library(polmineR) use("polmineR") use(pkg = "RcppCWB", corpus = "REUTERS") testthat::context("cooccurrences") test_that( "cooccurrences-method for corpus", { y <- cooccurrences("REUTERS", query = "oil", p_attribute = "word") expect_equal(subset(y, ![["word"]][1:4], c("prices", "crude", "industry", "recent")) y <- cooccurrences("REUTERS", query = '"barrel.*"', p_attribute = "word") expect_equal(subset(y, ![["word"]][1:5], c("dlrs", "mln", "a", "reserve", "brings")) # handle more than one p-attribute p_attrs <- c("word", "pos") dt <- corpus("GERMAPARLMINI") %>% cooccurrences(query = "Arbeit", p_attribute = p_attrs) %>% format() expect_true(all(p_attrs %in% colnames(dt))) expect_equal( cooccurrences("REUTERS", query = "asdfasdf", p_attribute = "word"), NULL ) expect_equal( cooccurrences("REUTERS", query = '"asdfasdfasdfasd.*"', cqp = TRUE), NULL ) } ) test_that( "cooccurrences-method for partition", { P <- partition("REUTERS", places = "saudi-arabia", regex = TRUE) y <- cooccurrences(P, query = "oil", p_attribute = "word") expect_equal(subset(y, ![["word"]][1:5], c("prices", "below", "its", "crude", "market")) y <- cooccurrences(P, query = '"barrel.*"', cqp = TRUE, p_attribute = "word") expect_equal(subset(y,[["word"]][1:5], c("10", "17.52", "18", "1986","3.5")) expect_equal( cooccurrences(P, query = "asdfasdf", p_attribute = "word"), NULL ) expect_equal( cooccurrences(P, query = '"asdfasdfasdfasd.*"', cqp = TRUE, p_attribute = "word"), NULL ) } ) test_that( "Check log-likelihood formula", { cooc <- cooccurrences("GERMAPARLMINI", query = "Integration") cooc_dt <- cooc@stat[!] data.table::setorderv(cooc_dt, cols = "ll", order = -1L) for (i in = 1L, to = 10L)){ o11 <- cooc_dt[["count_coi"]][i] o12 <- cooc_dt[["count_ref"]][i] o21 <- cooc@size_coi - o11 o22 <- cooc@size_ref - o12 N <- o21 + o22 + o11 + o12 e11 <- (o11 + o21) * ((o11 + o12) / N) e12 <- (o12 + o22) * ((o11 + o12) / N) e21 <- (o11 + o21) * ((o21 + o22) / N) e22 <- (o12 + o22) * ((o21 + o22) / N) ll <- 2 * (o11*log(o11/e11) + o12*log(o12/e12) + o21*log(o21/e21) + o22*log(o22/e22) ) expect_identical(round(cooc_dt[["ll"]][i], 3), round(ll, 3)) } } ) test_that( "Identity of cooccurrences and Cooccurrences", { testthat::skip_on_cran() rm <- noise( terms("REUTERS", p_attribute = "word"), specialChars = NULL, minNchar = 2L, stopwordsLanguage = "en" ) stopwords <- unname(unlist(rm)) r <- Cooccurrences("REUTERS", p_attribute = "word", left = 5L, right = 5L, stoplist = stopwords) stm <- as.simple_triplet_matrix(r) decode(r) spm <- as.sparseMatrix(r) coocs <- list( c("oil", "prices"), c("Saudi", "Arabia"), c("Sheikh", "Ali"), c("barrel", "dlrs") ) lapply( coocs, function(tokens){ a2b <- as.integer(as.matrix(stm[tokens[1], tokens[2]])) b2a <- as.integer(as.matrix(stm[tokens[2], tokens[1]])) expect_equal(a2b, b2a) expect_equal(spm[tokens[1], tokens[2]], spm[tokens[2], tokens[1]]) a2b_cqp <- count("REUTERS", sprintf('"%s" []{0,4} "%s"', tokens[1], tokens[2]), cqp = TRUE) b2a_cqp <- count("REUTERS", sprintf('"%s" []{0,4} "%s"', tokens[2], tokens[1]), cqp = TRUE) expect_equal(a2b_cqp[["count"]] + b2a_cqp[["count"]], a2b) expect_equal(a2b_cqp[["count"]] + b2a_cqp[["count"]], spm[tokens[1], tokens[2]]) expect_equal( a2b, cooccurrences("REUTERS", query = tokens[1])@stat[word == tokens[2]][["count_coi"]] ) NULL }) ll(r) decode(r) a <-, query = "oil")) a <- a[!][!is.nan(ll)] b <-"REUTERS", query = "oil"))[!word %in% stopwords] b <- b[!][!is.nan(ll)] library(data.table) setkeyv(a, cols = "word") setkeyv(b, cols = "word") m <- a[b] expect_equal(m[["count_coi"]], m[["i.count_coi"]]) expect_equal(m[["obs_ref"]], m[["i.count_ref"]]) expect_equal(m[["exp_coi"]], m[["i.exp_coi"]]) expect_equal(m[["exp_ref"]], m[["i.exp_ref"]]) expect_equal(m[["ll"]], m[["i.ll"]]) expect_equal(a[["word"]][1:14], b[["word"]][1:14]) } ) test_that( "Cooccurences-method for subcorpus and partition objects", { testthat::skip_on_cran() merkel <- partition( "GERMAPARLMINI", speaker = "Merkel", date = "2009-11-10", interjection = "speech", regex = TRUE ) merkel_cooc <- Cooccurrences( merkel, p_attribute = c("word", "pos"), left = 3L, right = 3L, verbose = TRUE ) ll(merkel_cooc) decode(merkel_cooc) expect_identical( unique(merkel_cooc@stat[a_word == "und"][["a_count"]]), count(merkel, "und")[["count"]] ) ####### merkel_sc <- corpus("GERMAPARLMINI") %>% subset(date == "2009-11-10") %>% subset(grep("Merkel", speaker)) %>% subset(interjection == "speech") merkel_cooc_sc <- Cooccurrences( merkel_sc, p_attribute = c("word", "pos"), left = 3L, right = 3L, verbose = TRUE ) ll(merkel_cooc_sc) decode(merkel_cooc_sc) expect_identical( unique(merkel_cooc_sc@stat[a_word == "und"][["a_count"]]), count(merkel_sc, "und", verbose = FALSE)[["count"]] ) expect_identical(merkel_cooc@stat, merkel_cooc_sc@stat) } )