") expect_error(check_number(-1, x_arg = "x", check_na = TRUE, check_positive = TRUE, check_nonneg = TRUE, check_whole = TRUE), "`x` is non-positive.") }) test_that("'check_number' returns correct error with check_nonneg", { expect_error(check_number(-1, x_arg = "x", check_na = TRUE, check_positive = FALSE, check_nonneg = TRUE, check_whole = TRUE), "`x` is negative.") }) test_that("'check_number' returns correct error with check_whole", { expect_error(check_number(0.5, x_arg = "x", check_na = TRUE, check_positive = FALSE, check_nonneg = TRUE, check_whole = TRUE), "`x` is not a whole number.") }) ## 'check_numeric' -------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_numeric' returns TRUE with valid inputs", { expect_true(check_numeric(1L, x_arg = "x", check_na = TRUE, check_positive = TRUE, check_nonneg = TRUE, check_whole = TRUE)) expect_true(check_numeric(c(0.001, NA), x_arg = "x", check_na = FALSE, check_positive = TRUE, check_nonneg = TRUE, check_whole = FALSE)) expect_true(check_numeric(NA_integer_, x_arg = "x", check_na = FALSE, check_positive = TRUE, check_nonneg = TRUE, check_whole = FALSE)) expect_true(check_numeric(c(0, 1), x_arg = "x", check_na = TRUE, check_positive = FALSE, check_nonneg = TRUE, check_whole = TRUE)) expect_true(check_numeric(-1, x_arg = "x", check_na = TRUE, check_positive = FALSE, check_nonneg = FALSE, check_whole = TRUE)) expect_true(check_numeric(rvec::rvec(list(1:3, 2:4)), x_arg = "x", check_na = TRUE, check_positive = FALSE, check_nonneg = FALSE, check_whole = TRUE)) }) test_that("'check_numeric' returns correct error with non-numeric", { expect_error(check_numeric(character(), x_arg = "x", check_na = TRUE, check_positive = TRUE, check_nonneg = TRUE, check_whole = TRUE), "`x` is non-numeric.") }) test_that("'check_numeric' returns correct error with NA", { expect_error(check_numeric(NA_real_, x_arg = "x", check_na = TRUE, check_positive = TRUE, check_nonneg = TRUE, check_whole = TRUE), "`x` has NA.") expect_error(check_numeric(c(NA, 2, NA), x_arg = "x", check_na = TRUE, check_positive = TRUE, check_nonneg = TRUE, check_whole = TRUE), "`x` has NAs.") }) test_that("'check_numeric' returns correct error with Inf", { expect_error(check_numeric(Inf, x_arg = "x", check_na = TRUE, check_positive = TRUE, check_nonneg = TRUE, check_whole = TRUE), "`x` has non-finite value.") expect_error(check_numeric(c(Inf, Inf, 3), x_arg = "x", check_na = TRUE, check_positive = TRUE, check_nonneg = TRUE, check_whole = TRUE), "`x` has non-finite values.") }) test_that("'check_numeric' returns correct error with check_positive", { expect_error(check_numeric(0, x_arg = "x", check_na = TRUE, check_positive = TRUE, check_nonneg = TRUE, check_whole = TRUE), "`x` has non-positive value.") expect_error(check_numeric(c(-1, 0, -1), x_arg = "x", check_na = TRUE, check_positive = TRUE, check_nonneg = TRUE, check_whole = TRUE), "`x` has non-positive values.") }) test_that("'check_numeric' returns correct error with check_nonneg", { expect_error(check_numeric(-1, x_arg = "x", check_na = TRUE, check_positive = FALSE, check_nonneg = TRUE, check_whole = TRUE), "`x` has negative value.") expect_error(check_numeric(c(-1, -3, NA), x_arg = "x", check_na = FALSE, check_positive = FALSE, check_nonneg = TRUE, check_whole = TRUE), "`x` has negative values.") }) test_that("'check_numeric' returns correct error with check_whole", { expect_error(check_numeric(0.5, x_arg = "x", check_na = TRUE, check_positive = FALSE, check_nonneg = TRUE, check_whole = TRUE), "`x` has value that is not whole number.") expect_error(check_numeric(rvec::rvec(list(c(0.5, 0.3))), x_arg = "x", check_na = TRUE, check_positive = FALSE, check_nonneg = TRUE, check_whole = TRUE), "`x` has values that are not whole numbers.") }) ## 'check_qx' ----------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_qx_rvec' returns TRUE with valid rvec inputs", { x <- rvec::rvec_dbl() expect_true(check_qx(x)) x <- rvec::rvec_int(matrix(1:0)) expect_true(check_qx(x)) x <- rvec::rvec_dbl(matrix(c(0.5, 0.33))) expect_true(check_qx(x)) }) test_that("'check_qx_vec' returns TRUE with valid vector inputs", { x <- 0:1 expect_true(check_qx(x)) x <- c(0.2, 0.1, NA) expect_true(check_qx(x)) x <- double() expect_true(check_qx(x)) }) test_that("'check_qx' throws correct error with non-numeric", { x <- rvec::rvec_lgl() expect_error(check_qx(x), "`qx` is non-numeric") x <- NULL