context("win.ia tests") set.seed(999) chrom_pos <- vapply(1:10, function(i) sort(sample(1e3, 100)), integer(100)) %>% as.vector() chromo <- rep(1:10, each = 100) set.seed(999) x <- glSim(n.ind = 10, n.snp.nonstruc = 5e2, n.snp.struc = 5e2, ploidy = 2, parallel = FALSE) test_that("win.ia will throw an error if duplicate positions are found", { options(poppr.debug = TRUE) on.exit(options(poppr.debug = FALSE)) x.naive <- win.ia(x, name_window = TRUE) expect_equal(length(x.naive), 10L) expect_named(x.naive, as.character(100 * (1:10))) expect_null(names(win.ia(x, quiet = TRUE, name_window = FALSE))) position(x) <- chrom_pos expect_error(win.ia(x), "chromosome") }) test_that("win.ia will throw a warning if chromosome_buffer is specified", { expect_warning(x.naive <- win.ia(x, quiet = TRUE, chromosome_buffer = FALSE), "deprecated") }) test_that("win.ia will use chromosome structure", { skip_on_cran() position(x) <- chrom_pos chromosome(x) <- chromo <- win.ia(x, quiet = TRUE) expect_equal(length(, 100L) winnames <- paste(rep(1:10, each = 10), rep(100*(1:10), 10), sep = ".") expect_equal(names(, winnames) }) test_that("win.ia will always start at the beginning of the chromosome", { skip_on_cran() position(x) <- chrom_pos chromosome(x) <- chromo <- win.ia(x, window = 300L, quiet = TRUE) <- lapply(levels(chromosome(x)), function(i) win.ia(x[, chromosome(x) == i], window = 300L, quiet = TRUE)) # There should be 4 windows per chromosome. expect_equal(length(, 40L) # Using the function with and without chromosome structure should not matter. expect_equal(, unlist(, use.names = FALSE), check.attributes = FALSE) })