test_that("can copy and collect", { pool <- local_db_pool() df <- tibble::tibble(x = 1:10, y = 1:10) db <- dplyr::copy_to( pool, df, temporary = FALSE, indexes = list(c("x", "y"), "y") ) expect_s3_class(dbplyr::remote_con(db), "Pool") expect_equal(dplyr::collect(db), df) # But copy_to must not be temporary expect_snapshot(dplyr::copy_to(pool, df), error = TRUE) db2 <- dplyr::auto_copy( db, tibble::tibble(x = 11), copy = TRUE, temporary = FALSE ) expect_s3_class(dbplyr::remote_con(db2), "Pool") }) test_that("can use one-table verbs", { pool <- local_db_pool() df <- tibble::tibble(letters = letters[1:3], x = 1:3, z = 3:1) db <- dplyr::copy_to(pool, df, temporary = FALSE) out <- df %>% dplyr::select(-z) %>% dplyr::filter(x < 2) %>% dplyr::group_by(letters) %>% dplyr::summarise(n = dplyr::n()) expect_equal(dplyr::collect(out), tibble::tibble(letters = "a", n = 1)) }) test_that("dplyr verbs throw error when `temporary = TRUE`", { pool <- local_db_pool() DBI::dbWriteTable(pool, "mtcars", mtcars) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { dplyr::copy_to(pool, data.frame(x = 1), "df") dplyr::compute(dplyr::tbl(pool, "mtcars")) }) }) test_that("joins, semi_joins, and set ops work", { pool <- local_db_pool() db1 <- dplyr::copy_to(pool, data.frame(x = 1), temporary = FALSE) db2 <- dplyr::copy_to(pool, data.frame(x = 2), temporary = FALSE) expect_no_error(dplyr::collect(dplyr::left_join(db1, db1, by = "x"))) expect_no_error(dplyr::collect(dplyr::semi_join(db1, db2, by = "x"))) expect_no_error(dplyr::collect(dplyr::union(db1, db2))) }) test_that("can explain", { pool <- local_db_pool() db <- dplyr::copy_to(pool, data.frame(x = 1), temporary = FALSE) expect_output(dplyr::explain(db)) }) test_that("can use schemas with pool", { pool <- local_db_pool() df <- tibble::tibble(x = 1:5) dplyr::copy_to(pool, df, dbplyr::in_schema("main", "df"), temporary = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE ) tbl <- dplyr::tbl(pool, dbplyr::in_schema("main", "df")) expect_equal(dplyr::collect(tbl), df) }) test_that("wrapper looks good", { # Skip in test coverage runs because covr instrumentation is injected # into function body skip_if_not(is.null(getOption("covr.flags"))) expect_snapshot({ dbplyr_wrap("db_collect") "with temporary argument" dbplyr_wrap("db_compute") }) })