expect_error(check_qx(x), "`qx` is non-numeric") x <- c(TRUE, FALSE) expect_error(check_qx(x), "`qx` is non-numeric") }) test_that("'check_qx' throws correct error with negative value", { x <- rvec::rvec_dbl(matrix(c(1, 0, NA, -0.1), nrow = 1)) expect_error(check_qx(x), "`qx` has negative value.") expect_error(check_qx(c(1, -1, 0, -1, 1)), "`qx` has negative values.") }) test_that("'check_qx' throws correct error with values greater than 1", { x <- rvec::rvec_dbl(matrix(c(1, 0, NA, 1.1), nrow = 1)) expect_error(check_qx(x), "`qx` has value greater than 1.") expect_error(check_qx(c(1, 2, 0, 1.000001, 1)), "`qx` has values greater than 1.") }) ## 'check_sex_not_needed' ----------------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_sex_not_needed' returns TRUE when methods don't require sex variable", { methods <- c(infant = "constant", child = "linear", closed = "linear", open = "constant") expect_true(check_sex_not_needed(methods)) }) test_that("'check_sex_not_needed' returns correct error when methods do require sex variable", { methods <- c(infant = "constant", child = "CD", closed = "linear", open = "constant") expect_error(check_sex_not_needed(methods), "`child` is \"CD\" but no value supplied for `sex`") }) ## 'check_standard' ----------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_standard' returns TRUE with valid inputs - no ax", { standard <- data.frame(age = c("0", "1-4", "5+", "5+", "0", "1-4"), sex = c("F", "F", "F", "M", "M", "M"), lx = c(1, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 1, 0.6)) expect_true(check_standard(standard)) }) test_that("'check_standard' returns TRUE with valid inputs - has ax", { standard <- data.frame(age = c("0", "1-4", "5+", "5+", "0", "1-4"), sex = c("F", "F", "F", "M", "M", "M"), ax = c(0.5, 2, 2.5, 2.5, 0.5, 2), lx = c(1, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 1, 0.6)) expect_true(check_standard(standard)) }) test_that("'check_standard' throws expected error when not data frame", { expect_error(check_standard(NULL), "`standard` is not a data frame.") }) test_that("'check_standard' throws expected error when `standard` includes an 'ex' variable", { standard <- data.frame(age = c("0", "1-4", "5+", "5+", "0", "1-4"), sex = c("F", "F", "F", "M", "M", "M"), ex = c(1, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 1, 0.6)) expect_error(check_standard(standard), "`standard` has a variable called `ex`.") }) test_that("'check_standard' throws expected error when does not have lx variable", { standard <- data.frame(age = c("0", "1-4", "5+", "5+", "0", "1-4"), sex = c("F", "F", "F", "M", "M", "M"), wrong = c(1, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 1, 0.6)) expect_error(check_standard(standard), "`standard` does not have a variable called `lx`.") }) test_that("'check_standard' throws expected error when lx is an rvec", { standard <- data.frame(age = c("0", "1-4", "5+", "5+", "0", "1-4"), sex = c("F", "F", "F", "M", "M", "M")) standard$lx <- rvec::rvec(matrix(1:12, nr = 6)) expect_error(check_standard(standard), "`lx` variable in `standard` is an rvec.") }) test_that("'check_standard' throws expected error when age invalid - no 'by' variable", { standard <- data.frame(age = c("5+", "0", "wrong"), lx = c(0.1, 1, 0.6)) expect_error(check_standard(standard), "Problem with `age` values.") }) test_that("'check_standard' throws expected error when age invalid - one 'by' variable", { standard <- data.frame(age = c("0", "1-4", "5+", "5+", "0", "wrong"), sex = c("F", "F", "F", "M", "M", "M"), lx = c(1, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 1, 0.6)) expect_error(check_standard(standard), "Problem with `age` values for `sex`=\"M\".") }) test_that("'check_standard' throws expected error when lx invalid - no 'by' variable", { standard <- data.frame(age = c("5+", "0", "1-4"), lx = c(0.1, 1, 3)) expect_error(check_standard(standard), "Problem with `lx` values.") }) test_that("'check_standard' throws expected error when age invalid - one 'by' variable", { standard <- data.frame(age = c("0", "1-4", "5+", "5+", "0", "1-4"), sex = c("F", "F", "F", "M", "M", "M"), lx = c(1, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 1, 2)) expect_error(check_standard(standard), "Problem with `lx` values for `sex`=\"M\".") }) test_that("'check_standard' throws expected error when ax invalid - no 'by' variable", { standard <- data.frame(age = c("5+", "0", "1-4"), lx = c(0.1, 1, 0.5), ax = c(NA, 0.5, 10)) expect_error(check_standard(standard), "Problem with `ax` values.") }) test_that("'check_standard' throws expected error when age invalid - one 'by' variable", { standard <- data.frame(age = c("0", "1-4", "5+", "5+", "0", "1-4"), sex = c("F", "F", "F", "M", "M", "M"), lx = c(1, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 1, 0.5), ax = c(0.5, 0.3, 0.2, NA, 1, 10)) expect_error(check_standard(standard), "Problem with `ax` values for `sex`=\"M\".") }) ## 'check_string' ------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_string' returns TRUE with valid input", { expect_true(check_string(x = "z", x_arg = "x")) expect_true(check_string(x = "helloworld", x_arg = "x")) }) test_that("'check_string' returns error with non-character", { expect_error(check_string(x = 1, x_arg = "y"), "`y` is non-character.") }) test_that("'check_string' returns error with length 2", { expect_error(check_string(x = c("a", "b"), x_arg = "y"), "`y` does not have length 1.") }) test_that("'check_string' returns error with NA", { expect_error(check_string(x = NA_character_, x_arg = "y"), "`y` is NA.") }) test_that("'check_string' returns error with nchar = 0", { expect_error(check_string(x = "", x_arg = "y"), "`y` is blank.") }) test_that("'check_string' returns error with blanks", { expect_error(check_string(x = "hello world", x_arg = "y"), "`y` contains blanks.") }) ## 'check_target_ex_to_lifetab_brass' ----------------------------------------- test_that("'check_target_ex_to_lifetab_brass' returns TRUE with valid inputs", { target <- data.frame(ex = 80:81, sex = c("F", "M"), beta = c(0.9, 1.1)) expect_true(check_target_ex_to_lifetab_brass(target)) target <- data.frame(ex = 80) expect_true(check_target_ex_to_lifetab_brass(target)) target <- data.frame(ex = 81:84, sex = c("F", "M", "F", "M"), beta = c(0.9, 1.1, 0.9, 1.1), reg = c(1, 1, 2, 2)) expect_true(check_target_ex_to_lifetab_brass(target)) }) test_that("'check_target_ex_to_lifetab_brass' throws expected error when not data frame", { expect_error(check_target_ex_to_lifetab_brass(NULL), "`target` is not a data frame.") }) test_that("'check_target_ex_to_lifetab_brass' throws expected error when `target` includes a 'lx' variable", { target <- data.frame(ex = 80:81, lx = c(1, 2), sex = c("F", "M"), beta = c(0.9, 1.1)) expect_error(check_target_ex_to_lifetab_brass(target), "`target` has a variable called `lx`.") }) test_that("'check_target_ex_to_lifetab_brass' throws expected error when does not have ex variable", { target <- data.frame(wrong = 80:81, sex = c("F", "M"), beta = c(0.9, 1.1)) expect_error(check_target_ex_to_lifetab_brass(target), "`target` does not have a variable called `ex`.") }) test_that("'check_target_ex_to_lifetab_brass' throws expected error when no index variables", { target <- data.frame(ex = 80:81) expect_error(check_target_ex_to_lifetab_brass(target), "`target` does not have index variables.") }) ## 'check_valid_colnum_list' -------------------------------------------------- test_that("'check_valid_colnum_list' returns TRUE with valid inputs - 3 elements", { z <- integer() names(z) <- character() x <- list(x = c(a = 1L, b = 2L), y = c(c = 3L), z = z) expect_true(check_valid_colnum_list(x)) }) test_that("'check_valid_colnum_list' returns TRUE with valid inputs - 0 elements", { x <- list() expect_true(check_valid_colnum_list(x)) }) test_that("'check_valid_colnum_list' throws expected error when non-list", { expect_error(check_valid_colnum_list(NULL), "Internal error: `x` is not a list.") }) test_that("'check_valid_colnum_list' throws expected error when x does not have names", { expect_error(check_valid_colnum_list(list(c(a = 1L))), "Internal error: `x` does not have names.") }) test_that("'check_valid_colnum_list' throws expected error when x has duplicated names", { expect_error(check_valid_colnum_list(list(x = c(a = 1L), x = c(b = 2L))), "Internal error: names for `x` have duplicates.") }) test_that("'check_valid_colnum_list' throws expected error when x not all integer", { expect_error(check_valid_colnum_list(list(x = c(a = 1L), y = c(b = 2))), "Internal error: elements of `x` are not all integer vectors.") }) test_that("'check_valid_colnum_list' throws expected error when x not named", { expect_error(check_valid_colnum_list(list(x = c(a = 1L), y = 2L)), "Internal error: elements of `x` are not all named.") })