context("device serializer") test_that("graphics device promise domains must have a device", { expect_error( # send in a value that is returned for a null device createGraphicsDevicePromiseDomain(which = c(`null device` = 1L)), "was called without opening a device" ) }) test_that("you should not call `dev_set()` with a null device", { expect_warning( # send in a value that is returned for a null device dev_set(c(`null device` = 1L)), "null device" ) }) # Only test on CI skip_on_cran() expect_device_output <- function(name, content_type, capability_type = name) { if (!is.null(capability_type)) { if (!capabilities(capability_type)) { testthat::skip(paste0("Graphics device type not supported: ", name)) } } ep <- NULL pr <- pr() evaluateBlock( srcref = 3, # which evaluates to line 2 file = c("#' @get /test", paste0("#' @serializer ", name, " list()")), expr = function() { plot(1:10) }, envir = new.env(parent=globalenv()), addEndpoint = function(a, b, ...) { pr$handle(endpoint = a) }, addFilter = as.null, pr = pr ) ret <- pr$call(make_req("GET", "/test")) expect_equal(ret$status, 200) expect_equal(ret$headers$`Content-Type`, content_type) expect_true(is.raw(ret$body)) expect_gt(length(ret$body), 1000) } test_that("jpeg produces an image", { expect_device_output("jpeg", "image/jpeg") }) test_that("png produces an image", { expect_device_output("png", "image/png") }) test_that("svg produces an image", { expect_device_output("svg", "image/svg+xml", "cairo") }) test_that("bmp produces an image", { expect_device_output("bmp", "image/bmp", "cairo") }) test_that("tiff produces an image", { expect_device_output("tiff", "image/tiff") }) test_that("pdf produces an image", { expect_device_output("pdf", "application/pdf", NULL) }) test_that("agg_png produces an image", { expect_device_output("agg_png", "image/png", NULL) }) test_that("agg_jpeg produces an image", { expect_device_output("agg_jpeg", "image/jpeg", NULL) }) test_that("agg_tiff produces an image", { expect_device_output("agg_tiff", "image/tiff", NULL) }) test_that("svglite produces an image", { expect_device_output("svglite", "image/svg+xml", NULL) }) context("plumb() device serializer") test_device <- local({ r <- pr(test_path("files/device.R")) function(name, content_type, capability_type = name, test_little = TRUE) { if (!capabilities(capability_type)) { testthat::skip("Graphics type not supported: ", name) } resp <- r$serve(make_req("GET", paste0("/", name)), PlumberResponse$new()) expect_equal(resp$status, 200) expect_equal(resp$headers$`Content-Type`, content_type) fullsize <- length(resp$body) expect_gt(fullsize, 1000) # This changes based on R ver/OS, may not be useful. if (!isTRUE(test_little)) { # do not test the smaller device route return() } resp <- r$serve(make_req("GET", paste0("/little", name)), PlumberResponse$new()) expect_equal(resp$status, 200) expect_equal(resp$headers$`Content-Type`, content_type) expect_gt(length(resp$body), 100) # This changes based on R ver/OS, may not be useful. expect_lt(length(resp$body), fullsize) # Should be smaller than the full one } }) test_that("png are properly rendered", { test_device("png", "image/png") }) test_that("jpeg are properly rendered", { test_device("jpeg", "image/jpeg") }) test_that("svg are properly rendered", { test_device("svg", "image/svg+xml", capability_type = "cairo", test_little = FALSE) })