context("Errors and Exceptions") data("partial_clone", package = "poppr") reps <- rep(1, 10) test_that("bruvo.msn throws errors with incorrect add and loss arguments", { expect_error(bruvo.msn(partial_clone[1:10], replen = reps, add = "1", loss = TRUE)) expect_error(bruvo.msn(partial_clone[1:10], replen = reps, add = TRUE, loss = "TRUE")) expect_error(bruvo.msn(partial_clone[1:10], replen = reps, add = matrix(TRUE, 10, 10), loss = TRUE)) }) test_that("bruvo.dist throws an error when given non-microsatellite data", { data("Aeut", package = "poppr") data("H3N2", package = "adegenet") expect_error(bruvo.dist(Aeut)) expect_error(suppressWarnings(bruvo.dist(H3N2))) }) test_that("bruvo.dist estimates repeat length when replen is not present", { expect_warning(bruvo.dist(partial_clone), "c\\(3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 4, 2, 3, 1, 2\\)") }) test_that("poppr rejects genlight objects", { skip_on_cran() dat <- list(toto=c(1,1,0,0), titi=c(NA,1,1,0), tata=c(NA,0,3, NA)) x <- new("genlight", dat, parallel = FALSE) expect_error(poppr(x)) })