library(polmineR) use(pkg = "RcppCWB", corpus = "REUTERS") testthat::context("hits") test_that( "hits method", { y <- hits("REUTERS", query = "oil") expect_equal([["count"]], count("REUTERS", query = "oil")[["count"]]) y <- hits("REUTERS", query = "oil", s_attribute = "places", freq = TRUE) expect_equal(y@stat[places == "argentina"][["count"]], 1L) p <- partition("REUTERS", places = "saudi-arabia", regex = TRUE) y <- hits(p, query = "oil") expect_equal([["count"]], count(p, query = "oil")[["count"]]) y <- hits(p, query = "oil", s_attribute = "id") expect_equal(y@stat[id == "242"][["count"]], count(partition("REUTERS", id = "242"), query = "oil")[["count"]]) } ) test_that( "hits for nested scenario", { skip_if_not(use("GermaParl2")) # we want to ensure that the order is independent from the order of # subsetting operations hits1 <- corpus("GERMAPARL2MINI") |> subset(p_type == "speech") %>% subset(speaker_party %in% c("CDU", "CSU", "SPD")) |> split(s_attribute = "speaker_party", verbose = FALSE) %>% hits(query = tm::stopwords("de")[1:10], cqp = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) %>% hits2 <- corpus("GERMAPARL2MINI") |> subset(speaker_party %in% c("CDU", "CSU", "SPD")) |> split(s_attribute = "speaker_party") %>% subset(p_type == "speech", verbose = FALSE) %>% hits(query = tm::stopwords("de")[1:10], cqp = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) %>% testthat::expect_identical(hits1, hits2) hits3 <- corpus("GERMAPARL2MINI") |> subset(speaker_party == "CDU") |> subset(p_type == "speech", verbose = FALSE) %>% hits(query = tm::stopwords("de")[1:10], cqp = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) %>% hits4 <- corpus("GERMAPARL2MINI") |> subset(p_type == "speech") %>% subset(speaker_party == "CDU") |> hits(query = tm::stopwords("de")[1:10], cqp = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) %>% testthat::expect_identical(hits3, hits4) testthat::expect_identical( hits2[partition == "CDU"][, c("query", "count")], hits3[count > 0][,c("query", "count")] ) } ) test_that( "test arg decode of hits()", { s_attrs <- c("id", "places", "language") corpus("REUTERS") %>% hits(query = "oil", s_attribute = s_attrs, decode = TRUE) %>% %>% .[, s_attrs, with = FALSE] %>% sapply(typeof) %>% unname() %>% unique() %>% expect_identical("character") corpus("REUTERS") %>% hits(query = "oil", s_attribute = s_attrs, decode = FALSE) %>% %>% .[, s_attrs, with = FALSE] %>% sapply(typeof) %>% unname() %>% unique() %>% expect_identical("integer") corpus("REUTERS") %>% hits(query = "oil", s_attribute = s_attrs, decode = c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE)) %>% %>% .[, s_attrs, with = FALSE] %>% sapply(typeof) %>% unname() %>% expect_identical(c("integer", "character", "character")) } )