test_that("check_fsa_v_batch correctly identifies number of .fsa files", { file_path <- system.file("extdata", package = "pooledpeaks") output <- capture_messages(check_fsa_v_batch(file_path)) expect_true(any(grepl("-- Number of .fsa files found in batch:", output))) expect_true(any(grepl("12", output))) # Assuming there are 12 .fsa files in the test directory }) test_that("check_fsa_v_batch correctly identifies version of .fsa files", { file_path <- system.file("extdata", package = "pooledpeaks") output <- capture_messages(check_fsa_v_batch(file_path)) expect_true(any(grepl("-- Number of .fsa file formats present in batch:", output))) expect_true(any(grepl("v1.01, v3", output))) # Adjust the versions based on your test files }) test_that("check_fsa_v_batch correctly identifies batch names", { file_path <- system.file("extdata", package = "pooledpeaks") output <- capture_messages(check_fsa_v_batch(file_path)) expect_true(any(grepl("-- Batch names found in directory:", output))) expect_true(any(grepl("PXA2012-07-17, Kathleen_76 Samples_Frag_10-28-22", output))) # Adjust the batch names based on your test files }) test_that("fsa_metadata returns a data frame with correct columns", { file_path <- system.file("extdata", package = "pooledpeaks") metadata <- fsa_metadata(file_path) expected_columns <- c("file_name", "retrieved_sample_name", "batch_container_name", "fsa_version", "user", "run_start_date", "run_start_time", "machine_type", "machineN_serial") expect_true(all(expected_columns %in% colnames(metadata))) }) test_that("fsa_metadata correctly retrieves metadata", { file_path <- system.file("extdata", package = "pooledpeaks") metadata <- fsa_metadata(file_path) # Ensure that there are as many rows as .fsa files expect_equal(nrow(metadata), length(list.files(file_path, pattern = "\\.fsa$"))) # Example checks for specific metadata (adjust according to your test files) expect_true(all(metadata$fsa_version[1:6] == 1.01)) expect_true(all(metadata$fsa_version[7:12] == 3.00)) expect_true(all(metadata$batch_container_name[1:6] == "PXA2012-07-17")) expect_true(all(metadata$batch_container_name[7:12] == "Kathleen_76 Samples_Frag_10-28-22")) }) test_that("fsa_metadata handles empty directory correctly", { empty_dir <- tempdir() # Creating a temporary empty directory expect_error(metadata <- fsa_metadata(empty_dir)) })