library(polmineR) testthat::context("split") use("polmineR") test_that( "split up corpus", { x <- partition("GERMAPARLMINI", date = "2009-11-11", speaker = "Gerda Hasselfeldt") y <- split(x, gap = 500) expect_identical(is(y)[1], "partition_bundle") expect_identical(length(y), 15L) expect_identical(size(merge(y)), size(x)) y2 <- merge(y) expect_identical(as.integer(merge(y)@cpos), as.integer(x@cpos)) expect_identical(as.vector(merge(y)@cpos), as.vector(x@cpos)) # check that argument values works as intended speakers <- c("Volker Kauder", "Norbert Lammert", "Wolfgang Thierse") sb_speakers <- corpus("GERMAPARLMINI") %>% split(s_attribute = "speaker", values = speakers) expect_true(all(speakers %in% names(sb_speakers))) # the following tests require that GERMAPARL2MINI is available # It is wrapped into the GermaParl2 package, which can be installed as # follows: # install.packages( # pkgs = "GermaParl2", # contriburl = "", # type = "source" # ) skip_if_not(use("GermaParl2")) gparl2 <- corpus("GERMAPARL2MINI") n_sentences <- gparl2 %>% split(s_attribute = "p", values = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) %>% length() attr_size <- RcppCWB::cl_attribute_size( corpus = "GERMAPARL2MINI", attribute = "p", attribute_type = "s", registry = gparl2@registry_dir ) expect_identical(n_sentences, attr_size) } ) test_that( "different order, same result", { pp1 <- corpus("GERMAPARLMINI") %>% subset(protocol_date == "2009-11-10") %>% split(s_attribute = "speaker") pp2 <- corpus("GERMAPARLMINI") %>% subset(date == "2009-11-10") %>% split(s_attribute = "speaker") pp3 <- corpus("GERMAPARLMINI") %>% split(s_attribute = "speaker") %>% .[["Angela Dorothea Merkel"]] %>% subset(date == "2009-11-10") dimnames(pp3@cpos) <- NULL expect_identical( pp1[["Angela Dorothea Merkel"]]@cpos, pp2[["Angela Dorothea Merkel"]]@cpos ) expect_identical( pp1[["Angela Dorothea Merkel"]]@cpos, pp3@cpos ) skip_if_not(use("GermaParl2")) gparl2 <- corpus("GERMAPARL2MINI") renner <- gparl2 %>% subset(speaker_who == "Renner") n_subcorpora <- split(renner, s_attribute = "s", verbose = FALSE) |> length() n_sentences <- renner |> slot("cpos") %>% RcppCWB::ranges_to_cpos() %>% RcppCWB::cl_cpos2struc(corpus = "GERMAPARL2MINI", s_attribute = "s", cpos = ., registry = gparl2@registry_dir) %>% unique() %>% length() expect_identical(n_subcorpora, n_sentences) } )