library(polmineR) use("polmineR") use(pkg = "RcppCWB", corpus = "REUTERS") testthat::context("kwic") test_that( "kwic-method for corpus", { expect_equal( nrow(kwic("REUTERS", query = "oil", p_attribute = "word")@stat), 78L ) expect_equal( nrow(kwic("REUTERS", query = '"barrel.*"', p_attribute = "word")@stat), 26L ) expect_equal( kwic("REUTERS", query = "asdfasdf", p_attribute = "word"), NULL ) expect_equal( kwic("REUTERS", query = '"asdfasdfasdfasd.*"', cqp = TRUE), NULL ) } ) test_that( "kwic-method for partition", { P <- partition("REUTERS", places = "saudi-arabia", regex = TRUE) expect_equal( nrow(kwic(P, query = "oil", p_attribute = "word")@stat), 21L ) expect_equal( nrow(kwic(P, query = '"barrel.*"', cqp = TRUE, p_attribute = "word")@stat), 7L ) expect_equal( kwic(P, query = "asdfasdf", p_attribute = "word"), NULL ) expect_equal( kwic(P, query = '"asdfasdfasdfasd.*"', cqp = TRUE, p_attribute = "word"), NULL ) } ) test_that( "as.character-method for kwic objects", { oil <- corpus("REUTERS") %>% kwic(query = "oil") str <- as.character(oil, fmt = NULL) expect_equal(length(str), 78L) expect_equal(str[1], "its contract prices for crude oil by 1.50 dlrs a barrel") expect_equal( as.character(oil)[1], "its contract prices for crude oil by 1.50 dlrs a barrel" ) expect_equal( as.character(corpus("REUTERS") %>% kwic(query = "oil"), fmt = "%s")[1], "its contract prices for crude oil by 1.50 dlrs a barrel" ) } ) test_that( "indexing kwic objects", { k <- corpus("REUTERS") %>% kwic(query = "oil") k2 <- k[1:5] expect_identical(unique(k2@cpos[["match_id"]]), k2@stat[["match_id"]]) } ) test_that( "subsetting kwic objects", { oil <- corpus("REUTERS") %>% kwic(query = "oil") %>% subset(grepl("prices", right)) expect_identical(unique(oil@cpos[["match_id"]]), oil@stat[["match_id"]]) int_spd <- corpus("GERMAPARLMINI") %>% kwic(query = "Integration") %>% enrich(s_attribute = "party") %>% subset(grepl("SPD", party)) expect_identical(unique(int_spd@stat[["party"]]), "SPD") } ) test_that( " for kwic-method", { int <- corpus("GERMAPARLMINI") %>% kwic(query = "Integration") %>% enrich(s_attributes = c("date", "speaker", "party")) %>% expect_equal(int[[1]][1], "2009-10-27
Heinz Riesenhuber
NA") } ) test_that( "as.DocumentTermMatrix for kwic-class-object", { oil <- kwic("REUTERS", query = "oil") dtm <- as.DocumentTermMatrix(oil, p_attribute = "word") expect_equal( slam::col_sums(dtm)[["prices"]], nrow(oil@cpos[word == "prices" & direction != 0L]) ) } ) test_that( "kwic: NULL object if positivelist removes all matches", { k <- corpus("GERMAPARLMINI") %>% kwic(query = 'Integration', cqp = FALSE, positivelist = "Messer") expect_equal(is.null(k), TRUE) } ) test_that( "kwic: Apply kwic on partition_bundle", { sp <- corpus("GERMAPARLMINI") %>% subset(date == "2009-11-10") %>% split(s_attribute = "speaker") kwic_table <- kwic(sp, query = "Integration") %>% slot("stat") # The idea of the test is that the number of concordences per subcorpus # needs to be identical with the result of a count over the partition_bundle dt <- kwic_table[, .N, by = "subcorpus_name"] data.table::setorderv(dt, cols = "N", order = -1L) cnt <- count(sp, query = "Integration", s_attributes = "speaker", progress = FALSE) cnt <- cnt[TOTAL > 0L] setorderv(cnt, cols = "TOTAL", order = -1L) expect_equal(dt[["subcorpus_name"]], cnt[["partition"]]) expect_equal(dt[["N"]], cnt[["TOTAL"]]) } ) test_that( "check boundary arg for kwic,character()-method", { K <- kwic( "GERMAPARLMINI", query = '"Sehr" "geehrte"', cqp = TRUE, left = 100, right = 100, boundary = "date" ) for (i in c(1,3,4)){ expect_identical( K@cpos[match_id == i][["word"]][1:2], c("Sehr", "geehrte") ) } } ) test_that( "", { oil <- kwic("REUTERS", query = "oil", s_attributes = "id") %>% highlight(list(yellow = "prices")) %>% tooltips(tooltips = list(yellow = "alert")) expect_true("id" %in% colnames(oil@stat)) } )