context("Round Robin Tests") x <- structure(c("B", "C", "B", "C", "B", "C", "A", "C", "A", "A", "C", "B", "C", "A", "A"), .Dim = c(5L, 3L)) suppressWarnings(x <- df2genind(x, ploidy = 1)) rrx_m <- rrmlg(x) mlg_truth <- structure(c(3L, 2L, 3L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 4L, 2L, 3L, 1L, 2L, 3L, 2L, 3L, 1L), .Dim = c(5L, 3L), .Dimnames = list(NULL, c("L1", "L2", "L3")) ) rrx_f <- rraf(x) freq_truth <- structure(list(L1 = structure(c(0.333333333333333, 0.666666666666667), .Names = c("L1.B", "L1.C")), L2 = structure(c(0.25, 0.75), .Names = c("L2.C", "L2.A")), L3 = structure(c(0.333333333333333, 0.333333333333333, 0.333333333333333), .Names = c("L3.C", "L3.B", "L3.A"))), .Names = c("L1", "L2", "L3") ) test_that("rrmlg produces the correct mlgs", { expect_equivalent(rrx_m, mlg_truth) }) test_that("rrmlg will not work on genlight objects", { skip_on_cran() expect_error(rrmlg(glSim(10, 10, 10, parallel = FALSE))) }) test_that("rrmlg can take loci objects", { skip_on_cran() expect_equivalent(rrmlg(pegas::as.loci(x)), rrx_m) }) test_that("rraf produces correct allele frequencies", { skip_on_cran() expect_equivalent(rrx_f, freq_truth) expect_equivalent(rraf(x, res = "vector"), unlist(freq_truth)) }) test_that("rare_allele_correction gets angry if called from global environment", { skip_on_cran() expect_warning(, args = list(rrx_f, rrx_m), envir = .GlobalEnv)) }) test_that("correction is properly applied in rraf", { skip_on_cran() data(monpop) mll(monpop) <- "original" monrrmlg <- 1/colSums(!apply(rrmlg(monpop), 2, duplicated)) monc <- rraf(monpop) # default monnc <- rraf(monpop, correction = FALSE)# No correction monc_sto <- rraf(monpop, sum_to_one = TRUE) # summed to one monc_mlg <- rraf(monpop, d = "mlg") # by multilocus genotype monc_rrmlg <- rraf(monpop, d = "rrmlg") # by round-robin multilocus genotype monc_m <- rraf(monpop, m = 0.5) # assume diploid (not true here, though) monc_e <- rraf(monpop, e = pi) # A ridiculous correction monc_e2 <- rraf(monpop, e = pi, d = "rrmlg", m = 0.5) # e overrides SER <- function(x) x$SER["SER.147"] SED <- function(x) x$SED["SED.187"] # Correction can be turned off and on monc_vec <- vapply(monc, sum, numeric(1)) monnc_vec <- vapply(monnc, sum, numeric(1)) expect_gt(sum(monc_vec), sum(monnc_vec)) expect_equivalent(sum(monnc_vec), nLoc(monpop)) # sum_to_one argument augments does what it says monc_sum2one <- vapply(monc_sto, sum, numeric(1)) expect_equal(sum(monc_sum2one), nLoc(monpop)) expect_true(all(monc_vec >= monc_sum2one)) # The default is 1/n expect_equivalent(SER(monc), 1/nInd(monpop)) expect_true(identical(SER(monc)[[1]], SED(monc)[[1]])) # The multiplier works expect_equivalent(SER(monc)/2, SER(monc_m)) # Works by MLG expect_equivalent(SER(monc_mlg), 1/nmll(monpop)) # Works by rrMLG expect_equivalent(SER(monc_rrmlg), monrrmlg["SER"]) # We would not expect cross-loci corrections to be equal expect_false(identical(SER(monc_rrmlg)[[1]], SED(monc_rrmlg)[[1]])) # Works by custom value expect_equivalent(SER(monc_e), pi) # Custom value overrides anything else expect_equivalent(SED(monc_e), SED(monc_e2)) }) test_that("rraf produces a data frame", { skip_on_cran() rrx_df <- rraf(x, res = "data.frame") expect_is(rrx_df, "data.frame") expect_equivalent(names(rrx_df), c("frequency", "locus", "allele")) # The length of the data should be equql expect_equal(nrow(rrx_df), sum(lengths(rrx_f))) # The content should be equal expect_equal(rrx_df$frequency, unlist(rrx_f, use.names = FALSE)) }) test_that("rraf calculates per population", { skip_on_cran() data(Pram) rrx_matrix <- rraf(Pram, by_pop = TRUE) nout <- numeric(ncol(tab(Pram))) exp_matrix <- t(vapply(seppop(Pram), rraf, nout, res = "vector")) expect_is(rrx_matrix, "matrix") expect_equivalent(dim(rrx_matrix), c(nPop(Pram), ncol(tab(Pram)))) expect_equivalent(rownames(rrx_matrix), popNames(Pram)) # The correction is 1/N per pop. PistolRSF_OR has a pop size of 4 expect_equivalent(rrx_matrix[nrow(rrx_matrix), ncol(rrx_matrix)], 1/4) expect_equal(rrx_matrix, exp_matrix) }) test_that("rraf calculates per population when supplied with a population factor", { skip_on_cran() data(Pram) rrx_matrix <- rraf(Pram, by_pop = TRUE, correction = FALSE) rr_pop_factor <- rraf(Pram, pop = as.character(pop(Pram)), correction = FALSE) rr_formula <- rraf(Pram, pop = ~SOURCE/STATE, correction = FALSE) expect_equivalent(rrx_matrix, rr_pop_factor) expect_equivalent(rrx_matrix, rr_formula) }) test_that("psex and pgen internals produce expected results", { skip_on_cran() # setup ------------------------------------------------------------------- # From Parks and Werth, 1993 x <- " Hk Lap Mdh2 Pgm1 Pgm2 X6Pgd2 54 12 12 12 23 22 11 36 22 22 11 22 33 11 10 23 22 11 33 13 13" xtab <- read.table(text = x, header = TRUE, row.names = 1) xgid <- df2genind(xtab[rep(rownames(xtab), as.integer(rownames(xtab))), ], ncode = 1) afreq <- c(Hk.1 = 0.167, Hk.2 = 0.795, Hk.3 = 0.038, Lap.1 = 0.190, Lap.2 = 0.798, Lap.3 = 0.012, Mdh2.0 = 0.011, Mdh2.1 = 0.967, Mdh2.2 = 0.022, Pgm1.2 = 0.279, Pgm1.3 = 0.529, Pgm1.4 = 0.162, Pgm1.5 = 0.029, Pgm2.1 = 0.128, Pgm2.2 = 0.385, Pgm2.3 = 0.487, X6Pgd2.1 = 0.526, X6Pgd2.2 = 0.051, X6Pgd2.3 = 0.423) freqs <- afreq[colnames(tab(xgid))] mfreq <- matrix(freqs, nrow = 1, dimnames = list(NULL, names(freqs))) pNotGen <- psex(xgid, by_pop = FALSE, freq = freqs, G = 45, method = "single") pGen <- exp(rowSums(pgen(xgid, by_pop = FALSE, freq = freqs))) pGenm <- exp(rowSums(pgen(xgid, by_pop = FALSE, freq = mfreq))) res <- matrix(c(unique(pGen), unique(pNotGen)), ncol = 2) expected_result <- structure(c(4.14726753733799e-05, 0.00192234266749449, 0.000558567714432373, 0.00186456862059092, 0.0829457730256321, 0.024829127718338), .Dim = c(3L,2L)) # tests ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Testing that pgen can take both a matrix and vector of af expect_equal(pGen, pGenm) expect_error(pgen(xgid, by_pop = FALSE, freq = mfreq[, -1, drop = FALSE]), "frequency matrix") expect_error(pgen(xgid, by_pop = FALSE, freq = mfreq[, -1, drop = TRUE]), "frequencies") # Testing single encounter expect_equivalent(res, expected_result) }) test_that("psex produces a vector", { skip_on_cran() data(Pram) psexpram <- psex(Pram) expect_is(psexpram, "numeric") expect_equal(length(psexpram), nInd(Pram)) }) test_that("psex can use the multiple method (not testing for accuracy)", { skip_on_cran() data(Pram) psexpram <- psex(Pram, method = "multiple") expect_is(psexpram, "numeric") expect_equal(length(psexpram), nInd(Pram)) }) test_that("psex can take population factors", { skip_on_cran() data(Pram) psexpram <- psex(Pram) psexpop <- psex(Pram, pop = as.character(pop(Pram))) psexform <- psex(Pram, pop = ~SOURCE/STATE) expect_equivalent(psexpram, psexpop) expect_equivalent(psexpram, psexform) }) test_that("pgen produces a matrix", { skip_on_cran() data(Pram) pgenlog <- pgen(Pram, by_pop = FALSE) expect_is(pgenlog, "matrix") expect_equivalent(exp(pgenlog), pgen(Pram, by_pop = FALSE, log = FALSE)) }) test_that("psex can take population factors", { skip_on_cran() data(Pram) pgenpram <- pgen(Pram) pgenpop <- pgen(Pram, pop = as.character(pop(Pram))) pgenform <- pgen(Pram, pop = ~SOURCE/STATE) expect_equivalent(pgenpram, pgenpop) expect_equivalent(pgenpram, pgenform) }) test_that("pgen and psex work for haploids", { skip_on_cran() data(monpop) expect_is(psex(monpop, by_pop = FALSE), "numeric") }) test_that("pgen can't work with polyploids", { skip_on_cran() data(Pinf) expect_error(pgen(Pinf)) }) test_that("psex is accurate", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_not_installed("RClone") # Setup # data("zostera", package = "RClone") rzos <- RClone::convert_GC(zostera[, -c(1:3)], num = 3) pzos <- as.genclone(df2genind(zostera[, -c(1:3)], ncode = 3, pop = zostera[, 1], strata = zostera[, 1, drop = FALSE])) extract_psex <- function(x){ as.numeric(x$psex) } # # Testing basic equality, no population rzpsex <- RClone::psex(rzos, RR = TRUE) %>% extract_psex %>% setNames(indNames(pzos)) pzpsex <- poppr::psex(pzos, by_pop = FALSE, method = "multiple") nas <- expect_equal(rzpsex[!nas], pzpsex[!nas]) # # Testing equality with population rzpsex <- RClone::psex(rzos, RR = TRUE, vecpop = pop(pzos)) %>% lapply(extract_psex) %>% unlist() %>% setNames(indNames(pzos)) gtab <- table(pop(pzos)) pzpsex <- poppr::psex(pzos, by_pop = TRUE, method = "multiple") pzpsex2 <- poppr::psex(pzos, by_pop = TRUE, G = gtab, method = "multiple") expect_error(poppr::psex(pzos, by_pop = TRUE, G = as.vector(gtab), method = "multiple")) nas <- expect_equal(rzpsex[!nas], pzpsex[!nas]) expect_equal(rzpsex[!nas], pzpsex2[!nas]) })