test_that("Stencil contains unique values", { expect_error(solveVandermonde(s = c(1, 1, 2), b = 1:3), "must be unique") }) test_that("Stencil and coefficients are the same length", { expect_error(solveVandermonde(s = 0:1, b = 1:3), "must be of the same length") }) test_that("Unsorted stencil are bad", { expect_warning(solveVandermonde(s = c(0, 1, -2), b = c(0, 0, 1)), "unsorted") }) test_that("Vandermonde system for positive stencils", { s <- 0:5 b <- (s == 4) * 24 result <- solveVandermonde(s, b) expect_type(result, "double") expect_length(result, length(s)) })